
PHP calendar: move the column of Sunday to the end

This is the calendar script I got from an online tutorial. It works fine but I want to move the column of Sunday to the end (after the column of Saturday): <?php if (!isset($_REQUEST["month"])) $_REQUEST["month"] = date("n"); if (!isset($_REQUEST["year"])) $_REQUEST["year"] = date("Y"); $month_current = $_REQUEST["month"]; $year_curr...

Repeating end of the month events on iPhone Calendar, problem for February

This is more of an usability problem/bug/question. I wanted to add an event to occur on the end of the month for every month. But if I choose October 31 and set Repeat Event -> Every Month, all months ending in 30 are left out (including 28-feb). So, I could solve this by putting the end of the month at 30, and only miss out on February...

sharepoint regional settings are differenet from server settings

How to force sharepoint 2010 to use hosting server settings just as date and time i have problem in hijri date , sharepoint's date is different from server's date (hijri only) any ideas please ? ...

YUI Calendar Rendering Current Day

I'm trying to render a calendar with certain days highlighted. The code below should do this, but today isn't highlighted the same as the other days. It seems as though some default renderer is overriding my code. YAHOO.phitbam.calendar.init = function() { YAHOO.phitbam.calendar.cal1 = new YAHOO.widget.Calendar("cal1","cal...

Quartz.NET calendars

Just a few questions: 1: Is there any in depth tutorials online how to use calendars in Quartz? I'm using Quartz.NET but Quartz tutorials would be vastly helpful of course. 2: More importantly, my application needs 2 configuration options. One configuration option is default - every job added runs, but when the scheduler is switched ...

calendar widget in javascript

What is the best way to create a calendar with JavaScript like the jquery Datepicker where I can add some more functionality? I want to display some arrays of dates in different colors in it as well as selecting a date. Shall I try to edit the source code, or better, use some library and do it myself? For the first case I would like t...

ASP.NET MVC Calendar Design

I want to design a calendar in mvc and I want to take month information as a string in address bar. What should I do? And after that I have to show this month from index.aspx. How can I do this? ...

How can I have UITableViewCells with rounded corners?

My app has a ManagedObject that has different types of fields So, I want it for the user to edit each one and also have it display different info for each. If you look at the Calendar app, when you Add an Event, you'll notice Title/Location in one cell, Starts/Ends in another, Repeat... so on. So... in Interface Builder I have all my U...

why do these calendar javascripts hide select, applet, and iframe tags for IE?

I'm trying to diagnose a problem with an older site than I'm supporting. The problem is that in IE8, a SELECT tag is being hidden. Turns out it is due to an older version of a calendar.js which is applying visibility:hidden style to not only SELECT Tags, but also applets and iframes. I'm rusty on my javascript and details of older brow...

query a mysql table for rows that have the same month value and store as a php array for later use displaying them on a calendar

the subject basically sums it up, but i am working on a calendar in php for a client that should pull events from a table and display them in the appropriate cells. the calendar table is working no prob, but what i am trying to avoid is making a separate DB call for each day of the month. i am trying to figure out a way to store the re...

Add year to Java Calendar doesn't work

Please enlight me on this : I'm simply trying to add 10 years to the current date then substract an expiration date from it to return the number of years: public int getMaxYears() { int max = 0; Calendar ten_year_later = Calendar.getInstance(); ten_year_later.setTime(new Date()); ten_year_later.add(Calendar.YEAR, 10); Calenda...

Calculate days in years and months?

How to calculate days in years and months in c#? per example : If 1. days = 385 then I need to display Year= 1.1 (i.e. 1 year 1 month) 2. days= 234 then I need to display year =0.7 (i.e 0 year 7 months) How can we calculate in c#? I did for days=234 /365 and result is coming 0.64 (i.e. 0 year 6 months). But actually it is 7 mo...

List of events with a list of timestamps, grouped by hour in a tabular display, in PHP.

While refactoring, I am looking for an optimised algorithm for a timetable (calendar) in PHP. I have a list of events which have a list of timestamps. This must be presented in a tabular way. The current code works, but has a) quite some quircks and is b) very inflexible. I am looking to refactor this piece and looking for input on opti...

Java : Get any day in a week from Calendar

Using Calendar I can get the week, year and all details for the current day. How can I navigate to a particualr day in that week? Say, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); returns 3, which means a Tuesday. Now, I want to go to say Friday for that week or any other day in that week. How can I do that? Thanks for your replies. I think I n...

reading Google calendar values

I have set an event successfully using myEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct("TEST")) myEntry.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct("See how much text will fit in there")) Then I have successfully read the event record. This works myTitle = ret.getTitle().getPlainText() But this throws an error myTitle = ret.getContent().getPlainTe...

Working with WPF(C#) calendar control, hebrew and georgian dates conversion

I need to build a simple app, A calendar with notes, working with a simple db and standard calendar is easy. the problem is with a feature that i must add: I need that every note will have a Hebrew date and Georgian date; It should work "on the fly", meaning: a user will have the ability to add a note based on a date type of his choice,...

Anyone got any input about how to model this?

Hi all.. I need to model a calendar, and I got some ideas myself, but I would like some input from you guys :) The domain is as follows: A calendar contains time entries (think google calendar here). For each group and day in the calendar, I have a starttime and an endtime, denoting the time its possible to enter new appointments in be...

Fixing the SubSonic 2.2 Calendar, How do I get RegisterClientScriptInclude calls to render when control is not visible?

Hello, I really liked the SubSonic 2.2 calendar control. It is a .Net implementation of the old Dynarch calendar found here. So I did what any developer would do and I swiped all the code for the calendar and put it in it's own library. Unfortunately the calendar does not play nice with an update panel. I got help here for getting the...

How to prevent the calendar from hiding when a disabled date is selected?

I've been check the doc for a while here, but don't find a way to do it,anyone familiar with this? ...

Generating Calendars

How can I code a calendar? I mean how can I determine the days of the month, is the 1st a monday, tuesday or what. how many days are there in the particular month etc. I use mainly PHP & C#. But I am mainly looking for the logic behind ...