
How to run a script after Xcode runs codesign on my iPhone app?

Hi there, I've got a script written which does some steps to package my build for an Ad Hoc distribution. My first guess was to use a run script phase in my Ad Hoc target. But it looks like codesigning is fixed at the last position in the chain of building iPhone apps. Somebody has a clue how can I run my script at the very last possib...

phing : sending the full log by email ?

Hi, I'm using phing for some automatic-building process on a project, and was wondering : how can I get the full log by email ? When I launch phing by the command-line, the building-log is displayed ; I would like it : sent by e-mail, to several recipients, whether the build succeeded or failed ideally : with a subject for the mail ...

How to make MSBuild to automatically copy all indirect references to output (bin) folder

Subj. "Automatically" is essential here. References from GAC must not be copied. I've seen e.g. VS2008.NET: Getting a referenced project’s dependencies to copy to main project’s bin folder, and this isn't interesting for me. I'd like all the dependencies get copied automatically. ...

Anything better than CruiseControl for .Net CI?

I've been asked to set up yet another CruiceControl environment for yet another client. I realized that I've been using CC for years without really looking around for competitors. Is there anything else that's sprung up that does the job equally well or better for .Net apps? ...

Automated Builds of Windows CE Applications

Hi, I am trying to setup an automated build of my Windows CE application. However, we are evolving our Platform at the same time as our application (adding extension cards, new services, etc). I want to be able to associate my application build with a version of the SDK and either have multiple versions of the SDK installed (less prefer...

Makefile and .Mak File + CodeBlocks and VStudio

Hey guys, I am a little new to the whole makefile concept so I have some questions regarding it. I am creating a project using CodeBlocks in linux, I used a tool called cbp2mak to create a .make file out of the CodeBlocks project (if anyone knows a better tool please let me know). Now i'm not sure what the difference is between .mak an...

CruiseControl.NET conflicts with other build tools, leaves SVN WC broken

I'm using CC.Net to build my project. I also have some scheduled tasks that independently run builds on the same box using the same working copy. Due some hard-coded paths, we can't use a separate working copy for both build processes. I noticed that sometimes both the scheduled tasks and CC.NET would attempt some sort of SVN...

Ant: How to execute a command for each file in directory?

Hello! I want to execute a command from an Ant buildfile, for each file in a directory. I am looking for a platform-independent solution. How do I do this? Sure, I could write a script in some scripting language, but this would add further dependencies to the project. ...

How to learn about building tools in linux ?

Hi SO Friends, I am writing code in embedded linux since last couple of years, I use make utility to build my code and I am not at all an advance user of it. But now, It is necessary to have better compilation, cross-compilation knowledge, so that I can easily port my code to newer processors. So I want to learn that which different to...

Integrate TeamCity Reports to Confluence

Is there a way (plugin) to integrate build-reports from teamcity to confluence ...

How to sync Publish Version to Assembly Version in a .NET ClickOnce app?

In my C# ClickOnce app, there is an auto-incremented Publish Version in the Project->Properties->Publish tab. I'd like to display that version in my Help->About box, but the code I'm using apparently accesses the Assembly Version, which is different. The Assembly Version can be changed manually in the Project->Propteries->Application->...

Can we execute a .bat file in post build event command line in visual studio?

Can we execute a .bat file in post build event command line in visual studio? ...

Integrate Cruise Control .NET with TFS

I'm trying to use Cruise Control .NET with TFS. What is the best way to integrate TFS with the latest version of Cruise Control .NET? ...

Using SWIG with a build system

Anyone have experience with using SWIG (the interface generator)? I have a C project which I would like to expose to a bunch of other languages/frameworks, like Python, Java, .NET, Perl, PHP, Ruby. I would like to integrate with my build system (which is CMake-based), but any method of accomplishing this will do. ...

NAnt and ASP.NET Compiler

I have a build script running successfully, but I am having a hard time running anything after aspnet_compiler completes. I want to use robocopy to copy the project to another folder. If I put the copy task above the compile (as shown below) I get the message to the console, but if I place it after the compile it is not seen. Am I mis...

How to automate a build of a Java class and all the classes it depends on?

I guess this is kind of a follow-on to question 1522329. That question talked about getting a list of all classes used at runtime via the java -verbose:class option. What I'm interested in is automating the build of a JAR file which contains my class(es), and all other classes they rely on. Typically, this would be where I am using cod...

Getting NAnt to check for changed files in SVN

In the interests of trying to speed up my NAnt/CruiseControl.Net/Ivy continuous build process, I was hoping to get NAnt to check if my codebase has changed on my local PC after performing a NAnt-based update, and then if the code has changed, then kick off the process to re-build that project and possibly raise a flag to build all subse...

Specify configuration file when running Tests on TFS Buid server

We do not have VS Test Edition. So we are running tests by specifying the dll which contains the tests: <TestContainer Include="$(OutDir)\%2a.Test.dll;$(OutDir)\%2a.Tests.dll" /> This works OK, except for the Integration tests that need to read information from the configuration file (App.config) Is their a way to specify the confi...

Categorizing MsTest Cases

I'm looking for the easiest way to categorize my tests so I can run them separately. My organization would be something like the following Units Tests Integrations Tests Systems Test The reasoning for this is all our testing hasn't evolved to be completely automated yet. Most of our unit tests are completely automated, while integ...

Sort Visual Studio build log in "Build Order" style

There is a "Show output from" dropdown list in Visual Studio 2008 "Output" window, which allows viewing build events ordered by thread (Build Order). This is very useful when building big solutions on multi-core machines, as the log entries from those come unsynchronized. Our organization has the automated build process, where solution(...