
Automated builds of BizTalk 2009 projects using Team System 2008 Build

I'm trying to configure automated build of BizTalk 2009 projects using Team Foundation Server 2008. We have a staging server which has BizTalk 2009 installed. I ran the Team Foundation Server Build Setup on this server, and it can build non-BizTalk projects OK. However, BizTalk projects fail to build. I suspected something was amiss whe...

Can I have one makefile to build a hierarchical project?

I have several hundred files in a non-flat directory structure. My Makefile lists each sourcefile, which, given the size of the project and the fact that there are multiple developers on the project, can create annoyances when we forget to put a new one in or take out the old ones. I'd like to generalize my Makefile so that make can simp...

Debugging tools for msbuild build project

Do they exist or I need to read billions of lines of /verbosity:diag parameter lines? Maybe you have other solutions? ...

Hudson build on URL token

I configured a hudson instance and have created jobs. While creating builds, I was able to see this option "Trigger the build by accessing this URL + SecretTOKEN" option. Now, I am unable to see that for any new jobs I create. Am I missing some setting or a configuration? The only change I made was running the servlet container from Root...

Javascript Buildmanagement - "Must have" tools?

Are there any must have tools for Java Script (RIA) development like maven, jUnit, Emma, link4j etc. for Javascript? What is the best way to set up a continous integration system for a bigger application or framework? How do projects like jQuery test their code? How to manage dependencies and different project configurations? tools i kn...

Cruise Control Force a Build through Command Line Call

Is there a way to force a build in cruise control from command line or from another build running on a remote machine ? Kindly help .... ...

Integrate StyleCop in NAnt buildscript

Is there a way to integrate StyleCop in a NAnt script such that the build fails if there are too many style violations? There doesn't seem to be a NAnt task for StyleCop, but we've found StyleCopCmd. However this only seems to generate an XML file as output that we'd have to parse. Is there some easier solution? ...

Maven multi-module project with many reports: looking for an example

Is there an open source project that can serve as a good example on how to use the maven site plugin to generate reports? I would prefer it to consist of many modules, possibly hierarchically structured use as many plugins as possible (surefire, jxr, pmd, findbugs, javadoc, checkstyle, you name it) the reports should be aggregated: if ...

Any tool to make git build every commit to a branch in a seperate repository?

A git tool that meets the specs below is needed. Does one already exists? If not, I will create a script and make it available on GitHub for others to use or contribute. Is there a completely different and better way to solve the need to build/test every commit to a branch in a git repository? Not just to the latest but each one back to ...

Why does PowerShell fail to build my .net solutions? ("file is being used by another process")

I've written a PowerShell script to build several .net solutions one after the other. It simply makes several calls to tfget (to get latest) followed by devenv.exe (to build the .sln files). Here's the code: tfget -item $SolutionPath -overwrite -recurse -ev +errors ... $out = invoke-expression " /rebuild debug $SolutionPath" ...

Does Serena Dimensions have support for Maven Plugins or Ant Tasks?

There is a lot of contradicting statements regarding whether ANT or Maven support Dimensions (NOT PVCS). Does anyone with real hands on experience know if there exists a reliable, production grade/ready plugin or task for Dimensions? I basically just need to be able to use Maven (preferably) or Ant to grab some revision in Dimensions and...

Install multiple iPhone apps at once from Xcode to device

Supposing we have an Xcode iPhone project with 2 targets, is it possible to build and install both of them on the device with one click? Of course, I understand we will not be able to "build and run" both, but can we at least install them? And to extend this concept a bit a bit: are there any scripts to achieve the same thing but with m...

How to not increment the build.number in Ant?

I have many targets in my build.xml for Ant. Generally I am running two via a shell script, one to construct the application and one for cleaning up. The shell script checks the exit status of the construction to see if it should clean up or leave the clutter behind so I can determine what went wrong and fix it. So went all is going w...

How do you automate building notes NTF files from lotus scriot files (lss) file?

What's the right way to automate a lotus notes build process? I'm working with some folks who are using domino designer to build an NTF from lss files. I'd like to automate this process and get my hudson continuous integration server to build it without ruining the user experience for the developers. Is there a standard way to scrip...

Advantages of a build server?

I am attempting to convince my colleagues to start using a build server and automated building for our Silverlight application. I have justified it on the grounds that we will catch integration errors more quickly, and will also always have a working dev copy of the system with the latest changes. But some still don't get it. What are ...

Can I automate the finding of -l parameter I use when linking based on header files (gcc)?

Normally when linking against a static library, I have to specify a library directory and the name of a (or its symbolic link) as -lX flag for linking [and its directory with -L flag]. Can I automate this based on my header files (in c/c++) only? Or maybe it is not a good idea? Is there a software for locating the -L and -l par...

How to exclude a folder in svn checkout in maven?

Im using maven to checkout some projects. I don't want maven to checkout a folder. But it seems to ignore the excludes tag in configuration. This is the svn structure: trunk/ |-- folder_to_include `-- folder_to_ignore And here it goes a sample of the pom.xml: <execution> <id>checkout_application</id> <configuration>...

How to automate BlackBerry debugging with Eclipse?

I am developing application for BlackBerry 8900 and I am using features that force me to test/debug it on the real device. I am looking for a convenient way to be able to automate build-deploy-lanuch process. The process is: Package application & sign it Load it on the device Start debugging session in Eclipse With the newest versi...

What are the most common and widely used plugins for Hudson, specially for Continuous Integration of ASP.NET Web Apps?

I searched around stackoverflow and could not find any relevant questions. ...

Reliable portability for C code without relying on the preprocessor

Relying on the preprocessor and predefined compiler macros for achieving portability seems hard to manage. What's a better way to achieve portability for a C project? I want to put environment-specific code in headers that behave the same way. Is there a way to have the build environment choose which headers to include? I was thinking t...