
SQL Server 2005 setup issue

I have two issues both related to (I believe) my SQL Server setup. I have installed SQL Server (the full thing) from MSDN downloads of the x64 version on my Vista 64 Home Premium box. After running into multiple issues I finally got it working. This is a new box so I ported over a database that I need to work on from another server. ...

JavaScript on Form Submit

Hello All, I am submitting a ColdFusion Form and I want to run some JavaScript to check field validation before I run my ColdFusion code to process the form as needed. How can I do this? What do I do in JS to call my .cfm file after the form passes validation? Thanks! -Jason ...

In ColdFusion, how can I extract and store the contents of the submitted form?

I'm writing an application in ColdFusion, and even though it is mostly stable, it errors every so often. Because it has replaced the old application already, sometimes it is the users who get errors instead of me. I've created a nice page that people get when they get an error that sends information to me, such as error, referrer, error...

Coldfusion App today -- Flex next year. Considerations to maximize re-use of logic tier next year?

I have started design of a Coldfusion application that is entirely web based. Not much use of Flash forms, or AJAX. The first version is a strict web app. Version 2 will be a Flex front end. I want to design and build things so that the Flex layer can use existing logic. It's okay if it means I have to do extra work in version ...

ColdFusion Session Replication Across Physical Servers

Can I get details for session replication across physical servers with Coldfusion 8? ...

Get readable WSDL service method arguments error in ColdFusion

Hello, developing service invoking script that looks like: <cfinvoke webservice="#ServiceURL#" method="AddCustomer" returnvariable="ResponseData" argumentcollection="#stAguments#"> <cfinvokeargument name="api_key" value="#ServiceKey#" /> </cfinvoke> stAguments structure filled before this call, obviously. Imagine you've forgot to...

ColdFusion/PHP Compatibility

Hey I have a question regarding the compatibility of ColdFusion and PHP. We built a community website which is based on ColdFusion. Is it altogether possible to add features such as blogs, and other community features to our website in PHP? I mean to combine both PHP and ColdFusion together. Thanks very much for the help! ...

Continue a Classic ASP site or insist a language change?

So today I was in a meeting to assist putting together a proposal to give one of our clients on how we can improve their web site. After two hours we had a pretty hefty list of new features and resource upgrades that coupled with their latest request for a site redesign, would put us in a good position to suggest a 'rewrite' in another l...

Future of Fusebox framework

Good old Fusebox was my first framework and I still really like it. Started with PHP version, currently using latest CFML version. But time goes by and I'm wondering: maybe I should switch to another framework? Well, I don't want to start holy war here. I just want to know the pros and cons of continuing using FB. Say, I think that n...

Refactoring cf5 tag based code into CFC's

I feel the need to refactor my old CF5 based code into CFC's. We already have some code in ColdSpring and Transfer but feel a large rewrite to ColdSpring and Transfer is pointless. What tips, approaches and gotchas will I hit. How can I make this easy? I don't mind keeping ColdSpring in the mix but Transfer is the bit I'm scared of...

How do you reference unicode characters in Coldfusion regex?

I'm trying to match this character ’ which I can type with alt-0146. Word tells me its unicode 0x2019 but I can't seem to match it using regular expressions in coldfusion. Here's a snippet i'm using to match between 2 and 10 letters and apostrophes and this character [[:alpha:]'\x2019]{2,10} but it's not working. Any ideas? ...

Assign ColdFusion Client Variables Using Javascript

Is it possible to assign variables to the client scope using JavaScript? More specifically, I'm trying to assign a value after it is returned from an AJAX call. I understand that ColdFusion is run on the server side and JavaScript on the client side, but with the proliferation of AJAX, I'm curious if something like this might be possib...

Is JDK 6u14 Garbage First (G1) garbage collector, suitable for JRun?

Garbage First (G1) garbage collector Do you think this garbage collector is better for JRun, running ColdFusion 8? ...

Is ColdFusion a good choice for web development?

I've looked into the benefits of PHP, ASP.NET, Python, Rails, etc. These technologies seem very popular among folks here, but I don't see too many ColdFusion questions. Is ColdFusion a good solution for working with popular JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery? Also, what would be a good IDE to use for building a ColdFusion based web si...

Coldfusion linux enctype

I'm posting a form in Coldfusion on Linux. Form has a file field. CF requires the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute on the form tag. If I have this, I get a "JRun Servlet Error - 500 No such file or directory" If I take the attrib out, the form posts and I get the CF "enctype=multipart/form-data" error. What to do? Here's a s...

CFCHART: reverse Y-axis ordering

I mean that MIN should be on top and MAX on X-axis. This needed to make chart more intuitive to read and related to object ranking, when 1st place is "better" than 3rd. That's why it'd be better to look this way: => ...

cffile upload location

In CF7, can anyone tell me if there's a way around the file being automatically uploaded to the /tmp/ folder before being moved to a destination location I provide? I'm trying to use cffile in a shared server location. I don't have access to the tmp directory, and am hoping to find a work around. <cffile action="upload" destination="...

Does "Double Checked Locking" work in coldfusion

I have used a version of double checked locking in my CF app (before I knew what double checked locking was) Essentially I check for the exsistance of an object. If it is not present I lock (usually using a named lock) and before I try and create the object I check for exsistance again. I thought this was a neet way to stop multiple obj...

Why would CFAbort not work?

I am having an odd problem. There is a large request I am debugging so I threw a cfabort in at a particular spot before some processing is to occur. It doesn't appear to be working as the request keeps running in browser and shows up in the CF monitor, where I kill it manually. Throwing an error immediately works, though doing a cfabort ...

Web File Security best practices for ColdFusion 8 in IIS6 or IIS7

Lets say we have a web site with a CF app that was written in house. assume that Server 2003 IIS6 or 2008 IIS7 will be used Coldfusion 8 will be used Directory browsing is denied SSL is required to connect the account login process is secure (yeah I know that is a whole other ball of wax but that concept is discussed ad nauseum on the ...