
How to place caption (figure / table) into margin?

I write thesis and need to put a lot of small pictures into it. I also need to use captions (with labels) for better navigation and referring to these pictures. In the same time I want to spare space and put captions beside (next to) pictures, in margin, like marginpar does. I tried sidecap package but it didn't work, neither mcaption pa...

Inline image and caption in article - conform caption's width to image's width

Here's my code: <div class="image"> <img src="image.jpg" alt="Image description" /> <p class="caption">This is the image caption</p> </div> Here's my CSS: .image { position: relative; float: right; margin: 8px 0 10px 10px; } .caption { font-weight: bold; color: #444666; } As is above, the caption will conform to the width of div.i...

Stacking two pictures with captions side by side and centered in Wordpress

Hi all - this is driving me absolutely nuts. I'm not the most experienced with CSS, so I'm hoping it is something simple. I'm running Wordpress 2.9.2 with "The Morning After" theme. I am trying to write a post where I want to display two small pictures, with captions, side-by-side and centered in the middle of the page. Here is the HT...

How to change the title bar text of a Userform in VBA?

I'm maintaining an old-ish application written in VBA for Excel 2002 (XP)/2003, and am trying to internationalise it. To do this, I read in the translated strings dynamically and update the various controls on my userform by updating their .Caption property. This works as expected for all controls but not for the form itself -- when I ...

latex listings caption

Hi all, I'm using the listing package with this \begin command: \begin{lstlisting}[caption=blabla, label=amb] This yields a nice code listing with a caption like ”Listing 1.1 blabla”. Is there a way to change the caption and have something like ”Code 1.1 blabla” ? I saw the ”title” command but it doesn't use a numbering system. Any ...

Where do default MessageBox caption in Windows applications come from?

MessageBox.Show (.NET framework) or MessageBox (e.g. VBA) opens a modal message box from the window of the current application. My questions are: If I do not specify the caption (i.e. what appears in the top-left hand corner) of the message box in the arguments, does the default vary according to the application being run? For example...

How do I draw a custom button on an Aero theme caption bar without extending non-client area?

I'm trying to figure out how to draw a custom button on the caption bar of windows when using the Aero theme in Vista or Win7. I need to apply this to a number of different applications without changing the original code, so this will be in a hook procedure. Since I can't change the original code, I can't use DwmExtendFrameIntoClientAr...

Make LaTeX table caption same width as table?

It looks bad in my paper if a caption is wider than the table underneath it. How can I make them both align? Right now my code looks like: \begin{table}[th!] \caption{Reference temperature blah blah} \centering \begin{tabular}{llll} ... \end{tabular} \end{table} ...

Table caption element is causing page to break when printing

Hi there, Consider the following table: <table> <caption>The caption</caption> <thead>...</thead> <tbody>...</tbody> <tfoot>...</tfoot> </table> The table renders right when displaying on screen, but when printing it breaks the table for a new page. When I delete the caption element or display:none, the table renders right on printin...

Table caption width

I have been given an existing table layout (for tabular data) with the task of making it as accessible as possible. I added a caption tag to each table within the layout and I realized the caption width is not consistent across different browsers. After a bit of trial and error with CSS, I managed to get it right on all the browsers I n...

Thumbnail Captions Single and Double Click?

Hello all, I know nearly nothing about this all so I turn to you for some desperately needed help. If you need to see any more code or info just ask and i'll answer asap. the following code snippet is what im using for a photo gallery on: The problem is the following the caption below the m...

Usage of table/figures shown in caption

Hi, is there a way to add the usage of a table/reference in the caption of the reference/table in latex? For example: \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{ll} \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description} \\ Foo & bar \\ Foo & bar \end{tabular} \caption{Nice Table. Used on pages [2,3,4].} \label{tab:table} \end{tab...

Make jQuery Captify show images captions permanently

Is there a way to show captions for images permanently on page load, not only when I move mouse cursor over the image? ...

Change Caption URL in Lightbox

I've got the WP Slimbox2 plugin installed and I'm trying to have the caption's ULR point to a different site, not just the img URL. Any ideas out there on how this can be done? ...

Get header/caption centered above 2-column table.

Hi there. I've temporarily inherited the responsibility to look after the website front end to our project as our web guy has just left and there isn't a replacement yet (and I'm a summer student anyway, so I'm off soon too...). I'm not very experienced with HTML/CSS/etc, and I'm having some problems getting a table formatted the way the...

Why does this LaTeX macro for displaying quantities with units break in figure captions?

I define the \quan macro to consistently typeset quantities (copied below) in my preamble, and it works fine…except in figure captions where pdflatex complains that I've got an undefined control sequence and crashes. How can I modify the macro to make it work in the caption environment? Thanks! \let\unitsep=\, % Inserted at spaces...

jQuery: add text to the progressbar

hi all, is there some tweak to add a caption to the progressbar control? i'd love to put a centered caption which displays current percentage. thx ...

In LaTeX is there a way to include the filename of a graphic into a caption?

I have a LaTeX document with a large number of drawings included from external files with \includegraphics{bla.pdf}. The drawings are done in Inkscape. This all works fine. However sometimes it is hard to keep track of all the drawings and their source files. Hence I'm looking for a way to include the source file name, in the example...

Correctly aligning image captions

How can I achieve a layout like this? Right now I'm using this HTML: <div class="image"> <img> <div class="caption"> Caption Text </div> </div> And this CSS: .image { background-color: #2A2A2A; } img { max-width: 590px; } But the .image box is too big (since it expands to fit its parent): ...

LaTeX listings: different counters for different listing environments

How do I create two lstlisting environments that each have its own counter? If I use for example \lstnewenvironment{algorithm}[2]{ \renewcommand\lstlistingname{Algorithm} \lstset{ ... } } {} \lstnewenvironment{program}[2]{ \renewcommand\lstlistingname{Program} \lstset{ ... } } {} And then \begin{algorithm}{Algorith...