
Has anyone published a detailed comparison between different in-memory RDBMSs?

There are quite a few independent and not-so-independent studies comparing traditional RDBMSs but I haven't managed to find any good material on in-memory databases. I am primarily interested in ones specialized for OLTP. So far, I managed to find generic white papers on TimesTen and MySQL Cluster, but I have yet to see a head-to-head c...

What is the fastest way to find if an array of byte arrays contains another byte array?

I have some code that is really slow. I knew it would be and now it is. Basically, I am reading files from a bunch of directories. The file names change but the data does not. To determine if I have read the file, I am hashing it's bytes and comparing that to a list of hashes of already processed files. There are about 1000 files in each...

Checking string in Firefox

I am using var txtname=document.getElementById('<%=txtname.ClientID%>').value; if (txtName == "") .... but in FF this is not working. This condition never become true. Even if it has no value. In IE and Chrome its working fine. Can anyone let me know how to solve this..... ...

Bug in SubSonic.Comparison.In

With the following code: IEnumerable<int> LocalityIds = new List<int>(); PersonCollection pc = new PersonCollection(). Where(Person.Columns.AddressLocalityId, SubSonic.Comparison.In, LocalityIds). Load(); Although the initial collection is empty Subsonic still returns all records?...

Compare two structs' values in C#

I'm not looking for a comparison of two structs that returns bool, I am wondering if there is a way to get which fields of two structs (the same structure, but maybe different values) are different. Basically I want a simpler way to do the following: public class Diff { public String VarName; public objec...

comparing lists and finding unique entries

Hello, I have two lists of names, A and B. I need to produce three lists: 1) names only on A 2) names only on B 3) names on both A and B I also have a list with all the names on A and B, C. Can anyone think of Unix tools or quick scripts to do this? ...

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using mdf vs sql db server

What is the difference between using SQL Express .mdf file and an actual SQL Server DB? Why wouldn't I use .mdf file for everything? Is there a size or performance limitation that would prompt me to use SQL Server DB? I currently use actual SQL Server DB's for every project I work on so I am just curious to know if an .mdf file might be ...

What do you believe to be the best CSS Grid system and why?

I've been using Nicole Sullivan's "Object Oriented" CSS grid for a while now (hate the term, though) and have found it to be quite good. However, as I get more experience with grids, I'm noticing a lot of other frameworks out there; in particular the 960 Grid System and the Yahoo! UI Library. I'm looking for other peoples' experiences ...

Active Directory vs OpenLDAP

What are the main diffrences between these two implementations of LDAP protocol? Which is better for heterogenous environment? Any good websites about this topic? ...

How do you remember the LESS THAN and GREATER THAN operators?

I have been programming for about 5 years now, and still can't seem to understand, nor remember, what is less than, and what is greater than (< and >, respectively). I tend to debug twice every time I need to use this in a conditional, because I almost never get this right. Any guides to remembering and learning this? ...

Basic difference between .net 3.5 and 4.0

Hi, Please tell me the basic difference between dotnet 2008 and 2010(3.5 and 4.0) Regards, jignesh chauhan ...

Order of items being compared?

I've seen this around, but never heard a clear explanation of why... This is really for any language, not just C# or VB.NET or Perl or whatever. When comparing two items, sometimes the "check" value is put on the left side instead of the right. Logically to me, you list your variable first and then the value to which you're comparing....

Diff tool which generates documentation?

I have tried Beyond Compare, and it seems to be a good tool. But I haven't found a way to export an overview of the differences. The format of it should be one that most people can reader. Doc, Rtf, Pdf, Html... What I need is to display the differences of two folder. And it would be enough to display which files has been changed. But ...

Comparing a string to an array in objective-C

Dear all, here's a very basic question, that I'm sure you will be able to answer quickly. Please don't laugh at my ignorance. I have a string, that I want to compare to an array of strings. Only if the string is not part of the array, I want to perform an operation. I tried the following code, that doesn't work. I do understand why, bu...

Can diff be beaten at its own game?

I'm looking for the appropriate algorithm to use to compare two files. I think I can do better than diff due to some added constraints. What I have are two text files each containing a list of files. They are snapshots of all the files on a system taken at two different times. I want to figure out which files have been added or deleted ...

compare two datetime values from SQL Server with c#

i want to know how compare two datetime values one who is retreived from sql database and the other is the current one with c# ...

What is the quickest way to compare two servers' IIS settings?

I am having non uniform results for applications running on two Windows 2003 Servers running IIS. Is there a way to quickly dump IIS configurations to a file for comparison? Are there good tools to compare two IIS servers? ...

Open source vs Microsoft technologies as a career foundation.

I am currently unemployed and i am fortunate enough to have two job choices in front of me: Web development for an american company that is about to open an office here (Mexico), this company owns a few portals. They work mostly with open source stuff (LAMP development, integration of 3rd party API's). Enterprise web application develo...

Comparison method for sorting that shuffles equal elements randomly

Here's a puzzle for you. I want to change the following comparison method, so that when two items are considered equal, they will be shuffled randomly. myList.Sort( (x, y) => x.Score.CompareTo(y.Score) ); I could imagine that this scenario would be useful when ordering search results if you didn't want to give preference to one resul...

ASP.NET MVC vs WebForms: speed and architecture comparison

I had an argument with one of my friends who is an architect at a pretty large internet company. Basically he was saying that ASP.NET MVC is not for large-scale enterprise applications, that it is not as flexible as WebForms, and that an MVC app will be slower than a web forms app. From my own experience working with MVC, I can say tha...