
MySQL Convert latin1 data to UTF8

I imported some data using LOAD DATA INFILE into a MySQL Database. The table itself and the columns are using the UTF8 character set, but the default character set of the database is latin 1. Because the default character type of the database is latin1, and I used LOAD DATA INFILE without specifying a character set, it interpreted the ...

what is collation_database, collation_connection, collation_server used for in mysql?

Illegal mix of collations (big5_chinese_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like' sometimes this error will be throw, what's up ? what's the collation_* used for ? Can someone give me a example to show how the character is encoded and transited and selected relate to collation_*? ...

Mysql colation for all languages

Hi, I'm currently developing a website that is gonna show stuff for almost any language in the world. And im having problems choosing the best collation to define in the mysql. Wich one is the best to support all characters??? Or the most accurate??? Or is just best to convert all characters to unicode? thanks ...

Collation conflict in stored procedure while assigning a variable

We are trying to create a stored procedure, however we run into the following error message: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation. This error occurs at line 33, which reads as follows: SET @MINTIME = (SELECT CONVERT(varchar,DATEADD(MONTH,-1,G...

collation conversion normal?

Hi, The following explain extended let me know that MySQL is internally doing a lot of collation conversion like latin1 and _utf8. (`mydb`.`node`.`status` = _latin1'1') and (`mydb`.`node`.`type` = _utf8'usernode') and (`mydb`.`node`.`uid` = `mydb`.`users`.`uid`) and (`mydb`.`usernode_list`.`uid` = _latin1'65484') Is it normal? Will ...

Croatian diacritic signs in MySQL db (utf-8)

So, symbols belows display title should be displayed that way. UTF-8 entities are listed below HTML (utf-8) title (here is list: LINK) And last line shows what is stored in my database. Collation of db table is utf8_unicode_ci. I suppose that symbols in db shouldn't be as they are in my case? They are displaying correctly on page when ...

Sort string collection in Python using various locale settings

I want to sort list of strings with respect to user language preference. I have a multilanguage Python webapp and what is the correct way to sort strings such way? I know I can set up locale, like this: import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') But this should be done on application start (and doc says it is not thread-safe!...

Use MySQL collation in Java

Short Version I'm currently looking into an issue with MySQL collations and how they affect a Set of values (which is mapped using Hibernate, but that shouldn't matter for now). I want to have a Set of Strings using the same collation as MySQL uses. E.g. I want "foobar" and "fööbar" considered equal but "foo bar" and "foobar" considered...

problem saving to mysql database php mysqli

Hi all i'm trying to save data to database and i get an error i never saw before i have a hunch it has something to do with the db collation but I'm not sure whats wrong, here is the query: $query1 = "INSERT INTO scape.url (url,normalizedurl,service,idinservice) VALUES (url, normalizedurl, 4, 45454)"; $query = "INSERT INTO ...

Hibernate case-insensitive utf-8/unicode collation that works on multiple DBMS

I'm looking for Hibernate annotation or .hbm.xml that allows me to specify a table column as case-insensitive string working in unicode/utf-8/locale-independent manner that works on multiple database engines. Is there any such thing? So that I can do query using Restrictions.eq("column_name", "search_string") efficiently. ...

SQL Server: impact of column collation on T-SQL instructions

I discovered(*) today that, depending on the server, my TSQL commands were case-sensitive, meaning that, when one table's column is named tableId, the following instruction might not succeed: SELECT TableId FROM myTable Depending on the column's collation. SQL_Latin1_blablabla seems not to be case-sensitive, when Latin1_blablabla is. ...

COLLATION Conflict For Equal To Operation Sql Server 2000

I have a collation conflict in a stored procedure I am trying to run to send it live... it has been explained here Is there a way to fix the issue without writing the COLLATE database_default next to every problem equ...

Allow special characters SQL Server 2008

I am using SQL Server 2008 express edition and its collation settings are set to default.I wish to store special characeters like á ,â ,ã ,å ,ā ,ă ,ą ,ǻ in my database but it converts them into normal characters like 'a'. How can I stop SQL Server from doing so? ...

Cast collation of nvarchar variables in t-sql

I need to change the collation of an nvarchar variable. By documentation: (...) 3. The COLLATE clause can be specified at several levels. These include the following: Casting the collation of an expression. You can use the COLLATE clause to apply a character expression to a certain collation. Character literals a...

What is Perl's "standard string comparison order"?

This is really a double question, my two end goals having answers to: What is the standard string comparison order, in terms of the mechanics? What's a better name for that so I can update the docs? Perl's documentation for sort says that without a block, sort uses "standard string comparison order". But what is that order? There sho...

Collate information missing when converting a MySQL table from Latin1 to UTF8

I'm converting an existing table such as this: CREATE TABLE `example`(`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `column1` char(32) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `column2` char(64) COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL ...

fluent nhibernate collation conflict

hi, really struggling to resolve this issue. using nhibernate Im trying to join two different tables from two different databases but im getting a collation conflict error. To resolve this issue i know i need to append "collate Latin1_General_CI_AS" to the end of my sql string but have no idea how to do it using nhibernate. Error: Can...

export and import users and database collation issue

Hi , I have mambo 4.6.5 on my source site and joomla 1.5 on destination site. I'm going to move users from first one to second. so I install userport component on joomla 1.5 and then went to mambo database and select my users with this Query : SELECT name, username, email, password FROM mos_users and export them to a CSV file which is...

Case insensitivity for DB Collation - does it affect performance?

Earlier on while I was working on my databases, I wondered if using a case sensitive collation like utf8_bin would increase performance over case insensitive collaction like utf8_general_ci (examples are from MySQL). Does anyone have any comment on this? What about databases other than MySQL? ...

Picking the right SQL Server collation for storage

How does the collation impact SQL Server in terms of storage and how does this affect the Unicode and non-unicode data types? Does the collation impact Unicode storage? or just govern sort rules within the database? When I use the non-unicode data types what restictions are tied to the collation? If restrictions apply, what happens whe...