
MSBuild appending data to configuration string

Hi, I am getting strange behavior from MSBuild. I use the command: msbuild.exe /p:Configuration="Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)" "MySolution.sln" && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%% And it gives me the error: MySolution.sln : error MSB4126: The specified solution configuration "Release|Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (...

What is a good build automation and deployment process for use with

I’m looking for some recommendations to do project building and deployment automatically. Our current development setup uses ASP.NET, SVN, CCNET and an MSBuild script for the dev server build. I was thinking of switching over to Cruise instead of CCNET though I’m not sure if that gives me anything extra that I don’t have already. What ...

Are there ruby gems out there with SCons type features?

For kicks, I'm setting up the build process of my C++ program using rake. I'd rather not reinvent the wheel, however. Are there any ruby gems that have build features similar to the cool ones in SCons (e.g., C++ dependency detection, md5 difference detection, cross-platform pathing, multi-threading, etc.)? ...

Delphi Build Automation and Continuous Integration feasible using MS Build only?

I am looking to implement a tinderbox, (a build server that does clean version control check-outs and full system builds of everything in a given source repository or project), and something like "continuous integration" for small teams, with Delphi. I am loathe to commit to a commercial "build server" product and am hoping I can do a l...

is there a cruise control style 'green light' taskbar monitor for tfs?

Hi, We used to have Cruise Control and have recently moved to TFS - I miss the green light letting me know everything was fine! I just missed a build failed email and got latest :( Is there a green light task bar app for TFS? I googled it but just found some USB light one - which does look good, but the lights are pricey. Cheers, A...

What is the best practice for 3.5 build management for fast-changing line of business apps

I work with two other developers for a medium-sized company writing internal applications in We have about 10 discrete web applications, about 5 class libraries, and probably two dozen assorted command line and WinForms apps. Management expects us to be able to roll out an application multiple times per day, as required by the...

Name of Provisioning Profile used to sign an iPhone app?

I wrote a script that uses xcodebuild to generate an AdHoc build of an iPhone application. I would like to edit this script to output the name of the Provisioning Profile used to sign the build. This would allow me to include the Provisioning Profile in the zip that is automatically generated. This way, I could automatically send the ar...

Why should my development team have a build server?

We know this is good to have, but I find myself justifying it to my employer. Please pitch in on why a development team needs a build server. ...

ocamlbuild; building toplevel

Having successfully reorganized my project for ocamlbuild with subdirectories and using ocamlfind, I've found it difficult to build the top-level. I've constructed a .mltop file containing all the modules that would be included and added the packages to the _tags, but the build doesn't work. It cannot find the C functions that are compi...

Regression Tests Through Gated Check-ins

Do we think gated check-ins + automated builds + unit tests are able to provide sufficient confidence in changes to shared assembly code to make deployment in the GAC an attractive option? Does anybody have any real life setups that provide this level of confidence? Follows on from this question: Revisiting GAC Installations Thanks, D...

WPF Architecture & Creating Unique Builds

I haven't figured out the correct programming architecture for: -WPF Application -Each build will be unique for each customer -There will be unique variables for each customer in both code and the app.config file -Ideally, there will also be unique deployment URLs for each customer What is the best way to build the project file given th...

simulate offline for automated build and unit testing (linux)

In my opinion, once a working copy is checked out, the automated build & test should not need a network connection to do its job. During development, a dependency on network services may sneak in - a unit test tries to call a webservice - an xml library tries to download a DTD. I'm trying to avoid this because it makes the build fragile...

How can I execute an ant task more than once?

Imagine this as the code from build.xml: <project name="test project"> <target name="first"> <echo>first</echo> </target> <target name="second" depends="first"> <echo>second</echo> </target> <target name="third" depends="first,second"> <echo>third</echo> </target> </project> What do I ne...

Website Build and Release Strategy

We have an ASP.Net MVC solution built in VS2008 and TFS2008. We use TFS Build and use Continuous Integration. We have a deployment pipeline that enables us to progress a build, eventually, to our live site... Internal Dev (immediate deployment following a build) External Dev (used by internal testers to make sure it works on the produ...

.Net/C# Build Tool - Is NAnt a preferred tool?

I'm about to set up an automatic build of a .net/C# project. I've searched the net quite a bit, and there are a lot of references to this tool called 'NAnt'. My questions are: Is NAnt considered a good tool for this, is it still used? Are there other toos that are the de facto standard for such a task? From the information on the ...

Hudson Notifier?

Is their any notifier which let's you add specific build in the notifier. Right now i am using Hudson Tacker ( which works fine but it only let's me add one build or all the builds. I didn't see any notifiers in which might have this functi...

Automated generation of the "What's new in this version" reading

We all know it - this is the reading that lists the changes brought by each new version of our favorite software. Whenever it comes bundled as a file (Changes.txt, CHANGES, WhatsNew.txt, etc) or is presented within an installer this is usually the first thing we read before installing/updating. On a current project we have a Changelog.t...

How can I add one Target (Foundation Tool) to Copy Bundle Resources of another Target in Xcode

Hy everybody, I have two targets in one Project in Xcode. One is a foundation tool which I need in the resources Bin of the other Target, which is a Bundle App. I am not able to add the Target one into the Copy Bundle Resources Build Phase of the Bundle App. Do I need to use a Copy Files Build phase and put the File out of the build/Re...

Plugin to commit hudson build artifact

Hi All, Are there any plugins available which will commit the build artifact back to SVN? Thanks, Rahul ...

Thoughts on moving to Maven in an enterprise environment

I'm interested in hearing from those who either A) use Maven in an enterprise environment or B) tried to use Maven in an enterprise environment. I work for a large company that is contemplating bringing in Maven into our environment. Currently we use OpenMake to build/merge and home-grown software to deploy code to 100+ servers running...