
Plotting classification boundary ?

I would like to plot the classification boundary for the model obtained using Logistic Regression in Matlab. Solutions other than in Matlab are welcome but I will need access to Logistic Regression code for modification. ...

In ID3 implementation, at which point the recursion in Algorithm should stop.

In ID3 implementation, at which point the recursion in Algorithm should stop. ...

What subjects, topics does a computer science graduate need to learn to apply available machine learning frameworks, esp. SVMs

I want to teach myself enough machine learning so that I can, to begin with, understand enough to put to use available open source ML frameworks that will allow me to do things like: Go through the HTML source of pages from a certain site and "understand" which sections form the content, which the advertisements and which form the meta...

Programing language concise and systematic description

Can you describe in few sentences or bullets program language you know best? It should be concise, not too long, lets say for one or two slides in presentation, but that contains important classifications of that language. Some details about usage and spread, supported platforms and available libraries. Some strengths and weaknesses. Mos...

Newbie: where to start given a problem to predict future success or not

We have had a production web based product that allows users to make predictions about the future value (or demand) of goods, the historical data contains about 100k examples, each example has about 5 parameters; Consider a class of data called a prediciton: prediction { id: int predictor: int predictionDate: date p...

Neural network example to classify multi-dimensional features into two sets

I'm looking for a good source code example of a supervised neural network which accepts more than two features (unlike most XY-examples) and classifies data into two sets. From what I've read, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) might be a solution? All the classifying examples I have found are two-dimensional. Here are a few: Single layer...

Detecting rare incidents from multivariate time series intervals

Given a time series of sensor state intervals, how do I implement a classifier which learns from supervised training data to detect an incident based on a sequence of state intervals? To simplify the problem, sensor states are reduced to either true or false. Update: I've found this paper (PDF) on Mining Sequences of Temporal Intervals ...

Recognise an arbitrary date string

I need to be able to recognise date strings. It doesn't matter if I can not distinguish between month and date (e.g. 12/12/10), I just need to classify the string as being a date, rather than converting it to a Date object. So, this is really a classification rather than parsing problem. I will have pieces of text such as: "bla bl...

Get recall (sensitivity) and precision (PPV) values of a multi-class problem in PyML

I am using PyML for SVM classification. However, I noticed that when I evaluate a multi-class classifier using LOO, the results object does not report the sensitivity and PPV values. Instead they are 0.0: from PyML import * from PyML.classifiers import multi mc = multi.OneAgainstRest(SVM()) data = VectorDataSet('', labelsColum...

Clustering problem

Hi all I've been tasked to find N clusters containing the most points for a certain data set given that the clusters are bounded by a certain size. Currently, I am attempting to do this by plugging in my data into a kd-tree, iterating over the data and finding its nearest neighbor, and then merging the points if the cluster they make do...

Please help me on choosing right classifer

Hi all, I am facing a problem on selecting correct classifier for my data-mining task. I am labeling webpages using statistical method and label them using a 1-4 scale,1 being the poorest while 4 being the best. Previously,I used SVM to train the system since I was using a binary(1,0) label then.But now since I switch to this 4-class ...

Help me understand linear separability in a binary SVM

I'm cross-posting this from because I'm not getting any feedback and it's a time-sensitive question for me. My question pertains to linear separability with hyperplanes in a support vector machine. According to Wikipedia: ...formally, a support vector machine constructs a hyperplane or set of hyperplane...

Parsing semi-structured data - can I use any classifiers?

I've got a set of documents which have a semi-regular format. Rows are typically separated by new line characters, and the main components of each row are separated by spaces. Some examples are a set of furniture assembly instructions, a set of table of contents, a set of recipes and a set of bank statements. The problem is that each s...

Comment classification & colorization Plugin for Wordpress

Hi to all, is there any plugin that classificate the comments and colorize them related to their class. I mean; when commenters making comment, they should be able to choose a class from dropdown (such:General/Support/Suggestion/.. etc.) and related to this selection comment background will be colorized. Visitors can be able see only one...