
How do I model a chessboard when programming a computer to play chess?

What data structures would you use to represent a chessboard for a computer chess program? ...

Recommended data format for describing the rules of chess

I'm going to be writing a chess server and one or more clients for chess and I want to describe the rules of chess (e.g. allowable moves based on game state, rules for when a game is complete) in a programming language independant way. This is a bit tricky since some of the chess rules (e.g. King Castling, en passent, draws based on 3 or...

Is there a perfect algorithm for chess?

Dear Stack Overflow community, I was recently in a discussion with a non-coder person on the possibilities of chess computers. I'm not well versed in theory, but think I know enough. I argued that there could not exist a deterministic Turing machine that always won or stalemated at chess. I think that, even if you search the entire s...

Trailing/leading zero count for a byte

I'm using Java and I'm coding a chess engine. I'm trying to find the index of the first 1 bit and the index of the last 1 bit in a byte. I'm currently using Long.numberOfTrailingZeros() (or something like that) in Java, and would like to emulate that functionality, except with bytes. Would it be something like: byte b = 0b011000101; ...

What RESTful API would you use for a turn-based game server?

How would you model a turn-based game server as a RESTful API? For example, a chess server, where you could play a game of chess against another client of the same API. You would need some way of requesting and negotiating a game with the other client, and some way of playing the individual moves of the game. Is this a good candidate fo...

Highlighted squares on a CustomControl chessboard don't persist beyond the initial MouseDown event

I've been coding a Windows app chess game in C# as an exercise in honing my skills, and also because it's fun. I have included functionality that allows a player to select the option to highlight the squares a piece can legally move to when it gets clicked. A CustomControl handles the rendering of the chessboard and it also highlights th...

What are some good resources for writing a chess engine?

I'm interested in writing a chess engine (mostly as a learning exercise) and would be interested in any resources that people know of that could be of interest or use, anything really: Papers, Books, Theory, Tutorials, anything that could be useful. ...

What is the state of the art in computer chess tree searching?

I'm not interested in tiny optimizations giving few percents of the speed. I'm interested in the most important heuristics for alpha-beta search. And most important components for evaluation function. I'm particularly interested in algorithms that have greatest (improvement/code_size) ratio. (NOT (improvement/complexity)). Thanks. PS ...

Would somebody be willing to explain CHESS to a programmer new to Unit Testing?

I've just recently started using unit testing, and I understand some of the main issues unit testing does not cover is concurrency and complex cross-object interactions (which most modern fully OOP lanugages completely eliminate anyhow.) it is my understanding that CHESS resolves the concurrency problem to some degree? could someone giv...

How to program a neural network for chess?

Hello! I want to program a chess engine which learns to make good moves and win against other players. I've already coded a representation of the chess board and a function which outputs all possible moves. So I only need an evaluation function which says how good a given situation of the board is. Therefore, I would like to use an arti...

Anyone know of a good .Net Chess Engine

I'm looking for a decent .Net chess engine. If there is a good chess existing one, any recommendation as to a good candidate to port to .Net? ...

what would you do in a chessboard? (piece position)

would you create 3 list(of coordinate) for empty position black position white position or just looping though the array when needed and play with the result every time? what would be best? (speed wise) ...

Chess Optimizations

ok, so i have been working on my chess program for a while and i am beginning to hit a wall. i have done all of the standard optimizations (negascout, iterative deepening, killer moves, history heuristic, quiescent search, pawn position evaluation, some search extensions) and i'm all out of ideas! i am looking to make it multi-threaded ...

How hard is it to implement a chess engine?

I'm wondering how hard it would be to implement a chess engine. Are there already open-source implementations? It seems that you'd need a scoring function for a given board constellation, and a very fast way of exploring several likely future board constellations. Exploring all possible future moves is of course impossible, so one coul...

Smallest Chess Playing Program

I was wondering if anyone knew of a "World's Smallest Chess Program". By this I mean a text based program that can play a game of chess following all the rules (castling, en passent, underpromotion, game ends with mate(stale), draw by repetition or insufficent material) in the least amount of code. I found some forums on this when I ch...

Chess move validation library

Is there any library which can be used to validate chess moves and simulate games in .NET? It would be great if the library can understand moves in Algebraic notation and also provide simple API for making moves. For example, game.Move("E2","E4") etc. In the second case, the library should be able to generate Algebraic notation for the m...

Advice for a new project - Command line Chess game between two Ubuntu Machines

Hi All, I am a CS student and I'd love to make a command line chess game. Ideally I would be able to ping my moves directly to my opponent and just for fun I would rather use ASCII art to print the board (No memory chess) at the command line. I have a 4 year computer science degree under my belt and I'm just starting work as a Java pro...

chess AI for GAE

I am looking for a Chess AI that can be run on Google App Engine. Most chess AI's seem to be written in C and so can not be run on the GAE. It needs to be strong enough to beat a casual player, but efficient enough that it can calculate a move within a single request (less than 10 secs). Ideally it would be written in Python for easier ...

Flexible library or server for board games (chess or others)?

Hello, I'm looking for a program or library that I could use for experimenting with board games (chess mostly, but not necessarily -- other similarly complex board games are OK too). I'll test different game-playing algorithms. This is what I need: I'd like, if possible, to make my program play against players like gnuchess and craft...

C# 3D Chess Game

Hey so I want to create a 3D chess game (3D glass pieces), like the Chess game Vista provides, Chess Titans, but I'm not sure how to get started. I know I should probably use Blender for the modeling and Visual Studios for the programming. Can you provide links to comprehensive tutorials that can help me get started? Thank you ...