
Global jQuery `.click()`

I would like to fire an event when anything on the page is clicked, and then process normally. For example a click would be fired, I would see if the target matched something, alert if it did, and then have the click event continue (no preventDefault()). ...

Jquery remove. button within div to be removed

I have an list item with a button inside of it. The button is attached to a jquery function to remove the list item. //Delete Button - delete from cart $('.ui-icon-trash').click(function() { $(this).closest('li').remove() }); <li> content here.... <a href="#" title="Remove from cart" class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash">Re...

Append and bind click not working on IE (jQuery)

Im using this short code for adding some more fields to an online shopping cart, they work great in FF but get broken on IE, any help would be aprecciated $(document).ready(function () { $('#agregar').bind('click', function (){ $('#tabla').append("<tr><td><input type='text' name='codigo[]' class='box' /></td> <td><input type='text' ...

Why doesn't xbutton.PerformClick() work in silverlight ?

I need from another class but doesn't work pickButton.PerformClick()? [Category("Özel")] [DefaultValue(null)] public Button pickButton { get; set; } protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e) { base.OnKeyUp(e); if (e.Key == Key.F10) { if (pickButton != null) { //pickButton.Perf...

dual click problem...

hello - i've made an image slide show which works with either a next button, or if you click on the right or left of the screen it shows the next slide. problem is when i click the next button the click bind also fires which means it move forward 2 slides. How can i get the click bind to ignore the click if th next button is clicked?! ...

jQuery, click event, too much recursion.

Could somebody tell me why this code: $('#places-view > tbody').find('td').click(function(evt) { var td = $(this), input = td.find('input'); console.log('click'); console.log(input.attr('disabled'), 'disabled'); if (! input.attr('disabled')) { input.trigger('click'); console.lo...

CSS button not clickable all over

hi people, Please take a look at THIS page. Please feed in some random data and click on the edges of the button to submit. PROBLEM: I am not able to click the button on the edges. AIM: I want to extend the click-able portion to all over the button. I think I have to introduce to it. But I am not sure where and how it has to be do...

Jquery: When adding submit button, it cannot be selected again.

Hello there, I would like to add a button to the current page using html()-function. This button needs to be selectable, and alert('click') when it is clicked. This seems impossible. Look at this code <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('a').click(function(event){ $('div').html('<form method="p...

Problem in clicking button all over it. CSS button.

Probem I have a CSS button which am able to click only on the test area. I am unable to click on the non-text area of the button. Here is the HTML code for the "EDIT" button on my website. <div class="stndrd_btn"> <p><?php echo $html->link('Edit','... destination....'); ?></p> </div> Below is the CSS code for the button. .stnd...

how use global variable in javascript for main and newwindow

Hi, I have two jsp(one is main page, another one is new window) and single javascript file. MainPage and New Window have 'Test' , 'ClickedCount' buttons. First, I click 3 times in MainPage 'Test' button . Then i open New Window. Now , i click 2 times in newWindow 'Test' button. So totally i clicked 5 times. each time i click, i co...

[JQuery] - How to find out position of clicked element?

How do I find out, in what position a list item was clicked. So, let's say I clicked the second list item: <li><a href="#"><span>Tab 2</span></a></li> Then, I would get an alert saying something like: You clicked the second list item? JQuery Code $('#top-betting ul li:first').addClass('current'); $('#top-betting div:not(:first)'...

jQuery anchor click, "this", "" - returns url

Hi there. I've switched from Mootools to jQuery, because I think it has better support. I've got HTML like that: <ul class="menuHandler"> <li class="menuTreeElement activeOpt" id="menuOpt1"> <ul id="menuOpt1Content"> <li><a href="#" class="menuOpener">Opcje</a><a href="#" class="sprite menuOpener"></a></li> <li class="submenuElement">Op...

jquery click event issues

Hello, I'm having some issues with .click() event under Internet Explorer and Chrome. So, I've got this menu of filters: <div id="filter-checkboxes" style="text-align: left; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <input type="checkbox" id="crop-checkbox" onclick="init_filter('crop');" /> <span id="crop-span">Crop</span> <br /> <input...

problem with click event?

In this code have button and anchor with click event. alert(document.getElementById("btn").click); //not working in safari alert(document.getElementById("btn1").click); // is working in safari I want to execute anchor's click event What I do? -----------------------Code----------------------------- < script type="text/javascript"> func...

JavaScript - best way to add an event to an element without a library or using the onclick attribute?

So I want an element i.e: <a id="target">click me</a> to perform a JavaScript function i.e: functionName(); I want to avoid using the "on" attributes i.e: onclick="". By cross-browser I mean the A-grade browser compatibility list from YUI ...

Android multitouch buttons

Hi, I need simple multitouch example . I have two button controls. How to make the both to be clickable(pressed) at the same time ? ...

Preventing Ad fraud

How does AdSense and other similar services prevent a fraud where publisher click themselves on their ads or employ other more sophisticated strategies in order to generate higher revenue? ...

How to call click event function of menustrip item C# ?

I want to call the click function of MenuStrip in C# associated with the item of MenuStrip whose index i can provide e.g i want to call menuStrip1.Items[0] click function. ...

[javascript] Click on given element in canvas.

Is there any trick to determine if user clicks on given element rendered in canvas? For example I'm displaying rhombus from .png file with transparent background and i want to know if user click inside or outside that figure (like mouse-element collision). ...

.click() on <input type="file" /> does not work in Firefox 3.6 - Any workarounds ?

Here is a little example: (live demo here) HTML: <input id="file" type="file" /> Javascript: $(function() { $("#file").click(); }); In Firefox 3.6.6 nothing happens, while in IE7 the "Choose File" dialog box is opened. Any ideas how to open the "Choose File" dialog box in Firefox without clicking on the Browse button ? ...