
Creating separate handlers for different users - WCF chat

Hello I'm following this brilliant piece of article to dissect and understand chat using WCF. The logic is that when a user joins a chat an event handler is created for that particular user and is stored in a dictionary. lock (syncObj) { if (!checkIfPersonExists(person.Name) && person != null) { ...

linux sockets: server exits before client

Hello, I have this prog, just a skeleton for a simple sever and client connection. I will make it a chat. (dont mind the thread func and signals..) server: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket....

Best technology for web-to-application video chat?

I'm starting to look into technologies to support a project that involves video chat between one party using a web browser and another party using a fat client (technology TBD, per below). I see three components that need to be identified (and I'd prefer to avoid reinventing any wheels): the web client (video recording & playback), fat ...

how to detect incoming chat message?

I'm using PHP, AJAX, a MySQL database, and a lot of jQuery to prototype web-based chat system (similar to Facebook Chat). I'm stuck on how to "listen" for incoming chats... when to know someone is trying to chat me... and to know that it is a new chat, not an existing chat. Right now, I'm polling to see if there has been new insertions ...

How to integrate a chat application with other service like GTalk or Yahoo?

I have created a chat application using PHP, but it works only into my site(like the user need come to my site and chat..), i want that user can chat with me through any chat server like Gtalk,yahoo, or MSN. How can it be done?? ...

How to parse Gmail chat logs from webpage?

What would be the best way to parse Gmail chat logs from the webpage where it's displayed? As far as I know, this is still the only way to access server-hosted Gmail chat logs (through either desktop Gmail or mobile Gmail). When looking at the generated source where the conversation takes place, the markup looks like nested divs and sp...

xmlhttp request not working

I'm trying to build a basic chat site and have four files: chat.html, scripts.html, load.php, and send.php. Here they are: chat.html: <html> <head> <title>Josh's Python Chat Website</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="chatscripts.js"> </script> </head> <body> <div id="divUsernam...

How to send Chat Invitation, to GTalk using PHP?

I want to send Chat Invitation to multiple users of Gmail, from my database list. How can it be done using PHP? example: My data table contains some list of email address(i.e [email protected], [email protected]....), and i want to send all these email address an invitation from my end(i.e [email protected] or [email protected]) ...

Suggestion of best practices for implementing a Web Chat

I want to develop a good chat in my page, I know how to program in php, actionscript 2 and 3, and how to manage MySQL databases. So, given that I know to program, what do you suggest? Any good tutorials for making one? good open source projects? Implication of using this technologies in chats? ...

Importing contacts from web mail & Chat to search for friends?

How do I go about this: For a social site I need to allow users to find people they may know on the website. 1) Find friends on our site - Done. 2) Find friends from their email (hotmail, gmail, etc.) 3) Find friends from chat (AIM, ICQ, etc.) 4) Upload CSV files - Done. For 2 & 3, there is a huge list of email and chat services. I gu...

.NET Video Audio Chat

i am a beginner in terms of application development. so far i have developed a peer to peer game of BattleShips in C# and a peer to peer game of Connect 4 in Java. for my next project i have decided to go multimedia. i would like to implement a peer to peer chat program that uses Audio/Video streaming to each client as well as text ch...

How to implement a chatroom?

I am very wondering if there are any popular apis/frameworks currently available to do this? I am familiar with PHP and Javascript. So I am wondering how would one design a chat room? How does the server push the data to the individual connected clients? I would like to build the server and the client side all on my own as a practice....

Web Chat Application - ASP.NET/Jabber/Ajax/WCF/Comet/ReverseAjax - Issues Faced - Seeking Insights

Hello I've been trying to build a web based chat application for the past three weeks and i'm facing issues with whatever route (programming technique/technology) i take to build it. I've explained the issues i've experienced with all of'em below. Kindly provide whatever insights you have in this. ASP.NET-AJAX First issue is that it ...

AJAX Chat, implement server with DB or as a windows service?

I am implementing an AJAX chat. No worries there but I was thinking of how to implement the server side code. At the moment I write from a DB when a user sends and reads from the DB when a user requests his messages. I am thinking that this is not the most efficient way as I am writing and reading all the time. My plan was to implement...

Server Push technique with WCF for pushing data to clients

Hello How can i use Server Push with my WCF web service to communicate with the clients and push the data to the browser? Can i implement BOSH with WCF? Thank you. NLV ...

.NET Library for Client/Server application ?

Hi, I have a plan to write a small "Network manager" for my company using C#. It like a chat application. Please see example bellow: Ex: Client(C) is manager, Server(S) C: send string "is_process_running x.exe" (check x.exe is running on server pc) S: check and send to C: "x.exe is running\nPath: 'C:\\windows\system32\x.exe'" C: "kill...

How to use UIKeyboardWillShowNotification

I want to create a ChatView exactly like iPhone's texting app (Messages). I'm doing it programmatically and am trying to move the textView up with the keyboard. I want to do this in a function that gets called by UIKeyboardWillShowNotification. Could you help me debug this error? In ChatViewController.m, I set a listener for UIKeyboardW...

Problem adding buddy with smack api and openfire server

Hi I am new in Java. And its giving me a lot of stress. I need to chat with smack api and openfire server. For this my java code is below import java.util.*; import*; import org.jivesoftware.smack.Chat; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionConfiguration; import org.jivesoftware.smack.MessageListener; import org.jivesoftware...

PHP Chat SCript

I am developing a chat application. At present its just a simple chat. But i need a chat with chat rooms, database storage,admin can see all the chats.Any ideas...pls suggest me ...

what kind of technology is node-chat using

This is the node-chat I'm inquiring about: How are the messages being passed to the server? websocket comet ajax? How does it work? Is what it's using scalable? Thanks. ...