Colored iCal style checkboxes using Cocoa
Is there a way to get colored checkboxes like in iCal without using custom drawing? I have looked through the documentation but can only find how to change the background and text color. ...
Is there a way to get colored checkboxes like in iCal without using custom drawing? I have looked through the documentation but can only find how to change the background and text color. ...
i spent some time with the environment variable CA_COLOR_OPAQUE = 1 and have my findings to share. things that make a CALayer non-opaque (slow, more memory, ...): * contents with alpha (like an NSImage with an icon) * NSImage/CGImage from a pdf as contents (even when the pdf does not contain any alpha and opaque=YES) * b...
I would like to emulate the default shadow applied to NSWindows with a CALayer shadow. I can't quite figure out the exact values for the the following properties though: theLayer.shadowOffset = ?; theLayer.shadowRadius = ?; theLayer.shadowOpacity = ?; I assume that the shadowColor is black (the default). Does anyone have an idea wha...
I have a NSOutlineView which loads data from a data source. The table is displayed in a panel. The items shown in the table are items which belong to an object (the relation is one-to many between the object and the items). I have a list of objects in a combo box (in fact a NSPopupButton), and when I select another object in the combo ...
Is there any way of retrieving an absolute URL for a file on a mounted volume in Cocoa? For example, say afp://server/Documents is mounted at /Volumes/Documents. How can I get full URL to a file on the mounted volume in the form of afp://server/Documents/path/to/file? I've tried using statfs but the value of f_mntfromname doesn't con...
I am trying to set a fetch request with a predicate to obtain records in the store whose identifiers attribute match an array of identifiers specified in the predicate e.g. NSString *predicateString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"identifier IN %@", employeeIDsArray]; The employeeIDsArray contains a number of NSNumber objects that matc...
I've searched SO for the answer to this question, and it's not really addressed, at least not to a point where I can make it work. I was originally only checking for Internet reachability, using: self.wwanReach = [Reachability reachabilityWithHostName:@""]; [wwanReach startNotifer]; I now need to support a local WiFi con...
Hi, I've been looking at adding iCal support to my new application and everything seemed just fine and worked on my Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard development machine without a hitch. Now it looks like depending on what is in your calendar the very simple query below: - (NSArray*) fetchCalendarEventsForNext50Minutes { NSLog(@"fetchCalend...
I have a custom NSWindowController subclass that loads a NIB file during initialization like this: self = [super initWithNibNamed:@"myNib"]; if (self != nil) { [self window]; } The nib contains some custom views and some other controls. The NSWindowController is the file's owner and at least one of the views even binds to it. Sim...
I would like to use NSConnection/NSDistributedObject for interprocess communication. I would like the client to be able to handle the case where the server is only occasionally reachable. How can I determine if sending a message to the NSConnection will fail or has failed? Currently if my server (the process that has vended the remote o...
I'm trying to animate an object along a path...while it's moving it should continue to "point" towards another object (or CGPoint). What should I be looking for in the framework (Cocoa-Touch) to accomplish this? Maybe something in CAShapeLayer? Though I think that's more for animating the path itself... It's not jumping out at me... ...
If I spawn a secondary thread and the threaded method calls other methods, are those methods run in the secondary thread or the main thread? Is there a way to determine on which thread a specified piece of code is being run? ...
My question is similar to this one. Background I'm creating a large number of objects in a core data store using NSOperations to speed things up. I've followed all the Core Data multithreading rules - I've got a single persistent store coordinator and a managed object context per thread that on save is merging back to the main managed...
Hi, I'm trying to parse an XHTML document using TBXML on the iPhone (although I would be happy to use either libxml2 or NSXMLParser if it would be easier). I need to extract the content of the body as a series of paragraphs and maintain the inline tags, for example: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "
I am playing around with an iPhone app, and need to accomplish something that I am sure is very basic: I have a slider that is implemented in a Controller.m class. However, I need its value must be available in a different class, MainView.m class where I have defined an equation that depends on the value of the slider. How can I do i...
I'm trying to figure out the best way to do hit detection on a CALayer containing a non-rectangular path. I am aware of the CGContextPathContainsPoint function but im not sure how to get a reference to the appropriate CGContextRef when I need to do hit detection (like mouse down). Is it safe to retain a reference to the CGContextRef that...
Hi all, I am trying to set an attributed string within NSTextView. I want to increase its height based on its content, initially it is set to some default value. So I tried this method: I set content in NSTextView. When we set some content in NSTextView its size automatically increases. So I increased height of its super view that is ...
I have a button that does something to the selected text in NSTextView. If nothing is selected then nothing happens when the button is pressed... so can the enabled property of a button be bound to whether or not some text is selected? ...
I am using objective-C++ (+Boost) for iPhone development. I am in a rather tight loop and need to allocate and release a certain object. The code is something like this. for (int i=0;i<100;i++) { opt = [[FObj alloc] init]; //do stuff with opt [opt release]; } The FObj object is something like @interface FObj MyCPPObj ...
Hi, I am looking to write a plugin controller in Cocoa that loads bundles, and exposes a specific set of methods for the plugins to call. My question is this: is it possible to know (any) info about the object that called a method in the controller. When an instantiated plugin calls a method in my plugin controller, I would like to kno...