
What's SimpleEditableListAppDelegate?

I'm trying to follow the TableView programming guide, and I'm copying the code directly from the guide, but I get "SimpleEditableListAppDelegate undeclared" when I try to compile. Google returns nothing but the programming guide. What's SimpleEditableListAppDelegate, and how do I use it? ...

How to call a view on click of each UITableViewCell programatically?

Hi, I have created a UITableViewcontroller and a UINavigationController in a TableController.m with UITableviewCell set to say @"CellOne" @"CellTwo". Now i also created two other files `ImageView1.m` ImageView2.m where if i click on CellOne i should be able to get the view placed on ImageView1.m, same applied to the ImageView2.m.Ho...

What's an efficient way of calculating the nearest point?

I have objects with location data stored in Core Data, I would like to be able to fetch and display just the nearest point to the current location. I'm aware there are formulas which will calculate the distance from current lat/long to a stored lat/long, but I'm curious about the best way to perform this for a set of 1000+ points stored...

Multiple view controllers on screen at once?

Hello! I am trying to wrap my head around controllers in Cocoa Touch. The main problem is that I would like to have more then one controller “on screen” at once – I want to have a large view (with controller A) composed of smaller views controlled by their own controllers (say B). I’d like to have it this way because the division makes t...

iPhone executable file...

how can i create a executable file to iphone? i have written my code in objective c using xcode i want to create a application that must run on any iphone.. i want to go by a legal way with no jail breaking. please any body help.. ...

Core Animation unwanted flicker artefact

Hi, I'm using some of the 3D effects in core animation and am noticing a very unpleasant flicker when some of my layers enter into positive territory on the zAxis (just around the point they go behind the "camera" i guess... is there anyway to resolve this? ...

Removing a view from it's superview causes memory error - why?

Xcode is throwing an error at me: malloc: * error for object 0x103f000: pointer being freed was not allocated * set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug I tracked down the code until a line where I do this: - (void)inputValueCommitted:(NSString *)animationID finished:(BOOL)finished context:(void *)context { //...

Easy or efficient way to copy the bitmap representation from one view to another?

I have anViewA and anViewB. They're plain UIView objects with a lot of subviews. I need just the bitmap representation or lets say the "image" of anViewA copied over to anViewB, so that anViewB looks like anViewA (without having subviews like anViewA). First I tried to use the -copy message, but unfortunately UIView doesn't conform to N...

How to change disclosure style when user enters in edit mode of a UITableView?

Hello, guys. I have a UITableView that in 'normal' mode, show a UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator meaning if the user taps the row, another list is showed, like HIG says: "Disclosure indicator. When this element is present, users know they can tap anywhere in the row to see the next level in the hierarchy or the ch...

How to remove the cursor from an UITextfield in edit mode

Is there a way to remove the blinking cursor from an UITextfield while it is in editing mode? I tried searching through the UITextfield class for an appropriate method but can't find one. Alternatively I could use an UILabel but this would not make the keypad to come up. ...

Animating corner like in iPhone's maps app?

Is there a way to make the same type of corner like in the maps app on the iPhone (or in the books app on the iPad when turning the pages)? ...

How do I add a fullscreen view in Cocoa touch?

Hello :) Inside the titleView of a UINavigationBar, there is a button. Clicking it should slide in a view from the top of the screen. Where do I have to place the view so it's displayed fullscreen and not only inside the current UIViewController's contentView? Is there a function for adding fullscreen views? ...

Image "moves" when varying heightForRowAtIndexPath in UITableViewCell.

I have a table view with varying height, as defined in the heightForRowAtIndexPath. For some very odd reason, the image is "indented" to the right based on the height; if the height is low enough, the image is stuck to the left side of the cell, but as the height increases, the image for said cell is shifted rightward compared to other r...

Basic questions re Objective-C property syntax

I have a few basic questions regarding the syntax and usage of properties in Objective C and would appreciate it if someone could answer them please. Assume the following declaration in the header: @interface TestObject : NSObject { NSArray *myArray; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *myArray; In the implementation, can ...

Custom UITextField blurred text

When a UITextField with custom frame (200 54 px) loses focus, the text looks a little bit blurry. example screenshot Is this a common problem? Any workaround / solution or am I doing something wrong? ...

UITextField in UIAlertView doesn't respond to cut/copy/paste on second showing

Edit I've replaced this question with a new post that is not marked "community wiki". That means that answers to the new post will enhance your stackoverflow "reputation". Here's the new post: ...

Mapkit pin color not changing

I'm doing the following and always get green pins: pin.pinColor = MKPinAnnotationColorRed; [self.mapView addAnnotation:pin]; [pin release]; pin is of type "NSObject ". All pins come out as green. Should I be doing it differently? ...

My UITabBarController isn't appearing, but its first view is?

I've done some reorganizing of my project recently and now I'm not seeing my tab bar controller, but its first view controller's view is appearing. Here's a breakdown of everything that happens prior to the problem. App Delegate loads FirstViewController with nib. FirstViewController loads the application data from my server and then ...

How to get object id from UIButton ?

How to get object id from UIButton ? I want to know which uibutton is pressed currently when i don't save the pointer to uibutton. ...

Why does presentModalViewController not always work?

My application requires data from a server in order to run. The first thing it does is displays a view controller (LoadingViewController) that is responsible for checking if the data is saved to my PersistentStoreCoordinator. If the data isn't cached locally, it gets it from my server and caches it, and posts a notification that the Lo...