
C builder RAD 2010 RTL/VCL Application->Terminate() Function NOT TERMINATING THE APPLICATION

I have a problem also described here: http://www.delphigroups.info/3/9/106748.html I have tried almost all forms of placing Application->Terminate() func everywhere in the code, following and not 'return 0', 'ExitProcess(0)', 'ExitThread(0)', exit(0). No working variant closes the app. Instead the code after Application->Terminate() s...

GDI+ With C++Builder ?

How do I use GDI+ with C++Builder? Can someone give me a simple example of creating a surface and drawing a circle on it? ...

Should app using VCL migrate?

Is VCL dead, or does it have a future as a GUI library? As CLX ended, is there any chance for cross-platform support in future releases? I've had to do some work with legacy app that uses Borland's VCL(BCB6). Now that new features have to be implemented, it's necessary to revalue alternatives. Whether to stick with VCL or migrate to som...

How to 'hide' spurious "declared but never used" warnings?

I'm using the Borland (AKA "Embarcodegearland") C++Builder 2007 compiler which has a minor bug that certain static const items from system header files can cause spurious "xyzzy is declared but never used" warnings. I'm trying to get my code 100% warning free, so want a way of masking these particular warnings (note - but not by simply ...

How do I solve an unresolved external when using C++ Builder packages?

I'm experimenting with reconfiguring my application to make heaving use of packages. Both I and another developer running a similar experiment are running into a bit of trouble when linking using several different packages. We're probably both doing something wrong, but goodness knows what :) The situation is this: The first package...

KaZip for C++Builder2009/Delphi

Hi. I have download and install KaZip2.0 on C++Builder2009 (with little minor changes => only set type String to AnsiString). I have write: KAZip1->FileName = "test.zip"; KAZip1->CreateZip("test.zip"); KAZip1->Active = true; KAZip1->Entries->AddFile("pack\\text.txt","xxx.txt"); KAZip1->Active = false; KAZip1->Close(); now he create a...

TurboPower Abbrevia in C++Builder2009

I want install TurboPower Abbrevia 3.05 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/tpabbrevia/ but its not working. :( docu says: _4. Open & compile the runtime package specific to the IDE being used (e.g. B305vr2007.dpk for Delphi2007) Start C++Builder2009 -> "Open Project..", select "B305vr2009.dpk" and click "open", but nothing happen. W...

UML Modelling in C++Builder 2010 Professional

I'd like to do some basic class diagram UML models in the Pro version of C++Builder 2010. Embarcadero has a C++Builder Features Matrix document, one line of which says "UML Code Visualization – at any time, get a UML model view of your source code" and has a check in the "Professional" column of that table -- I assume this means it shoul...

How to detach document windows from Visual Studio 2010?

I've got 2 displays with very different resolution (which makes just stretching a window over them not a good idea) and actively use both of them, usually looking at one when doing changes in another. So I wonder if I could move a child window of Visual Studio 2010 from within the boundaries of it's main window an move it to another di...

TVirtualStringTree - resetting non-visual nodes and memory consumption

I have an app that loads records from a binary log file and displays them in a virtual TListView. There are potentially millions of records in a file, and the display can be filtered by the user, so I do not load all of the records in memory at one time, and the ListView item indexes are not a 1-to-1 relation with the file record offset...

How to reduce simple cpp application size? (compiled with RAD Studio 2010 cpp builder)

I am using rad studio 2010 cpp builder. I've created a new SDI application, added a TCppWebBrowser control and a simple button that onclick trigger the .navigate for the TCppWebBrowser, I compiled it and I got a 1.20mb file, I was expecting less than 700kb at least. How can I reduce the size of the compiled exe? I don't want to use "bu...

"Temporary object" warning - is it me or the compiler?

The following snippet gives the warning: [C++ Warning] foo.cpp(70): W8030 Temporary used for parameter '_Val' in call to 'std::vector<Base *,std::allocator<Base *> >::push_back(Base * const &)' .. on the indicated line. class Base { }; class Derived: public Base { public: Derived() // << warning disappears if constructor is rem...

CImg compile problems in Codegear 2009

I wish to use the CImg library for image processing in my current project. I am using Codegear C++ Builder 2009. I include CImg.h in the source file and put in the following code: int rows =5; int cols = 5; CImg<double> img(rows,cols); I get the following error: [BCC32 Error] CImg.h(39159): E2285 Could not find a match for 'CImg<uns...

How to get a component's parent form in Borland VCL?

Hi, I'd like to determine which form a given component belongs to in my application. Neither the Parent nor the Owner property can be assumed to be the form itself, so I can't simply use this. I guess I could just go through the Parent property recursively until I arrive at something derived from TForm, but is there a better way to do ...

Comeau Compiler

Looking for some feedback with Comeau compiler with Borland c++builder as backend. VCL Stuff ?? use with Cmake ?? .... ...

How to link Delphi with C++?

cpp.cpp extern "C" char* GetText() { return "Hello, world!"; } delphi.dpr {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$LINK 'cpp.obj'} function _GetText: PChar; cdecl; external; begin WriteLn(_GetText); end. I can't get this to work, no matter what I try. I tried various calling conventions, playing with underscores. even creating a .c wrapper for t...

C++ Builder and Excel Automation, where to get started?

I want to dynamically create and populate an excel spreadsheet with C++ builder 2009, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about it. Searching the web, I've narrowed it down to using OLE Automation. Moreover, I'm looking for a document or programming tutorial that can get me started. Is there a simple programming tutorial that also thorou...

C++ code coverage tool

I am looking for c++ code coverage tool which fares well in mutli server setup and on both windows and linux without licensing issues(if non free). I have done some research and found 2 free tools: Covtool and gcov. Any disadvantages on these or any other suggestions? ...

How do I solve "Two different CRTLDLLs are loaded" when using packages in C++ Builder 2010?

Hi, We are trying to split up our monolithic EXE into a combination of an EXE and several packages. So far, we have one package that we're trying to use, and when running the EXE Codeguard shows the following error on startup: CG Error Two different CRTLDLLs are loaded. CG might report false errors (C:\Windows\system32\CC32100MT.DLL)...

C++ optimization

Can we see optimized code in c++.............(not assembly)?? ...