
Statistical usage of WPF / Winforms / ClickOnce / ...

I'm after some sort of statistic of usage of WPF in programming application. Is there any reference online or stats, such as the browser usage stats, for WPF vs Winforms, ClickOnce vs MSI, C# vs. VB, etc.? Also is there such thing per year? (ie. tracking the evolution in the usage of WPF) I've googled but no luck so far. Thanks. ...

Why msbuild.exe can do publishing (clickonce) while msbuild task can not?

Hy guys I'm writing script for CI system (Bamboo). So, it calls "msbuild.exe project.sln /p:Configuration=Release". In csproj file of mvc web application i defined after-build task in different ways. None of these do publish: <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp" ToolPath="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" PhysicalPa...

Prevent application execution during ClickOnce install

I have an application that I need to deploy via ClickOnce on a web page, but I need it to only install the app and not execute it automatically after the install is complete. The user should have to manually start the app from the start menu - even after the initial install. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? ...

ClickOnce Strong-Name dependency signing

I have a windows application that that a lot of dependant DLLs. When I publish this application it returns an error for one of the DLLs that it must be strongly signed in order to be marked as a prerequiste. How can I resolve this problem? ...

Is it possible to add data files to a ClickOnce project despite warning MSB3178?

Is it possible to add data files to a ClickOnce project despite warning MSB3178? Hello everyone: I am trying to deploy a C++/CLI application “App_real.exe” using ClickOnce Deployment under MSVS 2008. To do that, I have a C# launcher application “App_deploy.cs” that simply starts “App_real.exe”, as described in that blog. When I build ...

C# Deploying my application - clickonce from web only

So I have developed my application in C#. I am ready to deploy it. I want to make it so that users always launch it from my website (so that they always get updates, no install, etc.). Is ClickOnce the proper way to do this? I tried deploying ClickOnce to my server and a few things jump out at me: 1) The user is given the option to r...

C# clickonce and firefox/other browsers

In IE, when a .application file is run, the app automatically launches. On Firefox and other non-IE browsers, the .application file is downloaded. And then the user needs to run that file. This sort of defeats the purpose of having a web launcher - I might as well just ask the user to download an EXE and run it. Any solutions to this? ...

ClickOnce incorrectly detecting newer version form server

Hi There, I have a ClickOnce application that checks a server for a new version on startup. I recently deployed a new version ( whilst leaving the old version ( on the server. On startup version 2 will inform the user that a new version of available and download Is there a reason this could be happening? I ass...

Can I create a custom desktop icon for a shortcut in ClickOnce Deployment?

My application creates a shortcut on the user's desktop with a standard icon. How can I change the icon to something custom? I'm using VS2008 with .NET 3.5. Thank you. ...

Want to kill a few ClickOnce applications, can I access a ClickOnce "installation folder url" from code?

I would like to have an offline ClickOnce application (they can run it from Start menu) but I would like my application to function similar to an online one (make sure the web page / server is there to run). This way I can take off (uninstall) a ClickOnce application and it will stop working for end users without having to go to 1000's o...

How to use obfuscation for clickonce?

If one will release clickonce version, how can it be obfuscated by dotfuscator? .net application ...

Clickonce Office add-in assembly reference problem upon deployment

I have developed an Office 2007 C# add-in. It uses clickonce for deployment. On systems with Office 2010 all is ok but on a machine with XP SP3, NET 3.5sp1 and Office 2007, I get a strange assembly loading error. My add-in does not directly reference Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.dll. This gets referenced by Microsoft.Office.Tools.C...

What are limitations of side-by-side COM?

We need to adapt our application to be usable through ClickOnce. The application consists of a .exe file, and a huge set of Visual C++ libraries, some of them are in-proc COM servers used by other libraries. Currently our installer does regsvr32 to register the COM servers, but looks like ClickOnce applications are not allowed to modify...

Deploying ClickOnce Application With System.AddIn Support

Hi All, I have a ClickOnce app that I would like to have MAF (System.AddIn) support with. I have learned about the System.AddIn Pipeline structure and such in a local context, but when it comes to ClickOnce, I can't find any information regarding such a feat. Do I need to maintain the AddIn pipeline still in a ClicKOnce environment? ...

TFS 2010 - building ClickOnce application

I need to be able to build a ClickOnce application in TFS 2010. It needs to set the ApplicationVersion as well as the MinimumApplicationVersion. In TFS 2008, I was successful in doing the following... <MSBuild Projects="e:\MyAppBuilds\test\trunk\src\MyApp.Automation.Workflow.UI\MyApp.Automation.Workflow.UI.csproj" Properties=...

ClickOne updating application on local machine

I am working on VS 2010 with .net 4 (OS: Windows XP). I want my application to have update feature. I have only one computer. How can i deploy the application it to test the update feature? Currently i am publishing my application in a folder in my documents I tried publishing to local FTP using XAMPP but it was unable to check for upda...

How can a program know whether it's ClickOnce or not?

I want to release a program for two versions, general and clickonce. In general one, it include updating code for updating program, but clickonce one is not. But, they are in the same solution/project code. That is to say, I want to know how to know if a program or application can tell if it is clickonce or not itself by code. ...

MageUI not including compatibleFrameworks element

I've got a ClickOnce .NET 4 app deployed by VisualStudio 2010, via UNC Path. I open the .application file, change the startup location to use the http address, sign, and close. The app then gives this error: - Application manifest does not accept specification of . Does anyone know how to get MageUI to include this needed element when...

Why does ILMerge do nothing when publishing?

ILMerge usually merges my assemblies fine when building a Release, but when Publishing for ClickOnce the resulting EXE doesn't contain the DLLs that were supposed to be merged. I think ILMerge is working, but Publish is overwriting the new merged assembly with the old original one. I made a Post-Build event that stopped the build right ...

ClickOnce install with no start menu entry

Is it possible to deploy several windows apps using click once, but not to have them all create icons on the start menu? The reason for doing this (if you're interested) is that we are distributing several windows applications within our company, the main one will allow the user to log in and depending on their permissions build a men...