
menu with: hover, click, class change and ajax

The last minimized code is, I hope it will help someone: $("#menu").find("a").hover(function(){ $(this).addClass("active"); },function(){ $(this).not(".clicking").not(".selected").removeClass("active"); }); $("#menu").find("a").click(function(){ var $this = $(this); $("#ajaxP").fadeIn("fast"); $("#normalcontent")...

How can I improve this click/toggle function in jquery?

$('.tabs a ').click(function () { var a = $(this).attr('href'); if (a == '#tab-1') { $('.btn-buy').hide(); $('.btn-sell').show(); } else { $('.btn-sell').hide(); $('.btn-buy').show(); } return false; }); ... it works, but the code is ugly, too many lines. Can it be reduced any further...

JS settimeout doesn’t work in IE8…

<html> <head> <script> var i; i = 0; function loop() { i = i + 1; alert(String(i)); setTimeout("loop()",1000); } setTimeout("loop()",1000); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> Please try the above code in IE8 it will not give alert message for every 1 sec if you hold right click. But...

IE firing anything else but click

I just wonder is there's any way to fire any event via IE's event-triggering implementation - fireEvent. I've tried to use it but failed with all event except click. The only reason i've get interested with this issue it curiousity, thus, any answers like "just do not trigger events, it is a bad idea" - all such answers would be consider...

Is it possible to see a difference between mouse click and

Hello, Lets say there is a form with a submit button. I found out that using javascript i can call the click() method for input elements in Firefox which would simulate the mouse click on that element. But then, i got this question, can you detect if button was clicked with real computer mouse, or .click() method? Thank you ...

Passing variables from a function to a query string on link click

Hi Guys. I need to pass some variables in a query string after it's run through a function once I click on a link. So this is what I thought should happen: <a href="/Print.aspx& + 'vars'" onclick="collectPrintOptions();" target="_blank"><strong>PRINT MY COVERAGE OPTIONS</strong></a> And my javascript function: function collectPrin...

When click on title, make information appear on another div for the information?

I'm looking for a jQuery solution for this. When I click, let's say on a artist name. Theirs another div beside that has the information showing up. (possibly in a animation/fading way) Can anyone help? ...

click event in jQuery question

I have 2 click event functions that are practically identical... one works and the other doesn't. // click event on buddy in #chatpanel $('#chatpanel a.buddy').click(function() { // if a chat window is already active, close it and deactivate $('#mainpanel li[class="active-buddy-tab"]').removeClass('active-buddy-tab').addClass('b...

JQuery Div not animating in click function

Hi Everyone! I have the following code, I am attempting to have a div animate on a click event, but for some reason the div is immediately moving to the location and it's not animating to the coordinates specified, what am I doing wrong here? code: $(document).ready(function() { $('#example1').click(function(e){ var x = ...

advance click counter mysql or flat file

Hi, First of all Thank You for looking. whats the best method for make an advance click counter (eg. order by views [today] | [yesterday] [this week] [last week] [this month] [last month] [all time] ). Is it better to use a flat file or mysql?. This is the MYSQL Structure i came up with. id (type: int(11)) link_id (type: int(11)) da...

Triggering click events from within a FF sandbox

I am trying to trigger a click event on an element on a page from within a Firefox sandbox. I have tried using jQuery's .click() as well as doing: var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("click", true, false ); toClick[0].dispatchEvent(evt); Has anyone been able to trigger a click event on a page in the browser thr...

Test if the user has typed date format ASP.NET (VB)

Hey, I have two textbox called BIRTH & EMAIL, and I must test in button click if the user has typed a date & email format in those two TextBox. How can do that ? ...

HTML5 canvas click event

I made an array of squares ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; for(x=0;x<=25;x++){ for(y=0;y<=25;y++){ ctx.fillRect(x, y, 20, 20); } } and I want a square to change its colour when clicked. How can I do that? I don't know much HTML5 and need some help. Thanks. ...

jQuery event is triggered twice

Hello everyone I have the following problem with this code: <button id="delete">Remove items</button> $("#delete").button({ icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-trash' } }).click(function() { alert("Clicked"); }); If I click this button, the alert show up two times. It's not only with this specific button but with ...

jQuery : give preference to inner click

I have a big div with some links inside, I'd like to have the big div clickable AND links inside too, I did this : html : <div class="clickable"> some text... <a href="myurl1">Link 1</a> <a href="myurl2">Link 2</a> some text... </div> jquery : $('.clickable').click(function() { alert('Hello'); }); If I click on a link in...

Catching a click anywhere inside a gtk.Window

Hello people, consider the following python code: import gtk class MainWindow(): def __init__(self): self.window = gtk.Window() if __name__ == "__main__": main = MainWindow() gtk.main() I'd need to catch clicks anywhere inside this gtk.Window(). I haven't found any suitable event (I als...

Identifying image area clicked in Android?

Is there a way to determine in an Android app which area of an ImageView (x,y coordinates, for instance) was clicked by a user? Thanks. ...

Flext text link event doesn't fire until you've clicked it twice

Hi, I've got a canvas within which I have a list. The renderer for this list calls upon a "Text" field, with the "link" element of this field set to a function. The "htmlText" of the field is set dynamically to a mixture of words and links. Basically the function checks to see which tag within the htmlText has been clicked and perfor...

Stop a jQuery script

I would like to know if it possible (and how) to stop a jQuery script on a click event. I am loading it on a click like this $("#id_button").click(function() { $.getScript("script.js"); alert ("The script is activated"); }); And I'd like to stop it in the same way. ...

How can I track my site video clicking

i Want to track my website video clickings, i use google event tracking code but my developer told me it is not html form, the video is in embed form.. can anyone tell how i can track my website tracking in embed video coding ...