
make Menu in J2ME on canvas

Hi frnd, I'm going to make application in J2ME on canvas (low level), which containing multiple pages(forms) like Main Menu,sub menu, this pages containing option button also(ex. select,edit,exit etc.)... so How i can make this pages(form) using canvas... plz give me any idea or suggestion...or any source code.. Thanks, Neel ...

How to do a screen capture of content on web page/join 2 images

I have a page where I am using Raphael.js to actually allow user to move a dot around the canvas which has a background image. What I am trying to do is to capture the end image of the canvas where I'll be able to see where the user placed the dot after the user clicks on a 'confirm position' button. I've thought of two methods, however ...

Tools for HTML 5

Everyone keeps saying flash is dead, silverlight is dead, and the future is HTML 5. Most technical people I've talked to seem feel that this is a generally accepted fact. Just a matter of when the spec will be finalized, and when each major browser will finally incorporate all the individual features. But it seems to me there's a big ele...

Create bitmap copy of element using canvas

Hello, I've a created a simple page layout program for a client and would like to provide a thumbnail view of pages like the pages palette in InDesign. Is it possible to use the HTML5 canvas element to create a copy of a single element. For example, each page is an article tag. I want to copy this article using canvas and reduce it to ...

Canvas and jQuery?

Is it possible to use the JavaScript jQuery framework with the HTML5 <canvas> element? Or do I have to do it with plain JavaScript. I'm just wondering, because I think I could save a lot of time with using jQuery, but I have no clue about the <canvas> element's uses yet, so it may be completely impossible! Anyone know if I can use jQu...

HTML5 canvas drag events on iPhone (Safari or UIWebView)

Hi, I have a simple "drag to draw" doodle style HTML5/canvas implementation which uses the 'mousemove' event on the canvas. E.g.: canvas.addEventListener( 'mousemove', drawingFunction, false ); This works fine on, say, Safari or FF on the desktop. However, when run on an iPhone, dragging only scrolls the webview around the screen. No...

Animating image/3D/sprite with javascript/css3/canvas

Kind of a dilemma here. I am making a mobile version of a website, that has some interactive things more specifically I have this object in 3D that you can spin, I was using papervision in Flash but now I need to do this differently since there is no flash in mobile and I feel I am on thin ice. I was thinking of exporting a 360 degree s...

HTML5 canvas clear arc method

I found that there's a clearRect method, but can't find any to clear arc. Is there're any way to clear object from canvas (arc), if I also have that instance saved somewhere... ? What method is to clear arc? ...

Paint on Canvas in Android's browser, page scroll?

I'm trying to make a canvas where the client can sign his name. It works well in Chrome v6: but on Android 1.5 instead of drawing the browser scrolls the page and draws nothing: I borrows the code from Opera's website. Can I disable the scrolling or how can I make this work? Thank you! EDIT using the events touchstart, touchmove ...

Adding to Canvas Programmatically

I've got code that adds a custom usercontrol to a canvas. I originally had it in the MouseRightButtonDown event of the Canvas but have since moved it to a collection changed event that fires off in a ViewModel. When I call the exact same method from the CollectionChanged event, the UI does not update to reflect the UserControl on the can...

Finding points on curves in HTML 5 2d Canvas context.

Given lines drawn by 2d canvas context functions bezierCurveTo, quadraticCurveTo or arcTo, how can I find points along those lines? My intent is to draw an object at the midpoint of a curve. Using the SVG DOM, I can do this with methods getPointAtLength & getTotalLength, but I can't see an equivalent in HTML canvas. ...

javascript-canvas Uncaught Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1

OK, I have two versions of my code. The first appears to work (mostly) and the 2nd gives me the Uncaught Error in the topic name. defs: var VID_WID = 640; var VID_HIGH = 360; var OUT_WID = 480; var OUT_HIGH = 320; var NUM_WID = 3; var NUM_HIGH = 3; var TILE_WIDTH = VID_WID / NUM_WID; var TILE_HEIGHT = VID_HIGH / NUM_HIGH; var OUT_WI...

generating preview of BMP Image

Hi, I am working on a Media up-loader which uploads images to Server. Before start upload file i want to show small thumbnail of Image. I used Loader class to load image selected by user & used Canvas to draw image on it. This works fine with images like jpg & png. But for bmp file loader class doesn't work. Is there anyway to load ...

Canvas drawline with semi transparent lines overlap problem

I am drawing several lines on a canvas using drawline, the lines are semi transparent (their paint has an alpha value <255) only problem is that the point at which they cross creates a dot of less transparent color (obviously) is there a simple way to avoid this? ...

Get a reference to a Canvas element from its context?

In one part of my code, I call getContext('2d') on a canvas element to produce a CanvasRenderingContext2D object. That object goes on to get passed around a fair bit from function to function, and at a later point in the code it'd be handy to be able to get a reference to the original canvas dom element that produced a given context. I ...

android- animate text on canvas

Hi I am working with android, trying to animate some text (make it bigger and smaller over time) and I have the following issue. I cant animate the text using the following: int textSize = calculateTextSize(); paint.setTextSize(textSize); canvas.drawText("Some Text", 10, 25, paint); calculateTextSize , shrinks or enlarg...

jQuery maphilight change color of fly

I'm using this plugin But can't figure out, how to change color on fly. It uses metadata plugin, and does it via class directive, but changes don't apply on fly. e.g. class="{stroke:false,fillColor:'000000',fillOpacity:1,alwaysOn:true}" and now I want to change color: class="{stroke:false,f...

Incorrect layerX/layerY values?

Hi, I'm trying to implement a function as a part of a firefox add-on with canvas which gives the user the ability to draw. function draw(event,context,drawit) { var drawx = event.layerX; var drawy = event.layerY; if (!drawit) { context.beginPath(); context.strokeStyle='rgb(0,255,0)'; context.lineWidth=1; ...

Horizontal movement with Javascript

I feel like a complete klutz, I had this working and then I accidentally forgot to save it! I'm an idiot. I've spent the last day trying to recreate what I had but I can't do it. Basically (from my last save) I had this: function canvasMove(e) { if(!e) var e = window.event; var downcheck; var upcheck; var leftcheck; ...

Facebook API, Canvas app in iFrame, Javascript API, Broken in IE8?

I tried to look for help in the FB forums for this, but they really are not much help there. My app is set up as an iframe app, but the same behavior happens if the app is set up as an fbml app and the page below is loaded through a fb:iframe. The same behavior exists regardless of what advanced settings are used. The same behavior ex...