
What tools do you use for static code analysis?

This question on Cyclomatic Complexity made me think more about static code analysis. Analyzing code complexity and consistency is occasionally useful, and I'd like to start doing it more. What tools do you recommend (per language) for such analysis? Wikipedia has a large list of tools, but which ones have people tried before? Edit: ...

Exception analysis tool for C++

I've been looking for a tool to extract exception information from a C++ program. The most wanted feature I'm looking for: I want to know all the exceptions that can be thrown from a function (which would include all the function that is called from that function recursively). I've always thought that documenting errors and exceptions i...

Are there any good programs for actionscript/flex that'll count lines of code, number of functions, files, packages,etc...

Doug McCune had created something that was exactly what I needed ( but alas - it was for AIR beta 2. I just would like some tool that I can run that would provide some decent metrics...any idea's? ...

What is a good maintainability index using Visual Studio 2008 code analysis?

My company recently purchased TFS and I have started looking into the code analysis tools to help drive up code quality and noticed a good looking metric "maintainability index". Is anyone using this metric for code reviews/checkins/etc? If so, what is an acceptable index for developers to work toward? ...

What static analysis tools are available for C#?

What tools are there available for static analysis against C# code? I know about FxCop and StyleCop. Are there others? I've run across NStatic before but it's been in development for what seems like forever - it's looking pretty slick from what little I've seen of it, so it would be nice if it would ever see the light of day. Along the...

What is Dynamic Code Analysis?

What is Dynamic Code Analysis? How is it different from Static Code Analysis (ie, what can it catch that can't be caught in static)? I've heard of bounds checking and memory analysis - what are these? What other things are checked using dynamic analysis? ...

How do I generate Emma code coverage reports using Ant?

How do I setup an Ant task to generate Emma code coverage reports? ...

Automatic code quality tool for Ruby?

One thing I really miss about Java is the tool support. FindBugs, Checkstyle and PMD made for a holy trinity of code quality metrics and automatic bug checking. Is there anything that will check for simple bugs and / or style violations of Ruby code? Bonus points if I can adapt it for frameworks such as Rails so that Rails idioms ar...

What tool do you use for counting lines of source code in Visual Studio Projects ?

I know there are quite a few line count tools around. Is there something simple that's not a part some other big package that you use ? ...

Misra standard for embedded software.

Hi I have a requirement to make a large amount of code MISRA compliant. First question: Can somebody to give an estimation for passing well written code for embedded system based on experience. I understand that "well written" is poorly defined and vague so i ask for raw estimation. Second question: Any recommendation for tool that can ...

Is there a tool for finding unreferenced functions (dead, obsolete code) in a C# app?

I want to delete foo() if foo() isn't called from anywhere. ...

Is there a custom FxCop rule that will detect unused PUBLIC methods?

I just tried FxCop. It does detect unused private methods, but not unused public. Is there a custom rule that I can download, plug-in that will detect public methods that aren't called from within the same assembly? ...

Can I supress FX Cop code analysis violations globaly?

When you use Visual Studio's code analysic (FxCop), and want to supress a message there are 3 options. Supress a violation in code. Supress a violation in a GlobalSupression.cs file. Disable the violation check in the project file (via Project -> Properties -> Code Analysic). The later is very hard to review when checking in to Sourc...

Integrating static analysis tools with each other?

How are folks integrating various static analysis tools such as PMD, Checkstyle, and FindBugs so that they are used together in some uniform way? In particular, I'm interested in generating a single uniform report that includes warnings from all tools. Also, I want to be able to mark-up my code with reasonably consistent looking warning ...

What is stopping you from using static analysis tools?

I'm trying to understand why some Java projects do not use static analysis tools like PMD, FindBugs, and Checkstyle. Lack of support from the powers-that-be in your organization? Perceived lack of value in the feedback provided by these tools? (signal-to-noise ratio too low? too many false positives?) Lack of time to configure and ...

A static analysis project/product with rules for enforcing Effective Java advice?

Does there exist a project or product that implements static analysis rules specifically designed to enforce the advice given in "Effective Java," 2nd ed., Bloch? Many people agree that "Effective Java" is a very good book. The ability to scan code for opportunities to apply the "Effective Java" advice would most likely be seen as valua...

Tool for identifying superfluous header files in c++

I wish to scan a very large c++ codebase and identify which header files are being included unnecessarily. CScout seems to have this functionality for c. I need it for c++. ...

Benefits of static code analysis.

What are the benefits of doing static code analysis on your source code? I was playing around with FxCop and I was wondering if there any benefits beyond making sure you are following the coding standards. ...

Code analysis

Does anyone know where to find an explanation to the warnings in vs 2005 codeanalysis tool. I would like some documentation, explainning why it creates the warnings it does and what course of action one should take. ...

Tool for calculating cyclomatic complexity

Can you recommend free tools for calcualting cyclomatic complexity. Looking for all languages. One tool/language per answer please. ...