
Problems making an accurate Visual Studio scheme for Vim (vim scheme specialist needed) .

I'm trying to make an accurate Visual Studio scheme. I set hi function to blood color (#9A1102) for the "CSS function" (e.g. #thisisanid). But now the brackets with properties (id, class) in html elements also have blood color: (ironically the same color here in Stackoverflow). But I want them blue (#2902FC) e.g.: Sample of ...

Visual Studio 2010 + Resharper Tools|Options|Environment|Fonts and Colors

About fonts and colors in the VS2010 C# text editor with Resharper installed. In the following method: public void Method() { var lis = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); var exc = new System.NotImplementedException(); } ArrayList gets another color as NotImplementedException in the VS2010 text editor, be...

Black theme for dreamweaver

Hi, Does anyone a black theme addon for dreamweaver something like this: Thanks ...

How do i customize the Text Editor or color tag parts of my code?

How do i customize, extend the Text Editor or color tag parts of my code? I would like visual studio to color code parts of my code can i use #region and give it a color? Is there any way to make the background between two parathesis have a different color? ( i want each code "block" to have it's own color? I've looked here for some ...

Android easy switch color-scheme of application

Hi! How would you implement different color themes in your app? All I can see now is plain set color onCreate every activity and control... Also, how would you store different color schemes in xml? Just an entries of with different names? Thank you! ...

VIsual Studio 2010 colour schemes compatible with ReSharper?

Are there any colour schemes for VS 2010 (preferably dark schemes) that include settings for ReSharper 5.1? All attempts at google-fu have failed me. The one I'm using at the moment messes up when R# tries to highlight a line because the colours are too similar. I know I could do this myself... and will if I have to. But if there ar...

Similar Color Shades codes

If I see a particular shade of red on a website, how do I find out what the same shade will be in a different color? Example in Green or such? ...

Changing the background color of an intellij pane

I've changed the color scheme in intellij so that the background of the Java editor pane is dark and the text is light. I'm not sure if this is directly related, however, in other windows such as the 'run' window, the background stays white but any system messages are displayed as white text. This is obviously a problem as I can't read...

Drupal: Change Color Scheme Based On Node

A web designer has created a design for our Drupal web site which requires a different color scheme for various sections of the site. Drupal does not support this design requirement by default. Currently I am using JavaScript to change the color scheme based on the page title. After adding some content pages I now realize that this is a...

Emacs - random color theme every hour?

I know that to (funcall (car (nth (random (length color-themes)) color-themes))) gives me a random color theme on every Emacs startup; but I hardly restart Emacs. How do I cycle between random color themes, say, every hour? ...

Vista/7: How to get glass color?

How do you use DwmGetColorizationColor? The documentation says it returns two values: a 32-bit 0xAARRGGBB containing the color used for glass composition a boolean parameter that is true "if the color is an opaque blend" (whatever that means) Here's a color that i like, a nice puke green: You can notice the color is greeny, and th...

How do I make bar plots automatically cycle across different colors?

In matplotlib, line plots color cycle automatically. These two line plots would have different colors. axes.plot(x1, y) axes.plot(x2, y) However, bar plots don't. Both these data series will have blue bars., y), y) How do I make bar plots cycle automatically across a predefined set of colors? ...

MAC OSX vim colors mangled

Here's my setup Mac OSX 10.6 VIM (default version that comes with OSX 10.6) rails.vim (installed in .vim/autoload) ir_black.vim (installed in .vim/colors) i have "colorscheme ir_black" and "syn on" in ~/.vimrc Now when I go into terminal and edit a ruby file with vim my colors are messed up. There are only a few colors showing up and...

How to calculate color shadows codes ?

I would like to know / calculate color codes of N red shadows (N can be 5, 20, or 50, for example). How could I do this ? I noticed, for example, that the following gives some red shadows: R = 255, G = B = 0..255 R = 0..255, G = B = 0 Is there any known method to calculate shadows ? ...

How to give escape characters a different color inside strings in VS editor?

There is no way to do this in the options (at least I couldn't find it). Is it possible though? I would like to have \n, \t, %s, etc. have different colors then the strings that contain them for better readability. ...

How to have colors in vim when :syntax on does nothing ?

Hello, Logged as root on a CentOS 5.3, I can't have colors in vim (7.0.237, minimal, common and enhanced rpms), even with :syntax on ... I can display colors with other commands, so I have colors (I don't know how many !) Any clue ? Thanks. ...

eclipse default preferences file (windows7 32bit)

Guys, I was trying to have a dark color theme for eclipse but I think I imported an epf file for older eclipse versions so everything looks strange now for all programming languages. (colors, fonts, even menu background) I tried to import other other themes, removed eclipse, removed everything related to eclipse from "c:\users" and Wind...

How to change the color scheme for html attributes in NetBeans?

I'm working on a TextMate like color scheme for NetBeans (twilight), I'm almost done, there's only one thing left: I can't set the html attributes highlighting. As you can see normal attributes are okay, but the ID and CLASS attributes are highlighted with this ugly greenish color. How can I fix that? Update Here's the link to the t...

Choosing colors for application

What is the best way to choose colors for LoB app, i need to style TreeView, dropdown's, textboxes and a pivot grid, so i need a bunch of colors, tried Kuler but it gives only 6 colors. So the question is how to do it without designer? ...