
Remote Client-Server Application in C#

Hello everyone, In my dotNet class, we are making a simple chat application. Our professor gave us a sample code as follows: SERVER: TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(8085); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(RemoteObject), "myobject", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton); C...

Javascript to socket server conneciton

Hi! I wanted to create a web chat. It was suggested that i use Php Socket Servers. I've made one and they function well with a telnet client. What i find myself bamboozled by is how to get that data to the client via ajax (no page refreshes). All I can come up with is calling a php file with ajax, getting the data and updating the page....

Best stack options for Video Chat server using GAE/Java and Flash

Hi, We want to build a high performance web based Chat server using Flash on client side and Java on the server side on Google App Engine. We want to ignore other options like Silverlight, HTML5 for now. Client side: So on the client side we have Flash. We probably write some action script code to start using the web cam and posting i...

How to get client-side dateTime in server-side ASP script?

I need to get the browser user local date and Time on my server side asp vbscript page. The goal is to show a specific message to all connected users that are in conversation at a specific local time in my web chat application. Is that possible? One way is to include the local time on an hidden text field and then pass it through usin...

How to make a chat system on iPhone?

I'm doing research for making a chat based app for the iPhone (it's not really text chat in the regular sense, but the principles are the same). Maximum 6 people can be logged into the same chat room at any one time, and the most basic question is how to efficiently check for new messages? Would I need to simply poll the server perio...

JQuery/PHP Chat Client Help

Hello my friends. I found this cool Chat tutorial on CSS-Tricks. ( I am trying to use it however. Everytime I run it, and I enter my name when it asks in the chat room. It just shows this code: Great! You found a username not in use"; $data['inuse'] = "notinuse"; } else { $data['result'] = " That username i...

online chat sites?

hi is there any online sites which there i can chat with my contacts in gmail or yahoo ? ...

Flash Video Chat System

I want to build a simple Video chat system in flash. For the client side, I want it to be pure flash -- no plugins involved. Given that, is there anyway I can have the backend be based on open source tools? PS: I run Linux / am familiar with C/C++. Thanks! ...

is this chat script efficient?

i made a chat using php and ajax, and i am using a while loop to check the database for new messages. this is the code that retrieves the message: //retrive message function update(){ $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ async: true, type: "POST", url: "listen.php", success: function(data){ $("#myp").before(data); }, comple...

hosting a simple chat on google app engine

use case: 5 - 30 users simultaniously on a chat. is it a good idea / is it possible to code this on google app engine? ...

Can we have a linux terminal chat client for gmail

Does a gmail terminal chat client exist or anyway one can write it? ...

Android: How to communicate between 2 activies

I have a problem: I have a UI thread which displays webwiew and another chatActivity which displays chat. I keep on getting data from server which would be displayed on both Activities. What is the best way to do this viz doInBackground or Service, If service, than can i bind 2 activity with 1 service i.e. if user press logout from UI...

Where can I find an ASP.NET Webforms-compatible chat client with hooks to add additional functionality?

I have a client looking to add chat functionality to their Webforms-based site. They would like the following additional features (beyond the usual chat stuff): When a client conversation is started, the customer service rep is presented with a view of the order the customer is inquiring about. (As determined by the page on which th...

developing a scalabe chat system.

I am a java developer and am pretty comfortable with develeoping webapps in java/jsp/servlets. I want to develop a video web based chat website.people should be able to chat with each other using my website.People dont need to use any client app installed on their pc in order to chat with others. My website should be scalable.It should...

chat application

how to build a chat application using php and ajax? ...

XMPP library for facebook chat

So facebook is opening its chat servers to us... great. I am new to XMPP, so what would be the best JS library to connect to their servers? I googled for a tutorial article, but found nothing. Can someone direct me to one? ...

How to maintain chat data ?

Hi, I have a curious question... I wanted to know how to maintain chat data in a database. I have been using a php-mysql application, that stores chat data of users in a database. Now my question is that, if the chat data increases, say, to some millions of records, how to store it? Does mysql support it, or have any limitations ? Take...

Python - Regular Expression Wildcards from Socket data?

Hello everyone. I have a question regarding regular expressions in Python. The expressions are composed of data that would be read from a server, connected via socket. I'm trying to use and read wildcards in these expressions. Example: Let's say I run a chat server. When a message is recieved, the server sends to all clients (JSmith send...

Simple PHP long polling chat script, too simple?

Im working on a simple chat app, probably 10 to 20 users per room. The Script that queries the database for new messages looks too simple for all the request it'll be getting. Below is the block of code that loops for new messages, the rest of the script is just getting the variables, construction of the query and the json response obj...

Should I fetch all Core Data entities upfront on iPhone?

I am building a social app that has a chatView. Message is an entity. On the usersViewController (rootViewController), I want to just display the number of unread messages from each user. But on the chatView, I want to show the messages sent between me and the selected user. How should I fetch the messages from Core Data? Is there a w...