
Eclipse codebase: is there a place that can intercept all the coloring data?

I'm thinking of making an easy global dark background switch for Eclipse. For example intercept all the colors that are about to be rendered and replace them: (R,G,B) -> (255-R, 255-G, 255-B). Can you suggest Eclipse source spots where it can be done? The current problems are Every language-color pair must be manually modified Ther...

Calculating contrasting colours in javascript

On one of pages we're currently working on users can change the background of the text displayed. We would like to automatically alter the foreground colour to maintain reasonable contrast of the text. We would also prefer the colour range to be discretionary. For example, if background is changing from white to black in 255 increment...

Visual studio 2010 color scheme for vs 2008?

Does anyone know if there exists a color scheme for Visual Studio 2008 so it would look more like the new Visual Studio 2010? If not the whole IDE then at least the "Fonts-Colors" part. ...

How do I create a colour that will match the current visual style?

For our winforms application, we've been asked to colour invalid cells in a DataGridView in a red colour. We need to find a red colour that matches the current visual style but which is still distinctive if the user has chosen a palette with mostly reds. How do I create a colour that will match the current visual style? How do I make ...

Where can I find nice Dark ReSharper (with Color identifiers = on) Themes?

I haven't come across any decent dark Visual Studio 2008 color themes with support for ReSharper's Color identifiers turned on. Have any been published? ...

Color palette (colors used) for RibbonWindow's Office 2007 Black theme?

I am using the Office 2007 Black theme for my RibbonWindow and really like all of the colors it uses. Here is the resource dictionary included in my ribbon window's resources. <ResourceDictionary Source="/RibbonControlsLibrary;component/Themes/Office2007Black.xaml"/> I would like to mirror the colors of this theme in my user controls....

Colorscheme Effects ...

I noticed that a while back a question was asked about personal preferences in terms of color schemes for vim ( Though the author did note that colors can have an effect on your eyes equal in effect to ergnometric keyboard on hands, the q...

Is it possible to setup a color for a specific word in visual studio 9 ?

Hi, I have to use a lot of specific variables at my work (like T_ULONG or T_SWORD) and I'd like them to be displayed as variables (blue color or whatever). It's quite annoying to have whole pieces of code in black and white ... I saw that there were a lot of themes for VS, but these won't solve my problem... Any clues ? Thanks for read...

How do I set up emacs colors correctly?

I've set up two versions: My computer apt-get emacs 23.0.91 Remote server yum emacs 21.4 I've downloaded color-theme-6.6.0, put the files in /usr/share/emacs/-version-/lisp/, and I have this in my .emacs: (require 'color-theme) (color-theme-initialize) (color-theme-midnight) Running emacs in a terminal, all the colo...

What is the best color combination for readability, easy of use, and reduced eye strain?

I am trying to pick out the optimal set of colors for a new website project. I want to do a traditional black on white look and feel for the main content. However my partner on the project wants to do a color combination that more looks like the traditional Windows Forms look and feel. Is there any research available on the best c...

wxPython: Changing the color scheme of a

I have a PyShell, which is supposed to be derived from How do I change the color scheme it uses? ...

How do I show a custom palette in the Designer?

Our graphic designer would like us to use his colour palette for our winforms application. Is it possible to display this palette in the designer, similarly to the system palette, rather than having to enter the colours by hand every time? ...

How to disable appearance change events in WPF?

In Windows Vista whenever we change the appearance from display properties, it is forcing recreation of the windows controls in our application. Is there a way we can disable this events at application level? BTW our application needs to have consistent look and feel across different themes. ...

Generating Color Gradients

I had an idea to programmatically generate matching color schemes however I need to be able to generate a linear gradient given a set of two colors (Hex or RGB values). Can anyone provide me the (pseudo-)code or point me in the right direction to accomplish this task? EDIT: I forgot to mention, but I also need to specify (or know) the ...

image colors extractor API

Hi, Do you know any API to extract main colors from a given image (URL) ? I'd like to use this to make a dynamic CSS color scheme. Thank you. ...

Why the leading "#FF" in hexadecimal color values?

I'm using Expression Blend 3 and writing some of the XAML by hand, specifically the color values of controls. I have a list of RGB colors already converted to hexadecimal. I just need to insert the hex value into my XAML. Initially, I pasted the hex value from an email into the appropriate properties. Before I could finish, Blend start...

GUI design for color blindness

It is common to represent status of an item in a GUI using the colors: red, yellow, green, to mean error, warning, and OK (or something equivalent). However, 7-10% of men have difficulty distinguishing between red and green because of color blindness. So far I've looked at Color Scheme Designer which simulates how people with different...

How do I contract out the design of an ASP.NET MVC Application?

As many of you know MVC applications will have one or more of these View elements. Partial Controls Views Strongly Typed Views And probably others that I don't know yet. As many developers, I am one of those that has no art for design, I can't think about colors, just about logic. I will like to contract out the graphic design of m...

Granularity of Syntax Coloring in Visual Studio

I am crazy about syntax coloring, where different source-code elements are displayed in different colors. Nowadays, good coloring is right up there with proper indentation when it comes to my ability to read code. Taking a look under Tools/Customize/Fonts and Colors, I can see that in some cases there is fine granularity; you can give d...

VIM Colorschemes in Screen & PuTTy?

Hey guys I've been trying to get colourschemes to work properly in VIM when using it over ssh with PuTTy as a client but unfortunately I haven't had much success. I can only get 8bit colours working with PuTTY even though I've enabled 256 colors in putty and set t_Co=256 in VIM. They don't turn out as they should. I've been trying to re...