
ExtJS combo load and disable

Hi everybody, I summarize the issue like this. I use a form to edit user information which is loaded from the DB (I get these values through a JSONStore) I want to enable/disable a combo depending on the loaded value of another combo. Example: disable combo2 if the loaded value into combo1 = 0 if I load combo1 = 1, combo2 = 12 : Ev...

Silverlight TreeView in ComboBox (or just a custom dropdown control)

Hi I was wondering if I can have a ComboxBox with a Treeview as the selector rather than a list? I note that there is a ComboBox.ItemsPanelTemplate, but I don't know what I need to do to get this to work? I could build a control 'from the ground-up' with a separate TextBox, Button and TreeView in a PopUp control, but wondered if there...

How to change the date format in combo box?

i'm using TwwDbLookupComboDlg component in delphi 7. I want to change the date format in the combobox (as shown below) from '1/1/2009' to 'Jan 2009', any idea? ...

How to display array of images in Silverlight ComboBox?

I have array of objects with created images (Object.Image), i want to show images in combobox. <ComboBox x:Name="typeSelection" ItemsSource="..." DisplayMemberPath="Image"></ComboBox> Combobox shows Image.ToString(), not image itself, how to fix it. ...

Winforms Combobox SelectedValue is Null

Hi Everyone- I have a data entry form that had several comboboxes on it. Each of the combo boxes has its own binding source and it is populating correctly when I launch the form. However, if I edit the record on the form and try to pass to the database the updated selectedvalue from the combobox I get an error that the value I am pass...

How to add a DataTemplate to a ToolTip for a wpf ComboBox using a Style

I am trying to format a ToolTip in a ComboBox. The following XAML is correctly picking up the value needed for the ToolTip, but not the DataTemplate. <DataTemplate DataType = "ToolTip"> <TextBlock Width = "200" TextWrapping = "Wrap" Text = "{Binding}" /> </DataTemplate> <Style x:Key = "RadComboBoxStyle1" Targ...

ComboBox.MaxDopDownItems is not working when adding items using the Click event

I am populating the ComboBox items with a list using the Click event. When it is already populated the MaxDropDownItems is not working. Does anyone know how to fix this one? Here's the code: List<string> list = new List<string>(); ComboBox cb; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb = new Comb...

windows form combo box problem?

Hi guys, I am writing windows from application in that i am using combo box control. I have already inserted data in combo box. some properties i have sated for combo box are dropdownstyle= dropdown autocompletesource = Listitem autocompletemode= suggested append. now my problem is i would like to restrict user to enter only those val...

Add Custom Control To ComboBox

Hi All I create a custom User control and I want this custom control placed inside a combo box. I'm using this code: public class UserControlComboBox : ComboBox, IMessageFilter { public readonly NimaDatePickerUC.MiladiNimaDatePickerUC UserControl = new NimaDatePickerUC.MiladiNimaDatePickerUC(); protected override void WndProc(r...

How to populate combox using databse

i want to put items in GWT combobox using database. please provide me any suggestion to get the item of GWT-combobox using database. ...

WPF - keyboard behavior in Grouped ListBox vs. Grouped ComboBox

I Want My ComboBox to Behave like The standard ListBox When my data is grouped ListCollectionView and an Expander. I've Noticed that when I use the ListBox I can Move between the item groups and open\close the expandrs, but when I try to switch the ListBox to ComboBox, I get 'trapped' in the group i'm in - While using only the keyboard....

Javascript store not removing all elements before re-adding

So I have a dropdown setup on the page called ddlVehicleType that is populated from a store. This method gets called when another dropdown is changed, and it's supposed to remove all items from the aforementioned store, re-add them as needed, and then populate the dropdown with the new values. It's doing everything it's supposed to EXCE...

Combox Box withing a Data Grid is not populated with data....

I am doing when the form loads up DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ComboTextCol = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn(); ComboTextCol.Headertext = "some"; ComboTextCol.DataSource = GetEmployees().Select(e => new { Name = e.LastName + " ," + e.FirstName, ID = e.EmployeeID }).ToList(); ComboTextCol.ValueMember =...

Set the value of an ExtJS ComboBox to an Object, not an object property

I have a ComboBox in an EditorGrid. I am populating it (trying) using JSON, which is produced by serializing an IList<FertilizerType>. I want the valueField of the ComboBox to be equal to the FertilizerType objects and the displayField equal to FertilizerType.Name Here is a Crop: {\"Id\":1300,\"Active\":true,\"Code\":\"Ammonium Bicarbo...

Can I navigate into and out of a wpf combo box using arrow keys instead of tab?

I have wpf UserControl containing a combobox and a textbox in a row. Currently the only way to move between the components is to tab between them, but I would like to also be able to switch from the combobox to the textbox using the left and right arrow keys. It is not as easy as just slapping an eventhandler on the keyup event. void C...

WPF Can a button carry data to it's event handler.

Ok this might be simple or just not possible. Probably it's something that is frowned upon. Let's say I have a combobox and a button beside it. I choose a item from the combobox and press the button. In my button handler I guess I'm supposed to fetch combobox.selectedValue to get the item ( is there a better way). Let's say I don't ha...

Setting DropDown list width of DataGridView ComboBoxColumn - WinForms

I'm having a datagridview with combobox column in it. This column is databound. I want to set the width of the dropdown list as per the largest item width in the list. For a normal combobox to achieve the same I've used a extension method which will set the width of the combo box by finding the largest width item in the list. This is don...

Combo box with a tree view

Hello all, I have a combobox which when clicked will show a treeview in the drop down. In the displayed tree view you can check and uncheck treeview items. But when I double click on treeview items I am getting a part of tree view displayed in the editable text box of the combobox. I dont want anything to be displayed there? How to get r...

Make the WPF Combobox popup stay always open, make disappear with mouse click on "x"

I have a WPF Combobox with a ListView + "X"-Button in the Popup-DropDown. I am showing search results in that listview. How can I make the popup close ONLY when the user clicks my "X"-Button in the popup? ...

extjs 3 - Stop combobox from collapsing when [+] in tree within combobox is clicked

hi everyone I have implemented tree within combobox using idea from this thread but when [+] or arrow on tree is clicked, the combobox collapses Is there any way to stop this???????? Please help me....Thanks alot....... Regards ...