
div transparent background with ie

i try to use the carousel structure below carousel the problem is the background (link with description on left side) semi transparent and it works fine with opera,firefox,chrome,safari except ie6. ie6 displays it without that to change to display as other browsers? ...

creating a carousel with javascript?

Hi All, I want to create a carousel where if the user press prev and next only the image and its associated text should be displayed. Like for first item that is Image1, This is Image1 text should be displayed then if the user presses next Image2 and This is Image2 should be displayed. Below is my code Thanks <html> <head> <styl...

Weird behaviour on custom made jQuery slider

I thought it would be easy to create my own custom content slider with jQuery, and managed to create a decent one. Within the slider wrapper, I have a slider content and slider list. The slider is only showing one of three content areas. This is the HTML for the slider: <div id="featured_wrapper"> <ul id="featured_content"> ...

fixing a jquery horizontal scroller (simple)

hi, I know there are some really pretty carousels out there, but I wanted a very specific one that mimics most flash carousels you see. Here is what is looks like: And here is the article: Now, if you see my(Gideon) comment on the bottom, theres just ...

Jquery Return Index Number For Each Item In Array and set that index at Rel Attribute Infinite Carousel

I am trying manipulate Jquery Infinite Carousel into dynamically resizing the image container based on the currently displayed image. I need to get the index of the Li element that contains the current image, but the problem is that Infinite Carousel removes and reorders the Li's automatically, which means that their EQ() properties are...

Autoplay for javascript moving boxes

Hi all, Please go to : . As you can see there is a carousel effect in the header and it goes forward and backwards once you click on the arrows or press left/right key . I need it to autoplay so I need an autosliding effect. Time interval should be 5 seconds ( I guess I can set that up later ) . This ca...

GWT carousel widget

Hello, I'm currently working on a GWT project, in which I need to use a "carousel" widget. The carousel widget is supposed to display pieces of information and 2 arrows - when the user clicks on one of the arrow, the content is moved with an animation and replaced with new content. I've been looking through the available widget libs,...

jQuery image carousel - How can I repeat the images?

I've written an image slideshow in jQuery that speeds up/down based on where the mouse is hovering over the images. I'd like to have the images 'repeat' as the slideshow ends. So the user scrolls through the slideshow, it reaches the end of the image LI's and then seamlessly repeats from the start. Here's the current code: jQuery $(d...

jQuery Roundabout IE images pixellated

Hi at my jQuery roundabout near the bottom of the homepage is problematic in IE7 and 8 - book cover images blurred/pixellated. suggests something to do with em sizing in IE being the root of it but I don't really understand ...

jQuery - Trying to create an 'endless slideshow' of images

I'm trying to create an endless slideshow of images that does as follows: Slides the images across a window When the last image is reached, it begins from the start of the images Here is my current code: var direction = '-'; function doScroll() { $('#products ul').animate({left: direction + '500'}, 5000, function() { if...

jQuery coverflow like script?

I am looking for a javascript (preferably jQuery) script that will simulate a coverflow like effect - but not quite like a coverflow. I made a simple example of what i am trying to achive here: The black is the main image currently in focus - there is a prev and next link directly next to the main photo. The 2 purple boxes illustrate ...

How to implement 3D carousel ?

Hii, I want to implement floating 3D carousel with images, similar to UltimateFaves imeplementation. Please give me some idea how to proceed Regards, Kishore ...

Anybody know of a jquery plugin like this?

Anybody know of a jQuery plugin like this flash-based one? ...

jQuery carousel - auto expand height

I have a functional vertical jquery carousel as i have tweaked and modified the script and example found here: Instead of images, i am using text as list items. this script uses an fixed height style, and i am trying to incorporate an auto expand height feature. To ...

Jquery Carousel Issues

I am using Jquery's Just Another Carousel plugin and I'm having issues with something which I am not sure and because of this it's not working. I'm using this plugin because I need fixed height rather than fixed width. This Doesn't Works (When used Refresh CTRL+F5) any help? ...

Does anyone know where I can find the code for the JavaScript 3D Carousel? Developer's site is down.

Does anyone know where I can find the code for the JavaScript 3D Carousel? Developer's site ( is down. I see it referenced all over in articles and tutorials but so far haven't been able to find the actual code to download except from that site which is just ads now. Client wants that spe...

scroll by number of elements on jquery-just-another-carousel

Hi, It is possible to scroll by fixed number of child items that will be specified on configuration for jquery-just-another-carousel. Like when we click Next or Previous link then the carousel will be scrolled by 2 child items. ...

jquery-infinite-carousel - jump 3 items instead of one

Successfully used jquery-infinite-carousel in the past but for my current project I need it to loop forever AND also jump 3 items at a time. Example of how it works jumping 1 at a time here. jQuery.fn.carousel = function(previous, next, options){ var sliderList = jQuery(this).children()[0]; if (sliderList) { var increment = jQuery(...

use jquery autocomplete with carousel for preview and selection

Hi, I've successfully used jquery autocomplete to display a list of matching images based on user input. The user experience isn't great though due to the number of potential matches - even with fairly prescriptive input. I've found this example at nokia (I know it...

using 2 different jquery releases on the same page

I am using this jquery plugin for a carousel controller, it is based on jquery release 1.2.1 I also need to have tabs on the page, but when including the current jquery release in the page, the carousel stops working. Is there a way to have them both live together on the same page, or is there a...