
Is it possible to change backround color of editor and autocomplete tooltips in Visual Studio?

I changed color scheme for Visual Studio, setting a background color to black. Also I use Visual Assis to enhance color syntax. Now code looks great, but autocompletion list and editor tooltip are shown on the default white background. WIth new color scheme it looks awful. In Completion list and Editor tooltip I can't change enything e...

Setting the colour scheme for a Silverlight app from an external resource

I have a Silverlight 3 application containing six custom user controls. I'd like to load the colour scheme for these controls from an external resource. The code and XAML containing a default colour scheme would be built in the XAP. Then a parameter on the object tag would contain a URL from where alternate colours can be dynamically lo...

Where do you go to find inspiration for website designs?

Starting from scratch is hard. How do you do it? I quite like color lovers for some palette ideas but after that I just browse randomly until I find soemthing that catches my eye. ...

Override colorscheme

I often find myself wanting to change just something little in a colorscheme, but i don't want to edit the original file. I tried putting my change in '~/.vim/after/colors/blah.vim', but that doesn't work for me. Example, I want to change the CursorLine highlight in BusyBee.vim.. ~/.vim/colors/BusyBee.vim I create the file '~/.vim/a...

VBA IDE Color Scheme Add-In

Does anyone know of a VBA add-in that would provide more options for the IDE color scheme? It's pretty limited. Thanks for the help. ...

Websites' color scheme generators - what to do with them in real life?

On the web there are plenty of color scheme/palette generator tools and color palettes galleries. All of these tools/gelleries show many 3 to 5 colors palette as final result. Some of these tools:, I know my question might sound ridicolous to someone who is involved in web dedign, but...

How do I change the background color of the Navigator view in eclipse?

I didn't find any option for that, so I suspect that some views follow the color pattern of the operating system. I'm currently using OS X, and it seems like changing the default background color it's not possible either. What I'm trying to accomplish is to create a dark background theme, but customization seems only possible on some of...

Environment Setting for Highlighted Variable in Visual Studio 2010

Environment Fonts and Colors (Where's the one I'm looking for?) I have custom colors and fonts setup in Visual Studio and I'm now using those in the new VS2010. One new feature that I've noticed is that if you click on a variable, it highlights all instances of that variable in your current file. With my color scheme (a dark backgroun...

ls color schemes

What's your favorite color scheme for ls in bash? There's lots of vim color schemes out there, but I'm having trouble finding any for ls. Does anyone know any good websites with sample ls color schemes? If you've made a custom one, attach a screenshot, along with the line to put in ~/.bash_profile. export LSCOLORS=DxGxcxdxCxegedabag...

What's a good dark colored Visual Studio color-scheme that plays well with Resharper?

I've finally started playing around with Resharper and am loving it! The only problem is that I use a modified Zenburn color-scheme in Visual Studio 2008 and am finding some of the resharper suggestions and tooltips difficult to read. Do you use a dark backgrounded color-scheme in Visual Studio with Resharper? ...

How can I import color schemes into Visual Studio 2010?

I recently came across this website:, which contains a list of color schemes that people have already created. However, I can't find instructions on how to import them into Visual Studio 2010, does anyone know how? PS: I am sorry, if this question has been asked but I cannot find an answer, through search. T...

VS2010 - Font colors for numbers in SQL scripts

OK, see the numbers? I can barely see them because my Visual Studio 2010 theme has the backround as almost-black, and the numbers show up in the default color, which is black. I can't figure out which setting changes the color for a number in a .sql file. Does anyone know? ...

Does anyone know a light Vim scheme which makes coding more readable and pleasant?

I know a lot of nice dark schemes for Vim which makes coding more readable and pleasant such as ir_black, wombat, zenburn. Its weird but I haven't seen so many popular light themes (white background). Does anyone knows a light Vim scheme which makes code more readable and pleasant to see? (that makes code less confusing to distinguish, ...

Is there a Moria like theme for Visual Studio 2010?

Is there some cool Moria like theme for Visual Studio 2010? Mine is highlighting gray font with gray background! I just can't configure it on Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors menu. Visual Studio doesn't seem to show an item for this "highlighting keyword/tag system". You select a variable on variable called myVar, and it...

Android Nexus One - Can I save energy with color scheme?

Hi! I'm wondering what color-scheme is more energy-saving for AMOLED display? I've already decided to manage c-scheme according to ambient light, thanks to this post: Somewhat-proof, the link posted by nickf: Ironic Sans: Ow My Eyes. If you read that in a well lit room, the black-on-white will be the most pleasant to read. If you...

How to decide which colors to use that look most similar across most screens/monitors?

Hi, I'm baffled. I'm trying to find suitable colors for a logo that would look similar across most monitors/screens. I know it's near impossible, but how does one end up with the color palette that new Google logo and Facebook "blue" uses for example? I've a monitor that has been calibrated, and a few laptop screens that have default s...

Color scheme: Smooth Dark

As requested by James McNellis I exported my Visual Studio color scheme and posted it here. It is basically the default Visual Studio color scheme with a dark background and slightly modified colors. Visual Studio 2010 Download: Installation: Select Tools > I...

How to have a dynamic theme color in WPF

In WPF I have a few resource dictionaries and in them styles for my panels and controls in my app. I'm reusing the same colors again and again. I actually have 5 colors and they give my app a good color-scheme. However if I wan't to change the theme I have to go into the RD's and change each and every color there. I would like to somew...

Which option controls the color of this text?

I have applied a color theme called Vibrant Ink (or some modification of it), and since I installed Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools all my statement completion boxes are unreadable. . What setting changes the colors of these boxes? Preferrably, I'd like to change the background color to something darker, but if that's not possible ...

How to convert RGB to BGR?

This is probably easy, but I'm trying to convert from a source which provides colors in RGB strings to an output in BGR strings in Java. I've been busting my brain and time on shifting and Long.decode and Long.toHexString. Feel free to also throw alpha values in there (RGBA -> ABGR), though I think I can extend the principles. I can a...