
How to assign a link to a div and have it open in a new window

I have my click function set up to look for the first link in the div and assign that link to the entire div. $('.article-excerpt').click(function() { var newLink = $(this).find('a:first-child').attr("href"); if(newLink != "" && newLink != "#") { window.location.href = newLink; } return false; }); How can I also make that link...

jquery redirect on click or after 10 seconds

Hello, I have a spash screen on a website that has a div with the ID of "splash" i'm trying to make the div fade in then if the user clicks on the div it fades out and redircts to the main site. If the user dosen't click it just fades out and redirects after 10 seconds. The timed redirect is working but not the click function. ...

jQuery.url plugin not working from within click handler function

I'm trying to use the jQuery.url plugin ( to grab a specific parameter from the query string of a url of an anchor which has just been clicked on, like so: HTML: <a class="clickonme" href=""&gt;Link text</a> JavaScript: var myPa...

Delphi TPageControl not responding to clicks on tabs

I have an app with a TPageControl on the main form. The pagecontrol has several tabs. The app can be minimized to a tray icon. Sometimes after running minimized for a while, when I restore the main window (via a right-mouse click on the tray icon), the tab that was last displayed is displayed, but I can't select any other tabs! If I ...

jQuery Load Script Once onClick

Hi Guys, I am trying to load 2 scripts in jquery only once a #element is clicked. Currently, I am trying to use: jQuery("#element").click(function () { jQuery('#elementcontainer').load('/js/jquery.script.js'); jQuery('#elementcontainer').load('/js/jquery.script2.js'); }); The problem is that the scripts load eve...

Editing .doc document using AppleScript

I am trying to batch convert some .doc files to .pdf I am pretty sure I've got the concept right, I just do not know how to reference the format to change the file format when I "Save As" set F to choose folder tell application "Finder" set P to (files of entire contents of F) repeat with I from 1 to number of items in P set this_it...

Android emulator, onClick and onTouch problem

Hello guys. I'm working on an android application, and test it on an emulator, because I don't have physical android device. So, I have a button, and I set a click listener on it. Does it mean that it will work only when the user pushes the click button on his device, or it will work also when he taps the button (the tap is touch event...

Generate a normal Link (<a href="...">) in ExtJS

Hi, I'm struggling with a really simple problem here. I want to generate a normal link in frontend but it seems to don't work somehow. Here is the code i use for the generation of the link (the link was a button before which obened a new window with a specified URL on click). { xtype: 'button', id: 'PrintTool', tooltip: 'Printer...

Image Swap wont work in Firefox But works in IE

Hi, I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to coding but have been in the process of setting up my own webpage via Dreamweaver as the WYSIWYG approach waorks for me. The problem is I am trying to implement a disjointed image swap on click event.. It works fone for me on IE but not on firefox, and have been tearing my hair out trying to fi...

JQUERY Click events for multiple Images

I'm creating an image gallery just for fun to expand my introductory knowledge of JQUERY. The gallery has a bunch of thumbnails which, when clicked on, will show a large image just below in an image viewer div. In addition, when a thumbnail is active (image is being viewed) the thumbnail animates from 75px to 100px. I've got it working ...

jQuery change background with <input type="range">

How do, I've been teaching myself a little basic jQuery recently, doing so I stumbled across the idea of adding a slider to change the background colour of my page. I've figured out the .click and .css parts ok - it works fine with a div, which is incredibly exciting; but I'm having a little trouble implementing it using a range. I thin...

Determine the left offset of a click using jQuery

Say you have an image that is 200px wide. Is there a way to determine how far from the left of the image you clicked? For example if you clicked in the dead center you would get 100. I tried using something like ui.position.left but couldn't get that to work. Any ideas? ... button click event not working with firefox

Hi, Following is the code that i am using. It work in IE but the button click event is not generated properly in firefox: function trapEnter(btn,hdn, event) { var key; var isIE = true; debugger; if (window.event) { key = window.event.keyCode; //IE isIE = true; } else { key = event.whi...

jqGrid Cell Editing - Double Click to Edit?

By default, if a jqGrid cell is editable, single click on that cell changes it to edit mode. Is there any way I can make it edit on a double click instead? It would make it easier to do row-level operations such as deleting, as all the columns in my grid are editable. ...

Only fire one click event when polyline is clicked in Google Maps (v3)

For Google Maps V3, I have some code that created a marker when a polyline was clicked. I also have some code that creates a marker when the map is clicked. Earlier today, when I clicked on the polyline, only one marker was created (I'm guessing it didn't fire a map-click event). Now tonight, I have not changed my code at all, and it ...

jquery click() event runs repeatedly

Hi, I have a jQuery question: I have an "ADD" button that adds text to the database via AJAX call ($.post()...). The problem is, items are getting repeatedly added. For example: After page loads: User clicks "ADD" button: the first time, it adds an item. a seconds time, it adds an item and then adds it again (total 2 items) a thrid t...

Javascript/Jquery sliding tab interface: minimize tab when clicking outside the tab

I am building a user interface. When a user clicks on a tab, a function is fired which checks for other open tabs (by searching for a class, "max"), minimizes that tab, then maximizes the clicked tab and applies the class, "max". I want to make it work in such a way that it will minimize the tab if I click elsewhere on the document. Any ...

Android, GridView and onTouchListener

Hello, My application have three pages (three tabs) and I want to switch beetween two gridviews by moving finger horizontaly. The touch code works fine but I can't click anymore on the grid items! I use the method onItemClickListener (onClickListener don't works on Gridview) but the grid item is not clicked. Thanks for your help! The co...

Single click and double click on the same Image control(wpf)

I am trying to have different behaviours when single clicking and double clicking the wpf Image control. Unfortunately the single click is fired first, so the double click is ignored. ...

Create a deadzone within a jQuery clickable area

With jQuery, jQuery-ui and one of the ui themes (I quite like lightness) included (bear with me, there is a question at the bottom which you can skip to if you like, just wanted to show how I got to where I am) (sorry if there are any mistakes or bits I have missed out in the code, it does work, but was cutting up the code for ease of ...