
IE7 Clear Float Issue

Hi this is a simplified version of an issue I'm having with IE7. Basically the divs following the cleared div (green) don't behave as expected (in IE7). It works as expected in Safari, FF etc and IE8. Does anybody have any advice for a fix. Thanks for any help :) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3....

Clean & archive desktop script (windows)

Right now I have a folder called holding zone on my desktop, so that it stays clear, however this folder gets cluttered and I still have to Manually move things to it from my desktop. I would like to schedule a script to move everything except the holding zone folder into a new folder containing the current date in it's name, then move ...

Making a <dl> clear before ever <dd> in IE 7?

I'm trying make a <dl> to define the icons I am using on the page. I want it so that every icon is inside a <dt> and it's definition is inside the following <dl>. After every icon definition, I want a line break. Simple, right? Well, IE7 says no! Here is my HTML: <dl style="display: block;" id="surveysIcons" class="icons"> ...

How do I clear all variables in the middle of a Python script?

I am looking for something similar to 'clear' in Matlab: A command/function which removes all variables from the workspace, releasing them from system memory. Is there such a thing in Python? EDIT: I want to write a script which at some point clears all the variables. ...

List is being emptied in the middle of a method! Help!

Hi, this has me puzzled - I am no expert on page life cycle but I do not see why this is happening. It may be a simple case of where I declare my list. Here is the code: public partial class feedback : System.Web.UI.Page { List<Module> allModules = new List<Module>(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...

What is the difference between "marker.setVisible(false)" and "marker.setMap(null)" in Google Maps v3?

I want to clear marker on Google Maps. What is the difference between marker.setVisible(false) and marker.setMap(null)? But i don't know which is right? Thanks ...

footer at the bottom, but clear float dont work

Maybe i did not get enough coffee today, but i can remember how to do that i have header content float float footer so the content have two float element The problem, the footer don't go at the bottom.... it's up... I cannot put the footer INSIDE the content (for background problem) I have made an empty div the is clear:float : ...

Why does internet explorer push my content below the sidebar?

HI everyone, I have a page which displays just fine, in Firefox and Chrome. However, it has the content pushed past the bottom of the sidebar (as if I had a clear) in Internet Explorer 8 (I haven't tested any other IE versions). Does anyone know how to fix this? The page is located here Thanks, Lemiant ...

How to clear cache image in iPhone?

Hi friends, I want to clear my cache in my application. Some times, my application get crashed due to some memory warning like, Received memory warning. Level=1 Received memory warning. Level=2 In my application, i have used asynchronous method and downloading image in cache and displayed in the view. so how can i clear...

Sitecore Clear Cache Programatically

Hello, I am trying to publish programatically in Sitecore. Publishing works fine. But doing so programatically doesn't clear the sitecore cache. What is the best way to clear the cache programatically? I am trying to use the webservice that comes with the staging module. But I am getting a Bad request exception(Exception: The remote s...

Seeing red: How to NOT clear a div in IE7?

First of all, do you see red?... I do in IE7 and I want to know why. Both paragraphs are floated in opposite directions and there's nothing else that could possibly be clearing the container div. I know what you're thinking... "What's the problem? What's wrong with the container div clearing the paragraphs?"....

Fast cleaning DataSet - reading xml files (C#)

I use a DataGrid to show a xml file. The Grid's DataSource is a DataSet.(using schema) Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("XML_Reader.Resources.schema.xsd"); XmlSchemaSet schemas = new XmlSchemaSet(); XmlReaderSettings se...

VB.Net .Clear() or txtbox.Text = "" textbox clear methods

Hey guys, not far into programming and just joined this forum of mighty company so this is a silly question, but what is the best way to clear textboxes in VB.Net and what is the difference between the two methods? I have also seen people be critical of folk using clear objects on their forms and i can see why but in this case, i am only...

IE8 Clear float issue

My situation looked just like the problem discussed here: That is: "I have a page with the standard navigation bar on the left and the content area taking up the rest of the horizontal area to its side. … This works fine except when the content area itself has fl...

How do you clear the receive buffer in WinSock

I went searching for this and found at least one person who asked but got no answer. I think there is a need to start a send and receive segment (part of a larger process on same socket connection) and expect that there is nothing already in the receive buffer. I saw no answer but did think of this kludge before I myself realized anothe...

how to clear the last <li> tag within a <ul>

I know this is pretty basic, but it is giving me hangups. I have a basic list: <ul> <li><a href="#">Insert Link Here</a></li> <li><a href="#">Insert Link Here</a></li> <li><a href="#">Insert Link Here</a></li> </ul> What do I need to do to make sure the last <li> item gets cleared? I've tried adding style="clear:both" to...

std::vector resize() works only after clear().

I have a vector object: std::vector<std::vector<MyClass>> _matrix; It is 2d array with some data. When i trying to resize the dimensions with: _matrix.resize(_rows, std::vector<MyReal>(_colms)); //_rows and _colms are ints this command simply does nothing to the object. So to resize it i have to call first to: _matrix.clear(); a...

How to clear back forward list in UIWebview on iPhone?

Hi all, I want to access/clear the back forward list as if the UIWebView is new again. Is there any public api or workaround to do this? I've tried while ([webview canGoback]) { [webview goBack]; } but that will freeze the device (simulator too) Thanks! ...

Better practice to re-instantiate a List or invoke clear()

Hi, Using Java (1.6) is it better to call the clear() method on a List or just re-instantiate the reference? I have an ArrayList that is filled with an unknown number of Objects and periodically "flushed" - where the Objects are processed and the List is cleared. Once flushed the List is filled up again. The flush happens at a random t...

C Clear Variable

char x [1000]; x = 'hello'; ..... clear contents of x??? What would i use to clear x? I'm not able to re-initialise it, use strcpy(x, '/0') or free(). ...