
How to categorize SQL Server data access for papers?

Hello everybody! We are writing this paper about database access in a web app and have to distinguish between the different categories of the database access layer. All books and PDF's given us provide only information to JDBC or OLEDB. Researching on the web brought me to the point that access to a Microsoft SQL Server trough linq-to...

Wordpress, get ID's of multiple categories from the URL

Hi. I'm using WordPress 2.8.4. My question is, if I'm viewing a sub category ("cat-slug-2" in this example) is there a built in function to get it's categoryID and its parents' categoryID? Here's an example URL, where cat-slug-2 is a sub category of cat-slug-1 Thanks, Jon ...

Is there a way to define 'javadoc types' - custom parameters for members?

The use case I can think of is the following: In a typical application, there are usually many members of a certain category, e.g., a web application contains many constants attribute keys, Action classes, services, etc. For each category, to maintain consistency, it is useful to document them consistently. Consider the constants used ...

Will using a custom category to extend UIButton get my app rejected?

Are there greater chances of my app getting rejected by Apple if I use a custom category to extend the functionality of an UIKit interface element, let's say UIButton? Clarification: I'm thinking about implementing a toggle UIButton, that will alternate between pressed/released states on each tap. ...

How to get the item count for sub-categories on each parent?

This is related to the following post: The function that retrieves the item counts for each folder (category) is: ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetFolderReceiptCount] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @FolderID bigint ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN DECLARE @Return int SET @Return = 0 SELECT --H.ReceiptFolderID,...

Wordpress - Skip category page if only one post in category

Hi there, I'm trying to figure out a way of being able to click a link in a sidebar and skip straight to a single page if there is only one post in a category. This is the website I've built for the company I work for. For example. If you click on the "Kings Theatre" link in the sidebar (under "browse by client") it goes to a category p...

Can a category simultaneously implement a protocol?

If a category I'm creating for a class adds methods that also fulfill the contract set out by a protocol, I'd like to flag that category class as implementing the protocol, and thereby indicate to the Obj-C pre-processor that the class effectively implements the protocol as well. Example delegate (for clarity, thanks Ole!): @protocol S...

Magenot - add link to My Account in Main Menu navigation bar

Hi there, I was wondering if it possible to link a category to 'My Account'. Basically I would like to make 'My Account' more prominent, by creating a category - 'My Account' which appears in the main menu navigation bar. Is there a way of linking this category to 'My Account'? So that when the user clicks on 'My Account' in the navig...

Property & Private & extended class combination confusion of interface

I have downloaded a sample code of AA-Plot Chart. One of the .h files: @interface MainViewController : UIViewController <APYahooDataPullerDelegate, CPPlotDataSource> { CPLayerHostingView *layerHost; @private APYahooDataPuller *datapuller; CPXYGraph *graph; } @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet CPLayerHostingView *la...

Showing 10 recent (same month/year?) items from a category (Wordpress)

I'd like to display 10 recent posts (probably from the current month or year) from the "featured" category in random order, i.e, rotate posts on each refresh/pageload. I'd like to show small thumbnails (the same image(s) used in the posts just resized to fit) on left, and excerpt on right. So the formatting would look like: [#1 Post Ti...

List of 'most popular' posts (based on # of views) — Wordpress

I'd like to show a list of most popular posts sorted by number of views. I'd like to show small thumbnails (the same image(s) used in the posts just resized to fit) on left, and excerpt on right. So the formatting would look like: [#1 Post Title] [80x80 thumbnail] [excerpt, limit to x chars] [#2 Post Title] [80x80 thumbnail] [excerpt,...

Displaying list of categories and tags in Wordpress

I'd like to display a list of categories and tags, that are picked manually. So I'd pre-define what categories and tags are to be shown. So there'd two blocks in the sidebar: Major Categories - category 1 - category 2 - category 3 ... upto 7 and Tags: Quick Links - tag 1 - tag 2 - tag 3 ... upto 20 ...

Wordpress Category Problem

I'm using this codes for category.php template on my new work (photos page). But there are problem on category bar. When i click on any category link then all post is showing under first category item. I can't categorize my posts. How i can solve this problem? ...

Objective-C accessor declarations (readonly, readwrite, etc)

In the book, "Cocoa Design Patterns," the author sometimes declares a property in the @interface as readonly: // .h @property (readonly, copy) NSArray *shapesInOrderBackToFront; and then later adds an unnamed category to the implementation (.m) file like this: // .m @interface MYShapeEditorDocument () @property (readwrite, copy) NSAr...

Magento Help -> Having difficulty FILTERING new products.

I'm having a little dilemma. The following code correctly displays the assigned products while ignoring the minimal pricing. The "as low as" option. <?php $cat_id = 123; // category id $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($cat_id); $todayDate = Mage::app()->getLocale()->date()->toString(Varien_Date::DATETIME_INTERNAL...

Objective-C Categories

If I add a category method to a class, such as NSXMLNode: @interface NXSMLNode (mycat) - (void)myFunc; @end Will this category method also be available in subclasses of NSXMLNode, such as NSXMLElement and NSXMLDocument? Or do I have to define and implement the method as a category in each class, leading to code duplication? ...

Create barchart using jfreechart with bars of same category together

I want to make bar chart using jfreechart such that the bars which belong to the same category should be displayed adjacent without any gaps. The categories should be displayed with gaps. Also each category may have different number of bars. How it can be achived using Jfreechart library? Following image is the sample of what I require....

Doxygen and Objective-C categories

Although the latest releases of Doxygen claim better handling of Objective-C categories, it still seems to choke on categories in my source code. I'm wondering if someone has gotten it to document categories properly. As an example, I have a category on NSString defined as: @interface NSString (CCFExtensions) with an interface file ...

Initialising a static variable in Objective-C category

I was trying to create a static variable to store a dictionary of images. Unfortunately, the best way I could find to initialise it was to check in each function that used the variable. Since I am creating this variable inside a category, I can't just initialise it inside the initialiser. Is there a neater way of initialising navigationB...

Showing specific categories

I'd like to show only specific wordpress categories (with their sub-categories nested), so for example: Main Category 1 Sub Category 1.1 Sub Category 1.2 Main Category 5 Sub Category 2.1 Sub Category 2.2 ... I can hardcode it inside the sidebar template, but I'd like to know if there's any existing plugin/widget that allows thi...