
Wordpress - Get Post Number in a Category

Is there a way for me to get a pseudo-ID of a post from the category it belongs to? Let's say I have these posts post_id | post_title | post_cat --------+------------+--------- 0 | a post | cat1 1 | a post1 | cat2 2 | a post2 | cat1 3 | a post3 | cat2 ... 57 | a post57 | cat2 I want the pos...

Category on a weak linked object

I want to subclass or make a category of a weak linked object in Obj-C. MPMoviePlayerViewController is the subject here. MPMoviePlayerViewController is only available on 3.2 and later but I want to keep the compatibility of my app up to 3.0. What should I do? ...

Filtering content (jQuery)

HTML: <div class="filter"> <a href="#category-1">category 1</a> <a href="#category-2">category 2</a> </div> <ul class="items"> <li class="category-1">item 1</li> <li class="category-1">item 2</li> <li class="category-2">item 3</li> <li class="category-2">item 4</li> </ul> What I want is for example clicking on ...

Content Being Echoed Below Footer in Category Post Template

I have created a category template in Wordpress for all posts that are in the 'blog' category. The file name is single-blog.php. There is some conditional code in single.php that checks whether the post is in the 'blog' category and if it is it redirects it to single-blog.php. That seems to be working fine. The problem is that on a...

Creating a ListView/TreeView using Category (Control Panel-Like) View

I currently have an application which uses a regular ListView with groups to show a bunch of modules. I would like to use a Category view. Category view is the new view introduced in Windows Vista for the Control Panel: Is there a third party control or a way (via API) to create a ListView which mimics the behavior of the Windows 7 C...

How to wrap category labels in JfreeChart

I have Stacked Bar Chart created using JFreeChart. The labels of the category are quite big and they overlap with the label of the next Bar. I would like to wrap it to the next line. I did some searching and found that i have to use the below code. setMaximumCategoryLabelLines(2) in the CategoryAxis and still it doesn't wrap ...

Exclude Category From wp_get_archives?

Is there any way to exclude a category from wp_get_archives? I'm trying to show the months in the sidebar, but I want to exclude the posts that are not blog entries. $catID = get_cat_id('Projects'); $variable = wp_get_archives('type=monthly&show_post_count=1); echo $variable; ...

filter divs by class - jquery

Hi, there are several list filters in jquery (quicksand, filterprojects, etc.), but I am looking to filter divs by class. I want the same functionality of the above - you select a menu item attached to a class and the other items fade out. Anyone seen anything like this anywhere? ...

conditionals in wordpress

Why this code works fine: <?php if (**is_page**('4')) { ?> <style type="text/css"> body {background-image:url("<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/bac4.jpg");} </style> <?php } else ?> and this not: <?php if (**is_category**()) { ?> <style type="text/css"> body {background-image:url("<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/im...

How to remove a specific category on a selected mail in Outlook 2003 with Macro?

Hi, I am trying to transform my Outlook2003 into the closest thing to gmail. I started to use categories, which are pretty similar to labels in gmail. I can assign categories automatically with rules, and I can add categories manually. I have also created "search folders", that show all mails with a given category, if they are not in...

iPhone 3.1 SDK: UIViewController category is affecting ALL ViewControllers

Hi everyone, iPhone SDK question for you. I've created a UIViewController category to shift a view up when UITextFields are being edited and the keyboard appears, blocking the fields. I found the code online and no doubt you iPhone gurus are familiar with it. The interface looks like this: @interface UIViewController (Shiftable) ...

Grouping content by category - Drupal

Hi folks, is there a good way of grouping content up by category. I wish I could have a CCK category field. ...

Full-Text Search for category with all parents in a row

Full-Text Search for category with all parents in a row: CatLevel1 >> CatL2 >> CatLn >> SearchedCategory I've got 4 columns in my category table: CatID, CatName, CatDepth, ParentID Some categories got a 3 level depth and some other 7. I want to have the target category with all its parents in one row. Let me explain by an example: Se...

WordPress: Prevent Showing of Sub Category Posts

Hi, I'd like to know how to prevent showing of sub-category posts. My home page lists all posts from three "main categories" (parent category), but unfortunately it's also listing some posts from the sub-categories. Here's the code that I'm using to get the posts from specific category: <h2>Category Name</h2> <ul> <?php $category_...

nicer way of handling dom than DOMCategory?

I'm trying to create a DSL that can easily use a dom node. Using DOMCategory is nice, but adds the noise of 'use(DOMCategory)'. Is there a way to avoid that? I tried wrapping the script call inside a call to 'use', but this doesn't seem to work in closures. ...

Exclude category from custom taxonomy output

Hello, I'm using the query below to output all links from a custom taxonomy. It outputs all posts that are tagged 'http' from the taxonomy 'words'. I would like to exclude some general categories from the output. So, fe. it only outputs links in the media and news categories. What would be the best way to achieve this? $wp_query->re...

Make Wordpress subcategories use Category Template

I've got a category template: category-projects.php This category has subcategories, but they're refering to the template category.php for instructions instead of the parent category. How do I make subcategories refer to parent category templates in the cascading order of template references? *Note, I'm talking about category level url...

Wordpress - Get Current Category Parents

In category.php, how would I test against a category having a parent category? If the parent category is A, and the sub-category is B, and the user loads the URL for category B, I would like to be able to test if it has parent A, and run code if it does. I've found the get_category_parents tag, but it seems to return a link list rather...

How do I print a certain wordpress category anywhere I want on any page?

Can someone tell me what the PHP would look like in order to get a category from Wordpress and then print it where ever I want? I'm guessing I have to build a PHP function. Something like: function get_a_category() { $category = get_the_category(); <-----( not sure how to ge ta specific category ) echo $category; } I have no idea ...

Magento - get filterable attributes by category

I have created a custom navigation module specifically for a website, but I really want to be able to list filterable attributes by a specific category. So for instance my main navigation is: Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 etc. I then that when a user mouses over a category, they are then presented with an expanded menu...