
Build and Integration Environment for Java/J2EE

is there such a thing in a standard manner? including Java Source Code - Test Code - Ant or Maven JUnit Continuous Integration (possibly Cruise Control) ClearCase Versioning Tool Deploy to Application Server in the end I 'd like to have an automatic Build and Integration Environment. ...

Script to remove comments in Java.

Does anyone know how (or process) to remove comments from Java class file at build time? i would like to do this for specific packages in the project when the project is build using Ant. Any ANT scripts or some custom code most welcome. ...

Pass a value from TeamBuild to MSBuild

I have a build that is running in TFS TeamBuild. I want to pass a property from that to the MSBuild that is run for each Project built by the TFSBuild.proj. Example: TFSBuild.proj <PropertyGroup> <Version></Version> </PropertyGroup> <Target Name="BuildNumberOverrideTarget" DependsOnTargets="AfterInitializeWorkspac...

How to validate deployment packages created by msbuild? (preferably using mstest or nunit)

Our msbuild process creates a variety of zip packages for deployment (mostly web sites, but other things as well). We have a variety of recurring problems that keep sneaking back - files included that shouldn't be, missing resources. This screams for automated validation. The criteria to test for are simple Validation of foosite package...

Hudson Running as a Service not Starting

I downloaded Hudson, and am trying to install it as a service. I followed the steps from this page, but when I try to start the service, it always fails. I'm not really getting any defined error codes either. If I try to run the service from the command line (using net start) I get the following (unhelpful) message: The hudson servic...

Building a WPF App with NAnt

Hi, Is there some way to compile (with the CSC task) a WPF Application with NAnt except for using the task from the NantContrib? greetings Tigraine ...

TFS: How can I automatically close matching work items on successful build?

We are using continuous integration as part of our build automation. For every check in, the tfs build server builds the project and deploys to our web servers on success. When the build fails, it automatically creates a new Bug with the details of the build failure. Due to CI and the activity on the server, this might result in 10 or...

Why does Maven have such a bad rep?

There is a lot of talk on the internet about how Maven is bad. I have been using some features of Maven for a few years now and the most important benefit in my view is the dependency management. Maven documentation is less than adequate, but generally when I need to accomplish something I figure it out once and then it works (for exam...

About autobuild system

I have some own projects which wrote with C++ language, and the complie tool is visual stuio 2005. I'm using SVN to manager version. Could you recommand a autobuild system to complie my code? ...

which build tool(s) do you recommend for python?

I'm starting a small/medium-sized python project, likely in Test Driven Development. My backgrounds are more in C and java than python (I used ant and makefile) I know that in python you might not need a build tool, but I will, because I'll use cython and PyInstaller (the thing should work on a couple of different UNIXes, without depend...

Boost bjam versus GNU make

I am a newbie to Boost C++ libraries. I was wondering if there are any advantages of Boost bjam over GNU make? And what are the cons if I use make for building C++ code utilizing Boost.Python libraries? ...

SFTP task for msbuild?

Hi, Does anyone know of an SFTP task for msbuild? We'd like to automate our deployments to production, but for security reasons we don't allow SMB file-share access from our dev/test/build environment to production. Right now, developers deploy code by manually uploading the files using FileZilla, over an SFTP connection. This is pre...

Using ant with build configuration files

I am trying to customize my build by using a configuration file with ant. What I intend to do is that use config file which has the following pattern: file path, pattern to match, pattern to replace I want it such that I just add things to the configuration file and the ant build script reads up these values and makes the required chang...

Expand a relative path in Ant script, for Inkscape

I'd like to write an Ant script that calls an external utility (Inkscape, in fact) that needs a full path. Right now I have <exec executable="${inkscape.path}"> <arg value="--file=build_exe/splash.svg" /> <arg value="--export-png=build_exe/splash.png" /> <arg value="-C" /> </exec> On Windows, Inkscape requires absolute pat...

Run a Visual Studio custom tool at build time

I have a script that will convert a text file into a resource file, so that I can have multiple language support by having text files for different languages converted into different resources. Once I run the script to get the resx file, I then have to run a custom build tool (as described here:Link to Code Project) in order to create t...

Development Experience with using MSBuild/Nant vs Visual Studio 2005/2008

I work on a project with 4 other devs. We currently use Visual Studio to build our solution with some Pre and Post build events. I would like to move to a more powerful build system such as Nant or MsBuild. What are the pros and cons of the two approaches? How is the developer experience using Nant/MsBuild? Is it easy to debug the app...

Building Visual Studio Deployment Project (.vdproj) through the command line.

I have a deployment project deployment.vdproj to which I have added the project output of project.csproj. I want to build deployment.vdproj through the command line. But while doing so I need to specify a property (/p:) for project.csproj. How do I this? I have used to build deployment.vdproj, but I cannot figure out how to p...

Apache Ivy: resolving dependencies embedded in an installer

I have a problem with a build where I have to resolve non-standard artifacts through Apache Ivy. Problem: I have dependencies on two artifacts (a.jar and a-lib.jar). The two dependencies come only as part of a single installer (a_installer.jar). The installer can be downloaded, the embedded artifacts themselves not. It's possible to ...

where does the build log go when building castle project with nant?

I am trying to build castle project using nant and get output ending in the following: common.compile-dll: [csc] Compiling 92 files to 'C:\code\OSS\castle\build\net-3.5\release\Castle.Core.dll'. [csc] error CS0006: Metadata file 'System.Core.dll' could not be found ...

What are the cool and interesting things that you do during build-automation?

I am just curious to see what others are doing during build-automation other than usual compile, build, run-tests, etc tasks that might be helpful and inspirational for others to consider and look into such as: Generating code documentation Using code-metrics to measure build quality and fail the build if established metrics are violat...