
How to Show detail view of table cell inside of table view?

Hello! I've a problem. I want to create a table view in which each cell is a name of a place and when the user clicks on the cell, the cell next to it should shift down to accomodate a new view after the clicked cell. The new view will display the address of the place the clicked cell displayed. for example: If cell2 contains XYZ Park....

Where to put open-source credit information for an iPhone app?

Hi all, I'm finalizing my first iPhone apps; and wonder where should I put credit information for open-sources I used in my iPhone app? Should I put it directly in my app (users can see it if they press "About" button) or put it in a file go along with the bundle? The 2 open-source frameworks I used have "new BSD license" and "Apache l...

CoreData Relationships Clarification: How to effectively set an inverse relationship

I have a CoreData relationship set up as follows: (sorry, I'm new to stackoverflow so I have to draw it with ascii). Story (object) Attributes: creationDate, order, Relationships: sentences (one to many with Sentence) Sentence (object) Attributes: image, order, text Relationships: belongsTo (one to one with Story) Notes: t...

Rounded UIBarButtonItems

Hi, I need to make UIBarButtonItem rounded. In xib even though the style attibute specified as bordered it displays a rectangular shape. Is there any work around to achieve this? Regards, Dilshan ...

@property for int type?

Just a quick question if I may, I have always (since learning obj-c) written int properties as follows... @property(nonatomic, assign) int myValue; I am now thinking that this might be overkill and I might as well write... @property int myValue; Just curious, I know that "assign" is the default behaviour and that "nonatomic" can be...

Multiple files uploading to FTP using SimpleFTPSample

Hello, I am trying to upload files from my iPhone to my FTP. I have found two options: one is the S7FTPRequest and the second is SimpleFTPSample from Apple. With both of them I have the same problems. 1st problem was that uploading could not start, I think it was because of Passive mode that was disabled on my FTP. After adding line: [s...

UIImagePickerController.frame is not full screen

Hi! I'm initializing an UIImagePickerController like this: self.cameraController = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; self.cameraController.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; self.cameraController.showsCameraControls = NO; self.cameraController.navigationBarHidden = YES; self.cameraContro...

Problem showing some controls that are part of an UIView

Hi all, In my app I have a custom UIView subclass (let's call it MyView) which contains three buttons and two labels. I add this view to a view controller which also has a table view (I add the instance of MyView at the bottom). Because of the business logic rules, the labels and one button out of three are hidden in the beginning. So ...

AVAudioPlayer 'ticks' when stopped or resumed

I have an .aifc file of about 2 minutes that I'm playing using AVAudioPlayer. When I send stop I hear a short 'tick'. When I send play after that I hear the tick again. I tried setting volume to 0 before sending the play and stop methods, but that didn't work. The tick is somewhat comparable to the sound you hear when you disconnect yo...

load view randomly

hi i wished to randomly load a view. the views are called view1 view2 and view3 below is the code im using. can any one tell me the the code i should place in the case section to replace - (void)viewDidLoad self.view = view1; etc as this is not working thanks - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; NSString *title = nil; NSS...

I can't track down this leak. Audio Toolbox

I have gone over a silly amount of forum posts and questions here. while i would love to take this advice: I suppose i just don't trust 'them' as much as this community. so, I ask, is this a 'negligible leak' if it only seems to happen once when i push a view onto the root view controller?...

Why does MPMoviePlayerController prevent resumption of audio after the movie ends?

I have a class that plays a repeating background music loop with an AVAudioPlayer, and on specific occasion, plays a full-screen video with its own sound track using MPMoviePlayerController. In order to to have only one track at a time, I stop the background music before launching the video: -(void)startVideo{ [backgroundMusic stop]...

ASIFormDataRequest .NET WebService

Hi! I have a form in my iPhone application which contains three textFields and a post-button, of course. I have built two WebMethods in a WebService, I have tried both from my local PC. They works perfectly. The methods are: TestAddData - no parameters AddObject(string name, string address, string phoneNumber) I know wond...

NSString is not appearing properly

I have the following NSString: NSString* searchURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"*",symbol]; NSLog(@"URL IS: %@", searchURL...

NSZombieEnabled won't turn off

I have NSZombieEnabled to NO in my arguments. I am checking to see if it is enabled: if(getenv("NSZombieEnabled") || getenv("NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled")) { NSLog(@"NSZombieEnabled/NSAutoreleaseFreedObjectCheckEnabled enabled!"); } My debugger says it is still enabled. Why? ...

iOS API detect wireless networks

Is there an API in CocoaTouch/iOS for detecting wireless networks? I want to write an app that saves a list of networks the phone can see at a given moment. ...

UiSlider Does Not Response After UITextView Resigns FirstResponder

Hi All, I have an UITextView and Some UiSlider On A View. The Sliders Work Well When The View Loaded. The Problem Is They Become Very Less/Slow Sensitive After The cycle, [UITextView becomeFirstResponder]; . . [UITextView resignFirstResponder]; Why is This Happening? Any Solution? ...

Most efficient way for partially drawing an UIView in drawRect:

I'm using setNeedsDisplayInRect: as much as possible in my UIView subclass, but I don't know what to do in drawRect:. What is the best way to detect which parts of the UIView have to be drawn? Right now I've divided my UIView into several CGRect's. For each CGRect I'm calling CGRectContainsRect() to check whether that CGRect needs to be ...

Application Failed to Launch in Time, even with a background thread

I am checking network reachability in applicationDidFinishLaunching: [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(performReachabilityCheck) withObject:nil]; Background thread -(void)performReachabilityCheck{ NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; internetReach = [[Reachability reachabilityForInternetC...

Need to support both (Landscape/Potrait) in tab based application

Hi I'm developing tab based application, i'm having 5 tabs,following are the snap of controllers added tab bar controller,I need to support 3.4 view controller to both orientation (Landscape/Portrait -this support by default), i did override the below method,but that particular view is not change the orienation,if any one can give a sam...