
3rd party .jar includes with Google App Engine

I am writing a Google App Engine app using Java that uses 3rd party libraries. I am getting a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" when running the app when it hits the line with references to the 3rd party library. This app works when creating a normal servlet, so I am pretty sure the code is correct. I am developing in Eclipse. Does th...

glassfish v3 classpath settings

Hi, I'm developing j2ee app on glassfish v3 which will remotely call EJB deployed on jboss 5 app server. For this to work, my app has to have jboss client jars in class path. I managed to do this by packaging client jar files with my application, but this expends size by aprox 10mb, thus uploading app becomes an issue. How can I put th...

how can i access "Thing" class ???

In an ontology? i have an ontology that it doesnt have only one root has 4 seperated classes(4 sub graph) ---1---- with listclasses() method i can't access 3 of them. this method lists one root class and its subclasses! i want to get all classes of ontology.then i want to get "Thing" class to access all of classes!!! is this ...

glassfish v3 remote jboss EJB client

Hi ladies and gents, I have some interesting issue regarding calling EJB 3 stateless deployed on Jboss 5 from Glassfish v3. I managed to do this successfully on glassfish 2.1 and jboss 5, by packing Jboss client jars with my app, but now when I do the same thing on gf3 I get ClassNotFoundException for many of jboss classes (other then ...

Is possible to have 2 child threads with different classpath in each one ?

Hello, I have a "core" application that is adapter to process task. Each task is implemented in an adapter load by the core to process the task. My question is, is it possible to have different classpath in each adapter to precent class/jar conflict between adapters. Regards, ...

How do you handle multiple jar versions with lots of FOSS/COTS?

We have a Java product that uses a lot of FOSS/COTS software. A number of our "externals" use the same jar product, but a different version. For example, Ant 1.6.5 and Ant 1.7.0; or multiple versions of xerces. What's I'm concerned about is that the behavior of our application may change or worse, epic fail if we change the order in whic...

how to create empty jar file that references other jars in classpath

HI, I have a large number of jars that my j2ee app depends on, so I want to create a single jar file with manifest attribute referencing those jar files in classpath. Then I will place this file in glassfish lib dir so that jars mentioned become in classpath for application. the only problem is I dont know how to create this single ja...

What is the difference between Class Path and Build Path

hi, i am new to java i am confused with these two term. Also what should i do to create a file under the src folder of a Spring MVC Project? When i create using a File object it creates the file inside C:\SpringSourceTool... i guess this is ClassPath right? How can i get applicationcontext folder or root of the application whatever ...

I have the wsdl and the uri, need to access a specific operation of a wsdl, i'hv wirtten a samll build.xml but getting build failed

The following is the build.xml file: The error encountered upon execvuting is:" taskdef A class needed by class cannot be found: org/apache/axis/utils/DefaultAuthenticator". Please help me in this regar...

compilation problems after setting classpath in tomcat 5.5

I have installed Tomcat 5.5 in windows vista home basic. I have set classpath to "C:\program files\apache software foundation\tomcat 5.5\common\lib\servlet-api.jar". now there are two problems. 1. I could not compile my servlets. It says package javax.servlet.* dosenot exist. 2. I could not connect with local host in chrome nor in explo...

Why would I not use a wildcard in my classpath?

Are there any disadvantages in using Java 6 wildcards in my classpath ? e.g. C:> set CLASSPATH=.\lib\* I can see that where there are two jars that both contain a class with the same path then using a wildcard may lead to results that are hard to track down. But other than that, is there anything else to be aware of? ...

How to use variables for classpath definition in eclipse launch configurations?

In our project we use Eclipse launch configurations which are under version control to be shared with all developers. Now it is necessary to include an external archive to a launch configuration file's classpath. Fortunately the required archive is in every developer's local Maven repository. I already found out that there is a classpath...

Java classpath issue?

Hi All, I have a java application which required 5 external jar files. I want to run the application from command prompt. I tried following command, but java says - no class def found. java -classpath ..\lib\velocity-1.6.2.jar;..\lib\log4j-1.2.13.jar;..\lib\JConfigReader.jar;..\lib\commons-lang-2.2.jar;..\lib\comons-collections-3.2.jar...

Test-resources of dependecies not in classpath?

I have a multi module Spring project that I set up using Maven: my-root (pom) - my-logic - my-webapp (depending on my-logic) - my-consoleapp (depending on my-logic) My Test classes inherit from AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests and use @ContextCofiguration for setting up the ApplicationContext. E.g. the test c...

Running Mahout from the command line (CLASSPATH)

Complied Mahout successfully under Windows using Maven. I'm trying to run one of the examples from the command line and I don't get what I am doing wrong. Seems like a CLASSPATH problem. Let's say I want to run the GroupLensRecommenderEvaluatorRunner example. I go to the folder with the GroupLensRecommenderEvaluatorRunner.class file ...

CLASSPATH 101... (on Windows)

I'm new to working with Java from the command line and I don't get it. I read previous CLASSPATH questions but still didn't get my problem to work. I have the following class in C:\Temp\a\b\c package a.b.c; public class Hello { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); ...

How to add class files to a Maven2 project

So I'm working on a java project (an exitsing java project that uses maven2, not mine). Everything works fine. I add a new class to the source directory. I do mvn compile and get success. I then do `mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="package.NewClass" and get classNotFoundException. It does compile the new file, and I can see the NewCla...

When is a context class loader ever used?

Apart from JNDI, is there any real use for a context class loader? Is there any real NEED for a context class loader? If I fail to set the context class loader, what will break? Yes, I know that magic Java services mechanism with the file in /META-INF/ will break, but I think that's poor design, so it deserves to break... anything else...

Unable to run JAR file on another PC. Possible issue with Environment Variables?

I've built a JAR file and it executes fine on my PC (XP) which has Eclipse installed. It also works on another PC, which also has Eclipse. I've tried running it on another PC(XP) that does not have Eclipse. Though it contains the JDK and multiple JRE. The JAR file just does not execute by clicking or from the command prompt. I am not ...

Eclipse .classpath exlusion pattern

I have seen this: <classpathentry excluding="**" kind="src" output="target/classes" path="src/main/resources"/> In my Eclipse .classpath file many times when creating a new Maven project, but I can not seem to figure out - what in the heck does excluding="**" mean? EDIT: I guess what I am trying to get at here, is that though it seem...