
SWF does not load.

ZeroClipboard.setMoviePath( "/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf" ); var clip = new ZeroClipboard.Client(); clip.setText( $('textarea#download_me').text() ); clip.glue( 'clip' ); I'm using the popular ZeroClipboard plugin to copy content to user's clipboard. It works perfectly in the dev enviornment as well as on but not on do...

Clip content from remote website using javascript and Iframe ??

Is there any helper for Iframe in Rails ?? *EDIT:*I have a link which redirects to a remote website , i need to get the COntent from that website and store in my application is this possible , I dont need a browser extension or plugin. ...

Office clipboard takes time to show changes

I am facing a very weird problem in Excel. I have overridden the CTRL+C and CTRL+V keys and on copy, I put my custom DataObject on the clipboard that contains both the Excel formats and my custom formats. I copy my data to the clipboard and it gets copied without any problem. I can also see it in the Office Clipboard. Now I copy some te...

how do you programmatically paste a form into Visual Studio designer?

I have a Windows project that loads in forms from a database and dynamically generates them. It reads the control properties of each control from a table and dynamically adds it to the form. Unfortunately, I have to change the project so that the forms are actually in the Visual Studio project. Instead of repainting all of those forms,...

Send Text in Clipboard to Application like Notepad (C# or Powershell)

I want to be able to send the text on the clipboard, in Windows, to an application. For example, I'm working on a text file in notepad, and I want to copy a portion out into a new file..I want to copy it to the clipboard and then use a hotkey to launch an application or powershell script that sends that copied text to a new instance of ...

Datagridview to Clipboard with formatting

For a VB.Net application needing to output the data to clipboard, with formatting, I am in need of some help. For now, I am exporting data from the clipboard using MainView.ClipboardCopyMode = Windows.Forms.DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.EnableAlwaysIncludeHeaderText System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject(MainView.GetClipboardConte...

Storing info in a client's clipboard like Activestate

Activestate Code Recipe has the function of storing information in a clipboard in a client that access the web. How can I do that? ...

WebBrowser Copy Image to Clipboard

I'm using a WebBrowser control and want to copy a particular image on the web page to the clipboard. I am aware that I can use the WebBrowser.Document.ExecCommand method to copy the currently selected region of the page but cannot work out how to direct the selection to cover a particular HtmlElement or region of the page. Any help is m...

C#/WPF: Any event that triggers when any changes are made to clipboard?

The final outcome I want is actually detect if the clipboard contains any Image, if so then set a Image control to display that image. I am thinking I will need a way to monitor the clipboard if it contains an Image. How can I achieve this? I am thinking probably theres no such event so maybe i check the clipboard at regular intervals to...

How to retrieve data from clipboard as System.String[]

When I copy data from my application, I wrote a simple C# script to check what type it is. Apparently (and I expected that), it's an array of strings: IDataObject data = Clipboard.GetDataObject(); Console.WriteLine(data.GetFormats(true)); // writes "System.String[]" Now when I extract the data like object o = dat...

C# Clipboard Help

Hi, I am copying the contents of an Excel file onto the Clipboard within a program I have written. I can then use that data in memory rather than 'chatting' constantly with Excel. When I have finished with the data, I cal a cleanup method that calls Clipboard.Clear() first and then closes all Excel sheets/workbooks/apps, etc. The pro...

Clipboard.GetData("XML Spreadsheet") return Null

I have to read clipboard from a .net application using c#. I use "Xml Spreadsheet" format to read it to have informations like type of columns. My problem is that sometimes the GetData() return null. Stream stream = Clipboard.GetData("XML Spreadsheet") as Stream; I read clipboard from the main thread. I suppose this is a memory proble...

Select & Copy firefox content to clipboard in C or C++

I found a few questions similar to mine but none of the answers are satisfactory and they are a few years old. So I am hoping that perhaps some progress has been made on that front since then. What I am interested in is the ability to access the content of an active Firefox window and copy it to the clipboard -- using C or C++ code. In...

How to trigger CTRL+C Keyevent width Jquery?

Hi, I want to simulate a ctrl+c to copy the text into it. I first tried this: $('#codetext').click( function() { $("#codetext").trigger({ type: 'keydown', which: 99 }); } HTML: <input type='text' id='codetext'> I have also tried using $(this) instead of the selector, but the input element also has focus on it, does...

How can Python access the X11 clipboard?

I want my Python script to be able to copy and paste to/from the clipboard via x11 (so that it will work on Linux). Can anyone point me to specific resources I can look at, or the concepts I would have to master? Is this possible to do with the Python X library at ? ...

Cannot paste text in CodeMirror in Google Chrome

There was no problem some months ago but suddenly "Paste" stop working in CodeMirror in Google Chrome. Both "Ctrl+V", "Shift+Insert" and right-click -> "Paste" do nothing. It's not a bug in my code because even at demo page at it doesn't work. ...

How to Clear the Clipboard Contents using c#

I have an application where i am using Clipboard for copy, paste operations. For copying i have used this code Clipboard.Clear(); const byte VK_CONTROL = 0x11; keybd_event(VK_CONTROL, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(0x43, 0, 0, 0); //Send the C key (43 is "C") keybd_event(0x43, 0, CONST_KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); keybd_event(VK_CONTROL, 0, CONST_KEYEV...

Handle Copy & Paste (Clipboard) in MVVM

If I want to access the clipboard with MVVM how can I do it? ...

WPF listbox copy to clipboard

I am trying to copy a standard WPF listbox selected Item (displayed) text to clipboard on CTRL+C. Is there any simple way to achieve this. If it is something that works for all the listboxes int he app.. that would be great. Thanks in advance. ...

C#/WPF: Can I Store more that 1 type in Clipboard?

Can I Store more than 1 type in the Clipboard? Eg. like Text & Image. say the user pastes in a text editor, he gets the text and if he pastes in something like photoshop, he gets the image. I thought it was possible but I tried Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(img.DirectLink); BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage(); bitmapIma...