
Maintaining same piece of code in multiple files

I have an unusual environment in a project where I have many files that are each independent standalone scripts. All of the code required by the script must be in the one file and I can't reference outside files with includes etc. There is a common function in all of these files that does authorization that is the last function in each ...

How can I remotely execute a commands on a Windows box as part of a build process?

How can I remotely execute a commands on a Windows box as part of a build process? If it matters, I want to initiate the commands from a linux machine which is performing the actual build. To give some background... A web application I am currently working on has, as part of the build process, a system for automatically reverting a li...

Setting up dedicated build PC - suggestions needed

Hello, we are thinking about buying and setting up a new PC to use as a nightly build PC. We are planning to install Visual C++ 2005/2008, SVN etc. However we need to compile our app: for 32 and 64 bit on 2 different linux distros so we think we can setup a Windows Xp/7 and use VMWare to run linuxes. But how to build for 32 and 64 ...

Build automation by using platform specific project files or by using project generators?

There are some build systems that are able to generate platform specific project files like Visual Studio sln,vcproj,vcxproj files or XCode xcodeproj projects under OS X. One of them is CMake but I found out that the support for this is quite limited, buggy and that is very hard to keep it updated with newer versions (like VS 2010). A...

Organizing Java projects

Hello, I'm a junior developer and recently started working for a very small office where they do a lot of in-house development. I have never worked in a project that involved more than one developer or were as big and complex as these ones. The problem is that they don't use all the tools available (version control, automated building,...

Is there a way to register a dll on a server as part of a build?

I'm trying to build our web application automatically. I need to be able to copy the VB6 DLL's to a server and register them since the webapp is using them as a backend. I can't seem to find a way to register them from another machine. I can't use rsh because it isn't allowed on this server. ...

Is it possible to specify specific flags/define for DLL/SO build?

Hello, How can I specify some unique flags for DLL only builds. By default libtool adds -DDLL_EXPORT which is fine for most projects that follow GNU conventions, but if I work, for example, with Boost I may need to specify for my library flags: -DDLL_EXPORT -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK for DLL only builds, also sometimes I want conditional buil...

Searching for an Program that controls other Programs

Hello, I'm using ubuntu (and WindowsXP as Virtual mashine on it). I need an automatic process: I want my computer to do every hour a SVN Update and after that my Visual Studio 2008 should open the Projekt.sln File and run the Compilation Process (It's a Windows Program I want to compile, that's why I have to use Windows). For the Compila...

Is my release script worth it?

I've got a lot small projects (at home as well as at work). I'm writing a script to automate releases. I'm doing it in my free time to learn Python. Actually it does a pretty easy job: For each given project: Export a svn repository folder Create an archive (tar.gz, zip, etc) with it Upload it on a public ftp server It can handle t...

Publish an web application on build with NAnt, MSBuild or any other tool

I have a scenario where I have to setup a test environment where I want to be able to tell my NAnt or other build tool to make an new IIS web application, put the latest bins in the newly created IIS web application, and post me an email where the new address and port where the new application are addressed, is this possible and how? whi...

How do I count the number of git commits affecting a given subtree?

My version number looks like 0.1.3 and has two components: 0.1 (the tag) 3 (commits after tag) All this information easy to obtain from git describe --tags. For version 0.1.3 git describe may look like 0.1-3-g53d4dec All of this works fine, but I'm looking for the number of commits affecting only a given subtree, not the whole r...

Fuzzy/approximate checking of solutions from algorithms

We have people who run code for simulations, testing etc. on some supercomputers that we have. What would be nice is, if as part of a build process we can check that not only that the code compiles but that the ouput matches some pattern which will indicate we are getting meaningful results. i.e. the researcher may know that the value o...

WiX undefined preprocessor variable

I'm starting to use WiX in order to do automated builds to create msi's of my c# projects and am experiencing the error "Undefined preprocessor variable '$(var.MyProject.TargetDir)'" I am using the latest WiX v3.0.5419. Inside my wxs file I am trying to use pre-processor variables that are listed on this webpage (

Infragistics components on build server

I have "inherited" a new (old?) Winforms project and would like to put it onto our build server (Bamboo). That build server has only the absolute minimum (.NET 3.5 and not much more) installed, and we'd like to keep it that way. As a first step, I extracted all the assembly files (*.dll) for the Infragistics components into a separate d...

Generate csharp project using CMake

I'm trying to generate c# project within an existing c++ CMake code base on Windows. After some search I could find just two projects that built their own csharp compilers for cmake: gdcm and kde. I tried both of them and unfortunately the first one failed to generate a c# project, instead it created vs c++ project with cs files in it....

How to Recursively Delete wildcard files in TFS Build?

I want to recursively delete files that match a certain pattern as part of my post-build cleanup routines in TFS Build. I've tried this... <Delete Files="T:\DeploymentDir\**\A*" /> No errors in the build, but it doesn't work. ...

How to get maven gwt 2.0 build working

EDIT: Added some of the output of the mvn -X -e commands at the end My company is developing a GWT application. We've been using maven 2 and GWT 1.7 successfully for quite a while. We recently decided to upgrade to GWT 2.0. We've already updated the eclipse project and we are able to successfully run the application in dev-mode. We ar...

Batch Build open-source tools for VS 2008

In our project, we have about 70 C# Projects. We need to deploy the components to development server. I'm wondering if there is any standalone tool which aids this process, rather than building each project one by one, or creating a VS Solution containing all the projects. What I'm picturing is a simple application where I enter the .cs...

TFS: cannot set up new build

Hi, I have set up TFS Build Service on one machine in the network. Now I want to create a build. When logging to Team Explorer (under my personal TFS account) I see a Build subfolder in my project folder. However there is a small red cross icon Does it have to do with my account rights? I belong to Contributors group. How can I creat...

How can I have teamcity run a .bat file on each successful build?

I have a teamcity (4.something) install that creates .wsp file for deployment to sharepoint. Currently I have to copy the wsp out of the build artifacts directory and into a little deploy folder I have created. In the folder I run a .bat that deploys the new .wsp to our test server. What steps can I take to automate this? Either copy th...