
Geometry library for python (or C++) for CAD-like operations?

I'm trying to put together a simple program that will let me visualize a series of consecutive cuts on a wood panel using a router with a particular cutting head. I'm trying to find a decent geometry library that will give me a shortcut through the CAD-like stuff. Specifically, I'd like to be able to define a rectangular solid (the w...

How can I learn CAD/CAM/CNC programming?

I've always enjoyed programming and I always enjoy learning new langauges (anything e.g. Java/C#/Erlang/F#/Clojure/Ruby etc), but something's never seemed to enjoy it as much as I want. One thing I'm curious about which I'm wondering if I might enjoy completely is CAD/CAM/CNC programming and design and I was wondering if anyone has any ...

Programming tools to calculate physical forces

I would like to calculate the forces involved with physical constructions and I am looking for a tool that can do this for me. It would be great if the tool had a programming interface as I would like to use it for automated design. ...

Convert CAD to raster

Hello, How do printers convert the vectorial CAD graphics to dots in paper? I have a 50mmx50mm with 4095x4095 points "printing" system and I'd like to print some CAD files to it? Should I use the existing printing system? Or convert the CAD file to something my "printer" undertands and if so, how? Thank you ...

Any information regarding generating toolpaths?

Hey, there. I'm a Machinist. It's my second career. I am a hobbyist programmer after disliking it as a profession. My current project is NC code editing and generation program. I'm targeting hobbyists and small job shops that don't need or can not afford mid-range softwares. I was wondering if anyone had any advice about generating su...

How to add a git repository as a shared dependency of another git repository?

I need something akin to submodules, but which exist outside the main repository as a dependency. Here's the problem: I'm trying to use Git (in a REALLY awkward way) to manage design files for a CAD tool (Cadsoft Eagle), and I'm having a hard time figuring out if there is a way to use git submodules to manage each project's dependenc...

Begining with CAD in C#

Hi , I am very new with this, what should i learn first about C# and CAD (computer aided design). I am working with C# for 2 years but this was with ASP , and now i am very new with CAD, what should i learn first about it ? Please any advices, links with tutorials are welcomed... Thanks ...

Fast drawing using MFC GDI

Hi All, I am creating an application which has some of the features like a CAD application has like zooming, panning etc. I have a problem regarding drawing of entities as quickly as possible. I have double buffered the drawing to make it flicker free but I am stuck in clipping the region of the drawing that is I want to draw on those e...

How is the Mono.Cairo performance like?

I was thinking of using Mono.Cairo as the foundation for a light weight CAD system. But wasn't sure what the performance was like. CAD systems produce a lot of redraws and can have a lot of data in them, with a ton of text. If not Cairo then any other suggestions is welcomed. I want the app to run on Windows, Mac and Linux. ...