
learning SAP for experienced Java enterprise programmer

I am a Java freelancer with vast experience in many Java Enterprise technologies (EJB, Spring, Databases, JSP, Struts & more). I am looking to widening my professional horizons and have been thinking in learning about SAP. There is a local SAP partners that delivers a wide array of SAP courses, and I have the money, time and inclination...

Measuring software developer skills

As part of a recruitment procedure I've been asked to fill out a form that describes my software development skills. Each line of the form is based on this template: Category Skill Last used Years Level Database Microsoft SQL Server 2009 12 High One problem is that the skill Microsoft SQL Server isn't v...

What is a good reason to reskill?

Apart from the relative pecuniary benefit from reskilling from something like PHP to C# in somewhere like London, I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me on any other reasons they have decided to pick up a new language. I am a PHP developer and a friend of mine is C#. He is convinced that reskilling to C# will result in untold fina...

jquery reduce the adoption of Silverlight?

Currently looking into learn new technology and silverlight is on the potential list. However, I was wondering, will the popularity of jquery and it's awesomeness reduce the adoption of silverlight and therefore the need and reward from learning it? Cheers ...

Studying Software Engineering and then Law

Hi there, I've been programming for several years now. I also am skilled in english and enjoy the subject of law. I recognize its high pay and job security. If i were to study software engineering and then law: 1) is this an unusual combination? 2) do companies need individuals with this kind of qualification? 3) what kind of tasks ...

I want to be an entrepeneur software developer! Where do I start?

Only problem is that I'm still kind of confused about finding a good business model and such. I know for a fact that I hate creating things for other people and that passion is to come up with my own ideas and bring them to reality. The problem is that I will be able to do so much more if I could do this for a career instead of out hours...

Am I too old to became software developer?

I'm 34 years old. Have I any chance to became a good programmer and to start a career as a software developer if this is new for me? ...

Career Development: How it works or how do you use it?

I am a former business student who secretly wishes he was an engineering student. I work developing client/server software using C#, VisualStudio, and SQL Server. Recently I went back to school to work on my MS in CS. More and more I find the "How does it work" question to be of much more interest than the "How do I use it" question...

protocol development to programming image processing algorithms

For a long time (about 10 years now), I have been mostly developing firmware and device drivers for protocols like USB, SCSI, Firewire, etc ... but recently (owing to many inexplainable reasons) had to switch to programming related to Image processing. I think it is fun, but I am feeling like a novice for sometimes now. Now my question...

Development experience with NetSuite

I've been in discussions with a potential employer with regards to an opportunity wherein their main development framework is NetSuite. The terms of the project, or so I've told, is that they're in the middle of a project that has to be released by the end of the year (for reference it is September: target release is December). Without ...

What is required for a career in web development?

I've been learning PHP for a few years now, and have come to a point where I can code just about anything using it. Next year I'll be out of high school and into University, but there's a problem: most (not all) of the courses are only offered in ASP.NET. So my question is: should I be enhancing my skills in C# alongside my PHP skills s...

Should developers have artistic skills?

Am watching the movie "Flyboys" abut WWI and the pilots who fought in the first fighter-planes. In one scene, these pilots are painting their personal emblems on their own planes. And that made me think a bit... I have a colleague who is also an amateur-photographer. Another one who plays a lot of Rockstar who happens to like playing the...

How much math do you use as a computer scientist?

I am sure many developers here -- at least the ones who were formally trained -- took a fair amount of math courses in the university. Some minored in mathematics. The curriculum usually included Calculus (level 1, 2 and 3), linear algebra, probability/statistics. As a computer scientist, I have barely used any math whatsoever in the la...

What language to choose as a freelancer to support the needs of SMBs

The title might really sound like another "this is beaten to death" topic but bare with me please. I've been a Java Web Developer for 6 years now. I don't see Java just as a profession. I'm really into the language its related technologies and OO principles and methods. I really love coding in Java. However as freelancer, I feel like i...

What Post-Secondary Courses do I need to be a Web Developer?

I'm going to be finishing up High School this year and moving onto either University or College. However, after looking at some course lists, I'm perplexed - what types of courses (or which category [such as computing science]) do I need to start looking at in terms of enrollment? My goal is to ultimately have a career developing websit...

How can I improve my prospects for getting my first development job?

I'm having a hard time trying to get my first developer job. I am self taught in PHP and Objective-C/Cocoa. I know that I am more than capable to do basic PHP development work, but I seem unable to convince people of my ability. Employment agencies only look at my CV, and are un-impressed due to the lack of paid experience. Most employme...

Help regarding career decision for MCA Student.

I am A MCA 2009 Pass out and I like programming in C#.Net and also know PHP/MySQL, Java. I am confused which programming language should I choose (C#, PHP, Java) will have great future. I love all the three languages and also interested in learning new languages. But want to concentrate on any one language. Can you suggest me? ...

Which of these tools/technologies should I start learning first?

I'm gearing up to jump ship at my current company in (hopefully) 9 months or so. I'm a c# developer but don't have experience past the 2.0 framework and VS2005 due to the OS limitations of our target environment. Last year we had a consultant come in for about 9 months or so and he opened my eyes to new technologies, etc.. I still kee...

Have any developers changed careers into the domain they were developing software for?

I'm potentially interested in changing the domain in which I work. One of the interesting parts about software development is the multitude of domains we get to experience over the course of our careers. Developers are often expected to become experts in the domain in which they're writing software for. Have any developers become so k...

How to escape a doomed project?

Ok, here's the deal : I've been at my current workplace for almost 9 years, way too long i'm sure. Most of my time relates to one system slightly older than that, written mostly in vb6 and using Crystal 8.5 and SQL Server 2000. It's finally due to be replaced, but they keep slashing the budget for it and training and other things with th...