
How does Microsoft certification 70-432 help in career building re: SQL Server and who should go for it?

How does Microsoft certification 70-432 help in career building re: SQL Server and who should go for it? ...

Internship in ColdFusion?

I am a programming student in college. A company that uses ColdFusion has offered me an internship. Would it be a wise move, career wise, to take this internship? ...

What's the best way to compare the tech economy of two cities?

My future is likely to have a change of location coming in the next year. What would be the best way to compare the tech economy of two different but comparably populated cities? I searched for c# on and got 55 hits for one of the cities and 53 for the other. Can you think of a better way? ...

What's the best way to vet a potential software consulting firm you might work for?

I'm thinking of joining the wonderful world of software consulting and I'd like tips on finding the right kind of company to work for. ...

How to go about getting a job at an Agile shop?

Thank You All for YOur Help :) I Have Been Offered a Position at a Fully Agile, Extreme Programming Shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How best to go about getting a job at an Agile shop? Jobs listed online never say: "We're an Agile shop" Does this mean that they aren't or does it mean they generally don't list that on their job l...

Career Choice in JEE, are EJBs standard?

I have chosen to go the JEE route for a career path but I have been having a hard time determining which core technologies that I need to be most familiar with. I'm at the point I can write web apps without a problem with JSP's and regular servlets using JDBC or some basic Hibernate stuff (I know, HTML, CSS and have used MVC extensively ...

Don't enjoy "in-house programming" help me not miss the boat!!!

I've been an "in-house programmer" for two years now since graduating with my BSCS. I aspire to be a product software developer and am feeling that I might be missing the boat. I currently am trying to decide on one of the following: Get a Software Engineering Certificate from a near by university.

Why must technical recruiters ask you to fill your résumé with technical jargon?

I like my résumé clean and uncluttered; with a simple list of technical skills and achievements. Why do recruiters ask me to fill my résumé with technical jargon? Don't they know that this inherently make résumés unsightly to read for employers? Or do they know something that I don't? ...

How to renew programming knowledge?

I worked for a company for about two years then I quit and almost left programming for a while. Now am trying to renew my programming knowledge. I am a .NET Developer and a MCSD. I can see that there are a lot of new technologies that I need to learn: WPF, WCF etc. Windows 7 is knocking at the door now and I want to upgrade. VS 2008 an...

Please advise on handling the existing geek

Quick Story: I started a new job where everyone funneled their questions to 'the geek'. Being an experienced developer, I can do most of my assignments without consultation with the geek - thinks such as how to select the top 10 rows in a table. Question: Is there a preferred way of handling these cases without offending the existing ...

"Java & XML" job title

When people say they are a "Java & XML" developer, what do they mean? Are they saying they create XML data to be used in applications, or they use XML to configure a framework like Spring or Hibernate? What other ways are there to use XML in a Java application? ...

Which is more important - a very interesting project or a very good team?

I've been a lead developer of a very successful and promising project for several years now. The team I've been working with is just great. Now the top management wants to move the project to another department because that department has responsibility area they feel is closely related with the project. Most likely nothing will prevent ...

What was your first programming job like?

When you landed your first job programming: 1) Which language was it in? How well did you know that language? Did you know it well enough to write a book on it, or did you barely know how to do "hello world"? I imagine most people graduate from a CS program knowing one language pretty well, and a few other languages just kind of well. I...

How to stay afloat in today's job market?

How are people finding jobs in today's job market, where there are many applicants per position as opposed to years ago when it was the other way around? ...

Will knowing esoteric languages help with interviewing for jobs that don't require them?

I have some knowledge (mostly forgotten) of a couple of non-mainstream languages, such as Prolog and Scheme. I definitely don't know/remember them well enough right now to pit on a resume, e.g. I would not be able to coherently answer questions from an interviewer about them. However, with a bit of reading up and remembering stuff, I cou...

Should I publish my project as open source?

I'm nearing completion of my programming degree and will be getting an internship through my school early next calendar year. Up to this point I have had pretty much no programming experience out there in the real world, so my resume will hardly be impressive. I have, however, been working on a helper utility for an obscure application ...

Junior devs - do you ever worry of being given a task you can't handle?

My boss said to me that he will giving me a certain task, which will be quite big, and using the latest technologies which he knows I have some experience of but not inside out. As a junior developer, do you ever feel held back by the feeling of being given something you do not know how to do? I know that your employer will always make...

Should a Technical Team Lead be the most technically-versed on the team?

I'm facing something of a crisis of faith. As I find myself being diverted onto more and more administrative tasks or functions other than direct hands-on development, it's become more and more glaringly obvious that my technical ability is diverging from that of the team. Do you believe it is possible to maintain credibility and respe...

Interview - What questions asked by Project Managers

Hello everybody, Been for an interview in regards to ETL Developer (Microsoft Toolset / SQL BI suite) - been success through technical interview - reference check done - all good. As the PM was not there during interview period, he wants to have another interview before finalising something. What normally PM interview questions are...

Should software engineers take the PE exam?

I recently graduated from an ABET-certified Software Engineering program. Most of my classes overlapped with the Computer & Electrical Engineering programs. Despite this, I frequently receive flack that Software Engineering isn't a real "engineering" degree. I feel that this prevalent stigma is also affecting my career. To combat this s...