
Deploy/run database changes before automatic build

I am using SQL Server and Visual studio. I have an automatic build via CCNET. When I commit my code in SVN the automatic build runs and all unit tests runs with mocked/stubbed data. The only thing that not goes automatic now is running the database changes/scripts, I do that by hand. Anybody got tips how this can be autometed? ...

Making Hudson job depend on another job

I have two Hudson jobs: Upload Launch-instance I want to make Launch-instance dependent on the other one, so that triggering Launch-instance automatically causes Upload to be run first. Can I achieve this using Hudson's built-in features or with a plugin? Note that I do not want Upload to always trigger Launch-instance, which is wh...

Build Procedure

Hi all, My company is putting auto build and deploy procedure in place. What we are doing now is checking out source code from svn and specify the source folder in Ant script. Is it the right way? Can we omit the exporting process and build directly from SVN? Another question is to do with versioning. At the moment, we are creating a t...

invalid option: --autospec

/usr/local/bin/ruby -rrubygems -e "require 'redgreen'" /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rspec-1.3.0/bin/spec --autospec <files_here> -O spec/spec.opts invalid option: --autospec Test::Unit automatic runner. Usage: -e [options] [-- untouched arguments] which spec says "/usr/local/bin/spec" which autospec says "/usr/local/bin/autospec"...

MSBuild 4 fails to build VS2008 csproj due to 1 compiler warning

We have a VS2008 CS DLL project targeting .NET 3.5. It builds successfully on our CI server when using MSBuild 3.5. When CI is upgraded to use MSBuild 4.0, the same project fails to build, due to 1 warning message: c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Microsoft.Common.targets(1418,9): warning MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper ass...

How to make System command calls in Java/Groovy?

What I want to do is invoke maven from a groovy script. The groovy script in question is used as a maven wrapper to build J2EE projects by downloading a tag and invoking maven on what was downloaded. How should I accomplish invoking maven to build/package the EAR (the groovy script is already capable of downloading the tag from SCM). ...

Incremental build with continuous integration server

Does any of the continuous integration servers support incremental builds or filtering mechanism? For example, I want to configure some kind of filtering (as I call it) so that committing file to the specific folder will not cause full (clean) build triggering, but will cause only incremental build. By 'incremental build' I mean process ...

Cannot compile .NET CF project containing Design time attributes without Visual Studio?

I'm working on a .NET Compact Framework 3.5 app. I have an automated build machine that does not have Visual Studio installed, and all has been fine. I'm trying to a a new solution containing control projects that have DesignTimeAttributes.xmta files. MsBuild on the build machine is failing with cannot find file, C:\Program Files\Micr...

Resources for Customizing TFS Build 2010

I am looking to create a way to build my Legacy Delphi 5 and 6 apps via TFS Build (using TFS 2010). I was fairly dangerous with the MSBuild way of doing things and I think I can still do that, but I would like to get into the Work Flow way of doing it. Are there any resources out there that discuss customizing a TFS Build via Windows W...

Continous Build Integration with SourceSafe and Batch Files

I want to create a continuous build integration system for .NET using just Windows batch files and Visual Source Safe. I've come up with the following batch file so far - set ssdir=\\xxxx\vss cd d:\mydir "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe\ss.exe" diff "$/sourcedir" -R -Q > diffout.txt This will spit out a file containg l...

What's the best building tool for java besides ant?

Somehow I don't like IDE very much, but I don't find a particular good tool to build java applications from source yet. I welcome all kinds of feedbacks! ...

How to automize multiple projects build process by including digital signature of exe in Delphi?

After building a project group of 2 projects with Delphi (2009) I digitally sign the 2 exes using InstallAware Code signing, an exe that shipped with Delphi 2009. How is it possible to automize the digital signature, so when I build I can also attach digital signature. For digital signing I use a pvk (private key) file and an spc (Sw ...

Using system properties in the paths to artefacts in TeamCity

Hi, I am trying to set up artefact paths as part of my build in teamcity, but some of them depend on the local system properties (on the build agent). I get the following error: Parameter 'artefacts.paths=%temp%/sth.out %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\sthElse.log,teamcity-info.xml' is not fully resolved, using as is. An...

Java code to convert a list of dependencies into a build order?

Given I have a list of dependencies available as bits in external files. These will be aggregated into a list like: module1 module2 dependsOn module1 module3 dependsOn module1 module4 dependsOn module3 I would like to create a build order where each build step is found on one line, and each line contains a list of one or more modules ...

How to specify prerequisite jobs in Hudson

I have a Hudson job that just does a check-out/update to a third-party library. Call this Job A. Several other jobs depend on this library. Call them Jobs B and C. They use the stuff checked out by Job A, and need it to be up-to-date. My question is, how can I require Jobs B and C to always run Job A (to update the library) before th...

VSTSDB Continuous Integration Best Practice: Installing our integration test SQL Server on the same box as TFS Build Agent?

We are beginning to use Visual Studio Database Edition 2010 (VSTSDB) for our continuous integration. In short I have our nightly build creating the Deploy SQL and then running the script on a SQL Server. I will eventually have integration unit tests run on the newly created database(s) after the build is dropped and database is created. ...

Managing Data Dependecies of Java Classes that Load Data from the Classpath at Runtime

What is the simplest way to manage dependencies of Java classes to data files present in the classpath? More specifically: How should data dependencies be annotated? Perhaps using Java annotations (e.g., @Data)? Or rather some build entries in a build script or a properties file? Is there build tool that integrates and evaluates such in...

Does Ivy's url resolver support transitive retrieval?

For some reason I can't seem to resolve the dependencies of my dependencies when using a url resolver to specify a repository's location. However, when using the ibiblio resolver, I am able to retrieve them. For example: <!-- Ivy File --> <ivy-module version="1.0"> <info organisation="org.apache" module="chained-resolvers"/> <dependen...

Suitable ESXi Spec

Finally I have some money to buy a new server and replace the one I have been using for 10 years. Im thinking of running ESXi on the new server. And intend to use it as follows; One W2008 R2 Guest running Exchange, File store, SVN and an accounting application for day to day running of the company. Multiple Guest VMs W2K, XP, Vista ...

TFS 2010 Custom Build Activity TF215097 error

Hello, For the Build Process in TFS 2010 I've created a library containing some custom code activities. In the past it all worked fine by adding the library (*.dll) to Source Control and setting the 'Build Controller - Version Control Path to Custom Assemblies' to the path where the library could be found in Source Control. But since ...