
PHP: Executing Command Line Application That Prompts Users

I have a command line application I need to execute from my PHP web application. Say the command is the following: foo -arg1 -arg2 -arg3 Based on certain conditions, the command line application will prompt user to hit the enter key (e.g. "Please press enter to continue."). From my PHP application, how do I execute the command line A...

How to count lines on a document ?

Hey there ... I have lines like these, and I want to know how many lines I actually have... 09:16:39 AM all 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94.00 09:16:40 AM all 5.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91.00 09:16:41 AM all 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ...

Creating an alternative to bash for Mac OS X

Is a shell a normal CLI application, or is it different from an application that accepts input from standard input, and outputs the result on standard output? ...

Can't seee ClickOnce error before window closes

I have a ClickOnce cmd line app that is throwing an exception on initialise. I can't see details of the exception because the console window closes before I can see it. I have tried launching (my using the shortcut from the start menu, simply dropping it on to the console window) but it launches a separate console, writes the error to ...

Zend Tool CLI always creates index action index view

I have the following problem with Zend tool (component of Zend Framework) When I give the command to create a controller without a index action the action is still created. I use the following command: zf create controller auth 0 Is this the wrong command or is there a problem with zend tool. I use version 10.6 of Zend Framework ...

Receiving console output

Is there a way to execute a program and receive the console output in c++ instead of displaying the console window? I am trying to do a command line call but provide a GUI instead of the console output. ...

How to get expect -c to work in single line rather than script

Hi I was wondering if anyone had any examples of how to use expect with -c. Running: my_machine~/opt/ams/data/ep/success$ expect -c "spawn /usr/bin/scp xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1_2.xml [email protected]:/opt/ams/epf_3_4/xmlEventLog_2010-03-22T14-28-36_PFS_1277900174_2.xml; expect { '*password:*' { send 'ad'\r\n }}" Doe...

How to find out how long my task is taking

Not the cpu time but the real world time. This is what I do right now. date my_task date But this requires keeping an eye on the screen all 5 mts. There should be a better way. I'm using mac. ...

Best way to open an URL in Vim

Lets say that you have either URL or a link on a webpage that is a text file. How would be the easiest way for the user to be able to open that file in a Vim? Right click and save link as? Use a specific file extension that defaults to Vim? Command line command? ...

Adding files to redmine via command line

We have an automatic build system that spits out packages, regression-tested & wrapped into a neat installer, ready for end-users to d/l & deploy. We do tracking of end user support requests/bug reports via redmine. So far we uploaded the packages manually to the resp. 'Files' section of the redmine project, via the web interface. What ...

Debugging in Xcode: "Wait for next launch/push notification" not working.

Okay: I'm stuck! I wrote a little command-line-tool which I successfully debugged using the "Wait for next launch/push notification"-option, the other day -- worked like a charm. I updated Xcode. Now, I wanted to investigate an edge-case of said tool and therefore wrote a very short test-tool. I... set the exact same option, added b...

Creating Hudson jobs and views from command line

Can I create Hudson jobs from the command line?? If yes, can views be created the same way?? ...

Scripting and basic development tools for Windows?

I'm seeking suggestions for tools I can use on Windows to perform simple scripting and general Java development related tasks on a command line or other non-GUI interface (i.e. moving files about, starting/stopping servers, running Maven, etc.). I'm accustomed to using Cygwin which provides a virtual Linux development environment but I ...

Running command line commands within Ruby script

Is there a way to run command line commands through Ruby? I'm trying to create a small little Ruby program that would dial out and receive/send through command line programs like 'screen', 'rcsz', etc. It would be great if I could tie all this in with Ruby (MySQL backend, etc.) ...

Getting the path of a batch script without a trailing backslash, but using a single line of code?

Suppose I wish to get the absolute path of a batch script from within the batch script itself, but without a trailing backslash. Normally, I do it this way: SET BuildDir=%~dp0 SET BuildDir=%BuildDir:~0,-1% The first statement gets the path with the trailing backslash and the second line removes the last character, i.e. the backslash....

Redirect Windows Screen Output (command window) to FTP

I am trying to send output from a DOS command that normally is displayed on screen to an FTP site. I know I can do it in two steps (redirect to a file and then ftp the file), but I am hoping to skip the materializing it as a file first (it's going to be a big file). Example: I can create a directory list file: dir c:\ >c:\dirlist.txt a...

Passing Maven Compiler Options From The Command-line

I am setting up several projects on a continuous integration server, some of which I don't have access to change the source code to, The server is a linux box, I am running into a problem where maven encoding needs to be changed to UTF8 to be able to compile on the box. Since I don't have access to modify the pom file, I was wondering if...

Force assembly dependencytype install on msbuild.exe while publishing via command line

While publishing files from command line msbuild /target:publish I have following issue - the generated manifest file set's for used dll dependencyType='prerequisite'. I would like force msbuild to use dependancyType='install'. <dependentAssembly dependencyType="preRequisite" allowDelayedBinding="true"> <assemblyIdentity name="mydlln...

Command Line arguments from a Cocoa App

Hey guys, I know there is a lot of info out there on how to do this, but I was wondering if using NSTask is the best way to call command line arguments from a Cocoa App. Also, if I wanted to use something like "dns-sd ..." (something that doesn't end until interrupted or killed), would calling a kill on it using NSTask be the best way t...

How to run a java program without a console

I need to run an java program even the terminal is closed.... in server.... ...