
Any static code analysis tools for C# 4.0 yet?

Pretty straightforward question here: I like tools such as FxCop when it comes to scanning assemblies to get better insight into my code, and would like to start doing it on C# 4.0 assemblies. Any out there yet, or should I sit tight for a few more months while it's released and tools are updated? ...

What are the consequences of having (too) many namespaces?

I run code analysis on a project and I get a warning saying CA1020 : Microsoft.Design : Consider merging the types defined in {some namespace} with another namespace. {some namespace} Why do I get this? Is there a negative implication of having too many namespaces? ...

Are concept-mapping tools useful for software analysis and design?

I've become interested in abusing concept mapping (Wikipedia article, explanation by the inventor) as a technique for analyzing the design of moderately large software systems. (The systems are two compilers: One is about 25,000 lines with a 1,000-line runtime system; the other about 200,000 lines with a 90,000-line runtime system. Nei...

How do I fix PyDev "Undefined variable from import" errors?

I've got a Python project using PyDev in Eclipse, and PyDev keeps generating false errors for my code. I have a module settings that defines a settings object. I import that in module b and assign an attribute with: from settings import settings settings.main = object() In some of my code--but not all of it, statements like: from s...

How do I fix PyDev "Method should have self as first parameter" errors

I'm developing in Python using PyDev in Eclipse, and some of my code generates errors in the code analysis tool. Specifically: class Group(object): def key(self, k): class Subkey(object): def __enter__(s): self._settings.beginGroup(k) return self def __exit__(s, type,...

Calculating how much time you can save by estimating the code you write in a year

I'm looking for real figures and experiences, please don't take this too subjectively: While looking for something else, I happened on an interesting statement, which partially reads as follows: [...]the national average is 9,000 lines of code per year per person.[...] I write a lot of code, but not full-time. When I look back...

How to analyze an open source code without (or with not enough) documentation?

I got an open source code, about 15 mb. I want to understand the main algorithm used there. I started analyzing every part of that code, but I think it will take a lot of time. Are there any approaches to make process easier? I didn't do that before, so it is my first experience. This one, may be someone knows:

code anaylsis node missing from Visual studio 2008

I want to have a look at the VS code analysis tools. This msdn page suggests: Expand the Configuration Properties node. Expand the Code Analysis node. Unfortnately when I expand the configuration properties node I only have the options: General, Debugging, c/C++, Linker, Manifest tool, XML Document Generator, Browse Information, Build...

Analyzing Java OO Code in Eclipse

I have seen this question, but it's not what I'm looking for. There used to be a plugin for JBuilder or Together that analyzed your code to find when one class depended too much on another class and things like that. It suggested refactoring based on GoF design patterns. I have checked out PMD but it's not what I need, exactly. I'm lo...

Generate Call-Tree from cscope database

I want to generate Full and Partially Call Trees from cscope database of c and c++ projects in Linux. The project is rather large, so it can be not easy to work with the full call tree of project, so I want to limit call tree generation with grep-like filter of function names. And also I want to be able to build "called by" and "called...

Simple code analyzer

Need a simple code analyzer to see if I am forgetting to free objects and classes, or to see if I am releasing them to many times. ...

Does Code Analysis support defining two languages for mixed language Spell Checking?

Using the tip provided by José Adan at I was able to get Code Analysis to do spell checking in Brazilian Portuguese. It's a common practice to mix Portuguese and English on type and member names down here in Brazil. I've also seen this pr...

VS2008: Define the same code analysis settings for a whole solution ?

I want to use the built in code analysis feature in Visual Studio 2008. The settings seems to be only set on a project level. How can I set code analysis settings globally for the entire solution ? ...

Code Analysis on a Code Generator Generated File - How to Suppress Warnings?

We run Code Analysis on all our source files. One of our source files is a Linq-To-SQL generated file, which we have no control over the generated output. The generated code is producing Code Analysis warnings that I would like to suppress. Is there any way I can suppress CA warnings in a code generated file that doesn't involve creating...

C# Code Analysis CA1822 Warning - Why?

I have the method shown below which is generating a CA1822 Code Analysis warning. CA1822 says this: "The 'this parameter (or 'Me' in Visual Basic) of 'ImportForm.ProcessFile(StreamReader)' is never used. Mark the member as static (or Shared in Visual Basic) or use 'this/Me' in the method body or at least one property accessor, if appro...

Any tools to check for duplicate VB.NET code?

I wish to get a quick feeling for how much “copy and paste” coding we have, there are many tools for C# / Java to check for this type of thing. Are there any such tools that work well with VB.NET? (I have seen what looks like lots of repeated code, but wish to get some number to help me make a case for sorting it out) Update on prog...

How to compile MFC code in visual stdio 2008 with code analyser

I need to run code analyser for my MFC code in VS 2008. I enabled code analysis in following path: project properties -> configuration properties -> Advanced. When I tried to compile, I got the following error unable to find DLL: 'mspft80.dll' How can I resolve this? ...

Why does Code Analysis not warn about NotImplementedException?

I'm pretty sure that previous versions of Visual Studio Code Analysis warned about the use of NotImplementedException, i.e. any member that contained this throw new NotImplementedException(); would give a CA warning. This doesn't seem to be the case with Visual Studio 2008. Was that particular rule removed, or am I just imagining th...

Is there a tool to list global variables used and output by a C function?

I want to make a list of global variables/macros consumed by a function and output by the function. For example, for: void myfn(void) { out1 = in + 1; out2 = 2; } ..the tool would list the inputs as 'in' and the outputs as 'out1' and 'out2'. Does anyone know of such a tool? ...

Visual Studio 2008 profiler analysis - missing time

I ran the Visual Studio 2008 profiler against my ASP.NET application and came up with the following result set. CURRENT FUNCTION TIME (msec) ---------------------------------------------------|-------------- Data.GetItem(params) | 10,158.12 ----------------------------...