
cgi and webservice

How can I create a cgi url for my webservice? client want to access the webservice using following url [protocol]://servername/webservice/services.cgi How do I make my asmx webservice avaliable through this url? ...

sending and receiving data to a CGI page from ASP .net webservice

How can I send data from my .net web service to a CGI page and collect response? It is an integration project. One side (Client A) is collecting service requests in windows application + Sql server. another side (Client B) provides the services however they can accept the request from a cgi url (fa...

How to redirect to another page in Python in CGIAr

If I want to redirect the user from a cgi script to a HTML page using core libraries from the following: import cgi Please could someone point me in the right direction. Nothing more. Simply redirect from cgi script to html page. How ever you would do this Python. If you have to physically write out the HTTP Response Headers to achi...

Running C++ CGI Script As Background Process?

Hi, I'm working on an audio encoder cgi script that utilises libmp3lame. I'm writing in a mixture of C/C++. I plan to have an entry-point cgi that can spawn multiple encoding processes that run in the background. I need the encoding processes to be asynchronous as encoding can take several hours but I need the entry-point cgi to retur...

How was made?

I'm very curious as to what programming languages were used to make Google. In the early days, Larry Page and Sergey Brin tried to licence their search algorithm to Yahoo. What I would love to know is what language(s) was the software first written in? I have a feeling it was C or perl (CGI), anyone know for sure? Thank you in advance ...

CGI automation question

I am a career .NET developer, but have recently been delving into the LAMP universe. I have an Joomla/VirtueMart ecommerce site near ready to launch. The vendor's xml datafeed must undergo transformation before it can be imported into the products database. I wrote a .NET console app that can easily perform the transform and upload ...

Apache: Download files getting a CR inserted before every LF (even spreadsheets)

I am using Apache 2.2.14 and Python 2.6 for CGI on Windows XP. Files sent through CGI get corrupted. A CR gets inserted before every LF. Firefox, IE, and Curl clients give the same result. The file is the correct size, but CR's are inserted throughout, and the data is shifted down and truncated. I can look at the file on the server, ...

How to write CGI script using Haskell?

if i want to make a web application, for example, it could be a blog, forum, or some dynamic web pages, what do i need? i know that i need an http server(apache, lighttpd). i know that i should know some programming language to develop this web app. but how it all combine? can i develop in any (exotic) programming language? for example,...

compiled or interpreted / apache mod or FastCGI for this use case?

We have a server-side component that is currently written in PHP on Apache2 that is essentially a cross domain proxy that uses cURL to make external HTTP requests, does header processing and performs some regular expression replacement on the payloads. It is going to be the most heavily used piece of server-side code for our site. PHP i...

Designing Web Interface for Embedded System

OS : Linux. Im trying to find possible ways to design web interface for my embedded system. Currently there is a shell(text based) and a small set of commands are implemented to query the device. Im new to web development, my questions are : What web server must i use ? ( i got apache up on my development setup and tried using cgi ...

how to recycle images, but not show anyone the same image twice?

I'm writing a web app similar to in that one visitor should never (or rarely) see the same thing twice, but different visitors can see the same thing. Ideally, this would span visits, so that when Bob comes back tomorrow he doesn't see today's things again either. Three first guesses: have enough unique things that it's ...

What is CGI and what are CGI Scripts?

Ive seen a folder called cgi-bin quite long while using apache. How do scripts help me? how can i use them? I've used php and ajax only for web development! ...

Python script runs via apache when permissions are 755 but gives Error 500 when 777?

I uploaded a basic python script to my shared hosting at Dreamhost, and changed the permissions to 777. It ran fine from the shell (via SSH) but would display a 'Server Error' when called from the browser. In the error.log, the error was 'Premature end of script headers'. I wrote to DreamHost, who (surprisingly quickly) replied by chan...

How can I create and maintain sessions in series of Perl CGI scripts?

Hi All, I am new to CGI-Perl and sessions. I have a problem running the following code. I have four files 1. Session.html or 2. 3. 4. The is place in /var/www/html folder and the rest of the files are placed in /var/www/cgi-bin/session folder. I have a basic html file(Session.html) whic...

Python CGI transaction

I have a Python CGI handling a payment transaction. When the user submits the form, the CGI is called. After submission, the CGI takes a while to perform the credit card transaction. During that time, a user might hit the ESC or refresh button. Doing that will not "kill" the CGI, meaning, the script will keep running completing the trans...

Why does my system call to another CGI script work on the command line but not when run as a CGI program?

I have a scriptA.cgi which calls scriptB.cgi. scriptB.cgi requires a param. I have tried both inside scriptA.cgi I have tried: `perl -l scriptB.cgi foo="toast is good" `; as well as @args = ("perl", "-l", "scriptB.cgi", "foo=\"toast is good\""); system(@args); When I call scriptA.cgi from the command line it works as expected. ...

How can I create a new CGI script programmatically and run it immediately?

I have written a Perl script to read the configuration file and create CGI scripts. This works fine and I get the output of CGI script on terminal and I can execute that CGI scripts on web pages. Below is my sample script. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Text::Template; my $conf = "test.cfg"; open CFG, $conf or die "Could not open...

Using a CGI binary in an application.

How would an application interface with a CGI binary? For example, say my app is running on Windows and wants to invoke the PHP.exe binary in the context of a web server. How would I do this? By passing some sort of command line arguments? I am using C++, if that helps. NOTE - I know how to invoke processes and such. I just want to know...

How can I detect if a cookie exists using the Ruby programming language?

I know how to read cookies using CGI and Ruby but the problem is, if I try to read cookies.value[0] when it does not exists, it breaks my program. So I need to check if the cookie is there to read first. I can't find this answer anywhere on the internet. Please help, thank you, Henry. ...

python json unicode - how do I eval using javascript

Really spent a lot of time searching for this. Please need some help. I am trying to add multilingual feature to my web app framework. For this I am unable to send non ascii characters as JSON. Here is what I am doing Here is what I get from the database '\xe0\xa4\xa4\xe0\xa5\x87\xe0\xa4\xb8\xe0\xa5\x8d\xe0\xa4\xa4' which when I pri...