
how to allow to type text in combobox placed inside datagrid ???-winform using c#

how to allow combobox placed inside datagrid to type text. it just binding the values already stored in the database. but i need to type the value in the combobox which is not shown in the binded values... how to make the combobox as editable column??? any help... ...

ExtJS: Linked combobox puzzle

Hello guys. I write special combo object to use it as linked combos. Here it is: comboDivClass = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, { fieldLabel: 'Divisions', anchor: '95%', lazyRender:true, store:new{ proxy: proxy, baseParams:{rfb_type:'divi...

WPF ComboBox SelectedIndex changes when IsEnabled is set to false

I am creating an application using the MVVM pattern and somewhere I have a view which contains a ComboBox. <Controls:SettingsComboBox x:Name="Setting" SelectedIndex="{Binding SteeringIndex, Mode=TwoWay}" IsEnabled="{Binding SteerAttached, Mode=TwoWay}"> <ComboBoxItem Content="{Binding Path=on, Source={x:Static Localization:C...

Clean method of providing blank first value in Silverlight Combobox?

I've got a combobox in silverlight that is bound to a list of objects in XAML coming from RIA servcies. Is there a clean method to add a blank value for the first item so that users have to click the dropdown in order to select something? Right now, it just displays the first item, even if the selected index is set to -1. ...

WPF ComboBox get displayed text

I'm having a problem with my combo box and trying to get the text that is displayed in the box. I have the ItemsSource bound to a SqlDataReader, and I'm trying to populate another combo box based on what item is selected in the first combo box. In the first combobox's selection changed event, I'm running a query based on what's selected...

C# WPF - ComboBox to also be a TextBox, for example: just like in office where users can choose Font Size or enter it

Hi, I would like to allow users to choose a Font Size from a ComboBox, but i would also like them to be able to enter the size by there own, i tried out the property: "IsEditable" (and changed it to true as value) of the ComboBox, but when i enter something that isn't in the ComboBox items (for example: my items are- 2,3,4;and i entered-...

backColor of Combobox

when my combox style is DropDownList then setting the BackColor works only on that drop down list that we open by clicking on the combobox but it does Not affect the text area of the combobox where we have not yet clicked the combobox to open its list... how can I do that to get the same back color for the text area too ? ...

Stop highlighting selected item WPF ComboBox

Hi, I'm currently working on a WPF UI and I have a combobox on my window. So I want the user to be able to select an item from this combobox but when it is selected I don't want it to be highlighted in the default blue colour. I assume there is some way to stop this in XAML but I have not been able to find the solution so far. Thanks....

WPF Combobox with auto-complete/auto-filter?

I am eager to find some solid (free, Open Source, or tutorial/example) code to make a WPF Combobox do autocomlete/autofilter as the user types. But everything I've tried so far has had some sort of problem... A Reusable WPF Autocomplete TextBox came close, but I can't get it to work with more than one filter (more info here). WPF autoc...

Silverlight MVVM Combobox Binding getting broken

I have a combo box defined as such <ComboBox Name="RoomDropDown" Visibility="{Binding Path=RoomDropDownVisible,Mode=OneWay,Converter={StaticResource BoolVisibilityConvertor}}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=RoomList,Mode=OneWay}" DisplayMemberPath="display" SelectedValuePath="display" SelectedValue="{Binding Path=R...

How to customise combobox button look in WPF

Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows how to change the look of the button on a wpf combobox? In case you are wondering I just want to change the shape of it and the background. Thanks. ...

Dynamic combo collection_select rails

Dear All, I am using two collection_select Views <%= collection_select(@table, "gm", @strs, "country", "country", {:prompt => "Select Country"}) %> <%= submit_tag value="Proceed-->"%> <%= collection_select(@table, "sp", @pops, "state", "state", {:prompt => "Select State"}) %> <%= submit_tag value="Submit"%> Controller @strs = T...

Silverlight MVVM Combobox Binding getting broken

I have a combo box defined as such <ComboBox Name="RoomDropDown" Visibility="{Binding Path=RoomDropDownVisible,Mode=OneWay,Converter={StaticResource BoolVisibilityConvertor}}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=RoomList,Mode=OneWay}" DisplayMemberPath="display" SelectedValuePath="display" SelectedValue="{Binding Path=R...

Adobe Acrobat 9: Combo boxes and pre-populated fields

situation: I'm trying to implement a pretty basic combo-box form driven pdf file. I have a combo box (CB1)that has these items: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 I would like it so that when Item 1 is selected, it changes a form field (Total) which reflects it's price. For example, user clicks on combo box and selects item 1 and on the Total fie...

Enabling field visibility from combo box selection in Access 2007

I have a form in Microsoft Access 2007 called System, and a combo box called Utility within this form. Below this is yet another combo box called Utility_FOO, and I have disabled its visibility by default. One of the options in Utilities is a checkbox labeled 'FOO.' I want Utility_FOO to become visible whenever FOO is selected. I hav...

Autotab in WPF ComboBox in c#

How do I implement autotab (automatically tabbing to the next field when a field is filled) in a WPF ComboBox in c#? ...

How to get cell level ComboBox for WPF DataGrid?

It looks WFP DataGridComboBoxColumn is using a single ItemsSource for all cells in this column. I have a case where the ComboBox items are dependent on the other cell in the same row. I managed to populate the ItemsSource in PreparingCellForEdit event. However, it doesn't work as desired. Initially, all cells in this column is empty. Onc...

How do I get the value of the Text property when validating a WPF ComboBox.SelectedItem

I am using a ComboBox with IsEditable set to true filled with Employee entities. Typing a valid employee name will select that employee from the list but if a name is typed that doesn't exist in the list, there's no indication that SelectedItem is null. To get around this I have created a simple validation rule on the SelectedItem bindin...

Read-Only Windows Forms combo-box

Is there a way to make a windows forms combo-box read-only? To be specific: the user should be able to type, but only those values within the box should be allowed (using auto-complete or a select from the list). Or is the only way to use the validating event? Regards Mario ...

jQuery: Load data on a combo box depending on another

I have two combo boxes. Let's say the first one had values A, B, C And when I select A the second one should show me options 1, 2, and 3 If I select B, then the second one should have the options 4, 5, and 6 and C should make the second combo box have the options 96, 98, 100. Is there a way to do this via jQuery?? Thank you very muc...