
Is onApplicationStart is good Idea in ColdFusion?

I have to use a Variable(Query Resultset) in ColdFusion, which will get the results from Other Application DB, and stores in Coldfusion Application. The main idea is that I need to call the other Application DB only at Server startup time and cache the results in local. And I need to read the variable in other pages in my Application. ...

Best J2EE server for ColdFusion

What is the best J2EE server to deploy coldfusion 9 on? I know there is Tomcat but i'm sure there are others. ...

Coldfusion: CFHTTP with SSL encrypted Page (https://) - got an error

I'm making an cfhttp to connect to an encrypted page. Seems to work fine for some sites. I/O Exception: Name in certificate `' does not match host name `' Is there a workaround to trust this certificate even if the host name doesn't match? ...

Can Coldfusion use Java methods/objects to get better cfquery performance?

I am wondering if there are java methods/objects that would be alternatives to cfquery, that both allow variable sanitation, and better caching methods. I know that you can use information schema to get data types and char lengths, and then use that to validate data type & length of variables in a query. But with everyone converting to...

Passing arguments to constructors using CreateObject in Coldfusion

Hi there, I'm trying to use a Java object in Coldfusion using the CreateObject function. This works fine when the constructor in the Java class doesn't take any arguments e.g.: MyObject myObject = new MyObject(); Goes to myObject = CreateObject("java", "com.something.MyObject"); But I'm not sure how to pass arguments to the cons...

Procedure sp_Get-- has no parameters and arguments were supplied

I am getting the error "Procedure sp_Get-- has no parameters and arguments were supplied". I am calling a simple stored-proc from a CF component. The Stored proc is as follows GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetTest] @TestId INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT T.TestId ,T.TestDetail ,T.isPassedTest FROM Te...

Can I kill this process?

Possible Duplicate: Activity Monitor Problems in SQL Server 2005 I have some processes running on my database server that are taking up enourmous amount of CPU. When I view the detail about the process I get: set transaction isolation level read committed The other details include: Status: Sleeping Open Transactions: 0 Com...

What is the most appropriate Coldfusion cfsqltype to use for MS SQL's uniqueidentifier field type?

When connecting from Coldfusion 8 to a MS SQL 2008 datasource, what Coldfusion cfsqltype should I use for a SQL column set to 'uniqueidentifier'. <cfquery name="user" datasource="#ds#"> SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="WHAT_CF_SQL_TYPE_HERE?" value=""> </cfquery> Thanks! ...

cfquery problem with complex update statements

Hello, I am trying to fire Update Query using cfquery like below <cfquery name = "UpdateRecord" dataSource = #DATASOURCE# username = #DBUSER# password = #DBPASSWORD# result="updateResult" > update table1 set field1=( select field1 from table2 where field3='Some Val...

coldfusion - oracle guid oddity

Hello all, I am seeing an interesting result trying to use as a sys_guid() value in Coldfusion 7. If I do <cfquery>select sys_guid() as guid from dual</cfquery> The return guid value is seen as a binary field by Coldfusion. However, if I do <cfquery>select sys_guid() || '' as guid from dual</cfquery> The return guid value is se...

Popup Window for a Flicker feed using CSS, Ajax, Javascript, in a Coldfusion environment.

Creating hover over window on thumbnails of a Flicker feed using CSS, Ajax, Javascript, in a Coldfusion environment. ...

Best Practice for Application Tier Database Transactions

I have seen a number of different cftransaction examples and read different sites and still have not been able to find a definitive answer to what parts of cftransaction are necessary. What I am trying to accomplish is very simple: start a transaction run multiple inserts/updates close the transaction If there is an error at any time...

Is it possible to create a thumbnail image from a PDF file with Coldfusion 8?

Is it possible to create a thumbnail image from a PDF file using Coldfusion 8? (thumbnail of a given page, defaulting to page 1) ...

cfquery stuck and does not finish running

I've been trying to run a dynamic query inside a cfquery tag. Previously it was running fine. So now, I can see the debugger enter the cfquery tag, but it does not finish running. It didn't seem to have made an affect to the database, since nothing was added for that insert query. Putting try & catch blocks didn't catch anything. Whe...

How to map this link table in cf-orm?

A 1---* A_B *---1 B Table A has aID (PK), Table B has bID (PK), table A_B has: aID (PK, FK), bID (PK, FK), num I tried property name="A" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="A" fkcolumn="aID"; property name="B" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="B" fkcolumn="bID"; property name="num" type="numeric"; but CF keep asking me for an ID column... wha...

Show / Hide page data depending if users are logged in or not. Coldfusion / Dreamweaver

Hi there, I am trying to create a way to show and hide a number of different elements on my page, depending if the user is logged in or not. For example I want to hide 'Logout' is users are not logged in, and 'login' when they are. I'm using Coldfusion and Dreamweaver - is there any quick easy code I am able to use to wrap around the ...

Does anyone use ColdFusion anymore?

Just wondering if it's worth learning ColdFusion anymore? Can anyone name a big site that still uses it? (please don't say as they use .net now) Thank you in advance. ...

ColdFusion9 orm properties in script

I'd like to write the following in script syntax rather than the old style tag syntax. <cfcomponent persistent="true" table="AuditType" schema="Audit" > <cfproperty name="AuditTypeID" column="AuditTypeID" ormtype="int" fieldtype="id" /> <cfproperty name="AuditTypeName" column="AuditTypeName" ormtype="string" /> <cfproperty ...


Hi, Is there any XSLT library available for the Windows Mobile platform? I need to transform my XML document to HTML. It can be a plus if compatible with .NET CF. Thanks, Ben ...

Web Hosting Companies, Coldfusion

Does anyone know a place where I can either get cheap deals or exchange advert space for free hosting for a coldfusion 8 website, + MYSQL 5? I want unlimited space, broadband etc. ...