
Github: readonly access to a private repo

I am developing some private projects on Github, and I would like to add nightly cronjobs to my deployments servers to pull the latest version from github. I am currently doing this by generating keypairs on every deployment server and adding the public key to the github project as 'Deployment key'. However, I recently found out that t...

Development team collaboration via Google Wave

I hope I am not repeating any previously asked question. Anyway, so Google Wave is nice and shiny and sounds like a lot of folks(at least at Google I/O :) used it in a useful for work(!) way. I've been beta-testing Google Wave for sometime now, but can't quite grasp how to improve our workflow using it. We have a medium size team of dev...

JQUERY COMET for Real-Time multi-user Note Taking

I'm interest in learning how to use jquery comet to create real-time multi-user note taking like etherpad used to offer. Can anyone offer any tips/tutorials/plug-ins... to point me in the right direction? Thanks ...

Does anyone know of any good open source voting software?

I'm looking for a voting system that we can implement at work amongst our developers. We need something that allows developers to submit ideas about what we can do to improve our development practices (amongst other things) and then have all the developers vote on the ideas to give everyone an idea of what ideas we should attempt to imp...

Versioned cloud-based social code snippet management

It seems a lot to ask, but I'm looking for a cloud-based solution to managing code snippets. I am looking for: Tags User accounts (I want to be able to see all of my snippets on a single page) syntax highlighting versioning - myself or others should be able to edit my snippets to improve them and have revisions save so that I can go b...

Which Project Management Software is adequate for Software & Non-Software Projects?

PMS = (Project Management Software) I used trac for software development some time ago. Right now I'm searching for a new more powerful (scheduling, gantt charts, ...) free solution (as in free beer ;-) and free to install on my server) for my current software project. Besides the current software project, abstract project management fe...

Collaborative Coding and Documentation

At a new research job, I will be part of a long-term effort to clean up a pretty extensive Java codebase (7+ years of development). It currently resides on SVN, but I am considering Mercurial. There are perhaps two types of people collaborating on the project. Type 1: people who will be developing a lot of code and writing documentation...

How to work collaboratively on a website

Hello, I'm working on a website with some other people. Usually when we want to modify something, we do the change on our machine and just upload the new version with ftp, hope it'll works (or that nobody will notice it doesn't the time we correct it) and that's it. It's already not the best way to work alone but even less to work coll...

preferred free project management + SCM tool combination

What is the preferred free open source project management and SCM tool combination for working on multiple java based projects? This must be something that has been answered on here before but i couldnt find a good one. Im working with a couple people on two different proof-of-concept web app projects and have been doing everything tog...

Where to collaborate on your open-source project

I have been working on an open-source project for some time now and I decided to launch it a few days ago. I have created a website for the product with a documentation, tutorials, and a blog. There is no commenting on the website itself. I have made the project available on sourceforge. I uploaded the current stable version, that can ...

i want to host a wiki site for an internal company project

I don't have much experience with this. are there any free or low-cost solutions I can deploy? We have a relatively low-powered server running windows NT (ouch, i know). Preferably something that allows multi-user access though something light-weight is the main consideration. ...

I need document collaboration tool that provides an API to allow me to embed document collaboration onto my site

I need to enable my users to collaborate on document creation. I initially thought of using a wiki system where users can come in and start a document and other users can pitch in, give feedback, rate it and so on. The problem with that approach is that it requires the user to change the way they work, which I don't favour. I want a to...

How to turn on syntax highlighting in etherpad

Good morning, there are many free etherpad implementations since it went open source. Does etherpad support syntax highlighting or is some kind of add-on available? I tried ...

Choice of library/framework to implement a small collaborative web application

We are a group doing some academic research on Human-Computer Interaction and usability. Right now, we need to implement and test a new concept in order to evaluate it. The end-product will basically be a small website. The website has some basic sign up and log in facilities. But the main functionality is a canvas were multiple users c...

Study Partners Wanted For Pro Android Games Book

Hello, I'm looking for anyone interested in joining me to study the book Pro Android Games. If anyone is interested, please reply. Thanks ...

Creating a Collaborative Programing Environment

I am searching for the best way to get people involved internally at a company. This company has tons of knowledge(from C#, Ruby, Mobile Dev, Windows Linux, Java, everything), with the problem being it is silo'ed in various peoples heads. How do you go about creating a culture that allows for their intelligence to spread? We have tri...

How do you educate your teammates without seeming condescending or superior?

I work with three other guys; I'll call them Adam, Brian, and Chris. Adam and Brian are bright guys. Give them a problem; they will figure out a way to solve it. When it comes to OOP, though, they know very little about it and aren't particularly interested in learning. Pure procedural code is their MO. Chris, on the other hand, is an ...

Tools and practices for small group collaboration?

Hello all. I will be starting a senior design project in a week with 2 or 3 other engineers. We are electrical engineers but we will need to do some coding for our project. Right now, I think using Google Code + Visual Studio + AnkhSVN is a good solution on the code side. We also need to: Maintain design documents Have a smooth way...

How to develop wordpress site collaboratively?

For simple projects, it is suffice enough to use subversion to synchronise theme/plugin code between team's Wordpress installations. However, with larger projects, in which themes/plugins are content dependent, content needs to be synchronised as well. Is there a way to do it automatically instead of using Import / Export tools from Word...

iPhone Developer Community voice over IP

Hi, Anyone know if there exists any Broadcast/Groups system online that allows developers to become connected in real time to be able to voice chat and keyboard chat, specific to their needs, something a little more immediate as opposed to forums/stackoverflow/pm software. I for example would like to join a voip chat related to mapkit ...