
HTML code for 3d games!

Hi I want to find some HTML codes for 3d games would you send me some links for it? i have searched a lot but they were not good! thanks ...

Databound Canvas control in Silverlight

Is it possible to have the controls on a canvas be bound to a list of objects? I am thinking something like this: <UserControl.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="MyItemTemplate"> <ContentControl Content="{Binding Converter={StaticResource MyControlConverter}}"></ContentControl> </DataTemplate> </UserControl.Resources> <Can...

Creating a facebook application

Hi I created a desktop application. I was wondering what I should put for my Canvas Callback URL. I tried to define it as local (http://localhost:8084) but it doesnt accept it. I need it to get the session using;v=1.0 Thanks! ...

HTML Canvas and saving the data on the server

Say I've written a simple app that draws circles in browser. Now I'd like to let people save their pictures. How would I store the data on the server? Which format would be the best option? Should I simply store the relevant html? What would be the case when I would want to make a custom format that is stored on the server and parsed bac...

How to copy a smaller bitmap into a larger one?

Hi, Hopefully this should be an easy question. I'm trying to copy a series of small bitmaps into a larger one, arranging them side by side without any gaps or overlap in their pixels. For example, if I have 3 square bitmaps, I'd like to copy them into one long and thin rectangle. I know how to do the opposite, namely creating a small bi...

How to change the opacity (alpha, transparency) of an element in a canvas element after it has been drawn?

Using the HTML5 <canvas> element, I would like to load an image file (PNG, JPEG, etc.), draw it to the canvas completely transparently, and then fade it in. I have figured out how to load the image and draw it to the canvas, but I don't know how to change its opacity once it as been drawn. Here's the code I have so far: var canvas = do...

What scripting languages can be used with the HTML5 canvas element?

What scripting languages can be used with the HTML5 canvas element? This question may really come down to "what scripting languages are commonly supported by browsers?" Nearly all of the HTML5 canvas examples/tutorials use JavaScript. Some use processing, but even those fall back to Processing.js to do the rendering. Are there any go...

Why use <canvas> instead of plain old Javascript?

Some of the HTML5 canvas demos are very impressive, but I'm a bit confused. What can the canvas element do that regular old JS/jQuery and CSS3/HTML5 can't? Are there performance benefits? ...

draw by mouse with HTML5 Canvas

Hello guys. I want to use HTML5 Canvas to draw by mouse (ex: draw a signature, draw a name,...) Please help me how can i do? Please give some source code. Thank you ...

Error when overlaying bitmaps

Im trying to overlay images on a canvas using the following method: private Bitmap overlay(Bitmap bmp1, Bitmap bmp2) { bmOverlay = Bitmap.createBitmap(70, 70, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); canvas = new Canvas(bmOverlay); canvas.drawBitmap(bmp1, 0, 0, null); //line 179 canvas.drawBitmap(bmp2, 0, 0, null); return bmOverlay...

How to use Canvas as the ItemsPanel for an ItemsControl in Silverlight 3

Hi. I am trying to set the Canvas properties in an ItemsControl DataTemplate with Silverlight 3. According to this post, the only way of doing that is to set it using the ItemsContainerStyle for the ContentPresenter type, since the Canvas properties only take effect on direct children of the Canvas. This doesn't seem to work in SL3, s...

Html Canvas Resizing And Coordinate Space

Note: I'm using Google Chrome Currently I have this test page It should draw a rectangle right below the mouse cursor, but there are some really weird scaling issues which is causing it to draw at a varying offset. I think it's because the canvas coordinate space is not increasing ...

Why does canvas.toDataURL() throw a security exception?

did i not get enough sleep or what?? This throws Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 and here's my js code... There's no way this shouldn't work!!! var frame=document.getElementById("viewer"); frame.width=100; frame.height=100; var ctx=frame.getContext("2d"); var img=new Image(); img.src="

Html Canvas Intelligent Drawing

I'm currently implementing a HTML canvas based webapp that features panning. Is there a way to use an auxiliary buffer to hold the presently visible area so when I pan I don't have to redraw the whole canvas and only have to draw the newly visible areas? ...

Image visualization with canvas. How to resize them?

I'm building a website photo gallery for a friend. Images are loaded as simple DOM image objects (<img src="" />), and the size of these images is based on the browser size. So I resize them with CSS. This isn't an optimal solution since CSS resizing seems to change the quality of the image and pixelate it quite a bit. I was thinking o...

Drawing numbers into a panel?

I was wondering if there was already a component available which the user could use the touchscreen to draw numbers into. If not, I was considering an openGL panel which their input would draw onto, and then I'd need some algorithm to interpret the drawing and parse it to a number. Obviously, I'd prefer a component already exist, but am...

How to get a tool window title bar height in WPF ?

WPF includes the title bar height in the total window height instead of using only the client content area height. Is there a way to disable this behaviour? If not, how can I get the height of a tool window title bar? I'm aware of the SystemParameters.CaptionHeight property and the SystemParameters.WindowCaptionHeight property but t...

Putting WPF Control (ComboBox) into canvas with Visuals

I am writing a WPF chart and use Visuals for performance. The code looks like: public class DrawingCanvas2 : Canvas { private List<Visual> _visuals = new List<Visual>(); protected override Visual GetVisualChild( int index ) { return _visuals[index]; } protected override int VisualChildrenCount { get { return _visuals.Count;...

Is there a way to dynamically extend the html5 canvas without clearing what's drawn on it?

see this when the output reaches the bottom of the page, i'd like the canvas to automatically extend so that it can keep going. I tried setting the canvas.height property, but it clears the window. Is there any way to do this? ...

Why should I use the InkCanvas in WPF?

In my WPF application I have some drawing functionality. I have solved this using a Canvas and handling mouse gestures manually, and I also add the drawn Strokes (wrapped in InkPresenter) to this Canvas. Using Blend I suddenly discover that there is something called InkCanvas. According to Blend this is a control that "Defines an area ...