
SQL Server: Code page translations are not supported for the text data type.

When inserting text into a TEXT column in SQL Server using ADO, i get the error: Code page translations are not supported for the text data type. From: 1257 To: 1252. Now it is true that i've changed my Windows code page to 1257 (Estonian). My question is: How does SQL Server know what code page i'm running in? All strings sent t...

Case sensitive find in Rails

I'm using Mysql with collation utf8_general_ci and for most of my searches it is good. But for one model and one field I want to find a record with case sensitive. How to do it? ...

utf8_unicode_ci vs utf8_general_ci collation differences?

What's the difference between the two types of column/table collations? Which is preferred and why? Any thoughts? ...

Which collation should I use when my entire application goes for UTF-8?

I'm using MySQL, latest version. By default I get *latin1_swedish_ci* which doesn't sound really correct. ...

Is field and table name case sensitive in MySQL?

If I have field names called category_id and Category_Id, are they different? And if I have table name called category and Category, are they different? ...

mysql doesn't take accents into account validating uniqueness of index key

I have a table with just a single field named "tag", which is a varchar(250) the field is defined with collation 'latin1_spanish_ci', because I'm planning to save words in spanish... the problem is that the following query select * from test where tag = 'unó' gives me exactly the same result as select * from test where tag = 'uno' ...

SQL Server multi language data support

Hi everybody! How do you setup a SQL Server 2005 DBMS, so that you can store data in different languages? My exact problem is this: in SQL Server Management Studio I'm writing an insert statement which contains German Umlauts. Text is successfully saved but reading the same value results in text without Umlaut. Consider that I have to...

Looking for case insensitive MySQL collation where "a" != "ä"

Hi all, I'm looking for a MySQL collation for UTF8 which is case insensitive and distinguishes between "a" and "ä" (or more generally, between umlauted / accented characters and their "pure" form). utf8_general_ci does the former, utf8_bin the latter, bot none does both. If there is no such collation, what can I do to get as close as po...

Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_Pref_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

I have the following query: SELECT DISTINCT(po.SONumber) AS [Sales Order No_], po.PONumber AS PoNo, ph.[Buy-from Vendor No_] AS VendorNo, ph.[Pay-to Name], ph.[Document Date], 'Ship-to Name' = CASE WHEN sh.[Ship-to Name] > '' THEN sh.[Ship-to Name] ELSE sih.[Ship-to Name] END, 'Ship-to Post Code' = CASE WHEN sh.[Ship-to Post Cod...

Database connection string and collation

Is it possible to set connection collation within MySql connection string and how, since there's a default setting on the server that's used for new connections. Two things I can't do: Can't call SET COLLATION_CONNECTION after I open a connection, because I'm using Entity Framework that does all the calls for me not entirely true as y...

Using LOAD DATA INFILE with arabic data

I am trying to import a .csv file into a table. I have figured out how to get the data inserted by using the following query: LOAD DATA INFILE 'examplesofdata.csv' INTO TABLE coins FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '' ESCAPED BY '\\' IGNORE 1 LINES; However for several of my fields I have Arabic content which gets entered as a s...

Unduplicatable "Illegal mix of collations" error

I was going through the error log of my Rails application and found that someone had run into the following error: "Mysql::Error: Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=': SELECT * FROM `tags` WHERE (name = LOWER('?')) LIMIT 1" I understand the reasoning for this error, h...

collation conflict

Is there any one who knows how we can solve collation issue in select linq query? I'm getting this error when I want to select data in linq. Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation var lstData = from s in dataTrackDB.datas join b in...

How can I recover Unicode data which displays in SQL Server as ??????

Hi there, I have a database in SQL Server containing a column which needs to contain Unicode data (it contains user's addresses from all over the world e.g. القاهرة‎ for Cairo) This column is an nvarchar column with a collation of database default (Latin1_General_CI_AS), but I've noticed data inserted into it via SQL statements contain...

Unicode characters causing issues in SQL Server 2005 string comparison.

This query: select * from op.tag where tag = 'fussball' Returns a result which has a tag column value of "fußball". Column "tag" is defined as nvarchar(150). While I understand they are similar words grammatically, can anyone explain and defend this behavior? I assume it is related to the same collation settings which allow you to ...

Doing a join across two databases with different collations on SQL Server and getting an error.

I know, I know with what I wrote in the question I shouldn't be surprised. But my situation is slowly working on an inherited POS system and my predecessor apparently wasn't aware of JOINs so when I looked into one of the internal pages that loads for 60 seconds I see that it's a fairly quick, rewrite these 8 queries as one query with J...

How I can obtain the collation of a specific table in a database?

How I can obtain the collation of a specific table in a database? Is it possible that a table have different collation in db? ...

Sql Server Collation

The book I am reading says that SQL Server supports two kinds of character data types—regular and Unicode. Regular data types include CHAR and VARCHAR, and Unicode data types include NCHAR and NVARCHAR. The difference is that regular characters use one byte of storage for each character, while Unicode characters require two bytes per ...

Illegal mix of collations in mySQL

I need to transfer a column from one table to another. The source table has a different collation than the target table (latin1_general_ci and latin1_swedish_ci). I use UPDATE target LEFT JOIN source ON target.artnr = source.artnr SET target.barcode = source.barcode I get an "illegal mix of collations". What is a quick fix to ge...

Sql Server what to do to make collation key from a string value

I receive data files from a source I have no control over (the government) and in the records they have a Company Name field that I actually need to associate with existing company records in my database. I'm concerned that some of the names will vary by minor differences such as 'Company X, Inc.' vs 'Company X Inc'. So my initial thoug...