
windows mobile releasing resources when application is closed (.net 3.5 cf)

I have a basic .net 3.5 cf application with 4+ forms. I am using a window handler class that I created to make sure that certain forms only have one instance open at a time where as other (Product Details for example) can be opened as many times as the user wants. My problem lies in the fact that when the user closes all the forms (By ...

Comparing records in file and reporting stats - Scenario 2

The requirements are : Fact 1 : We have some data files produced by a legacy system Fact 2 : We have some data files produced by a new system that should eventually replace the legacy one Fact 3 : Both the files are text/ASCII files, with records being composed of multiple lines. Each line, within a record, consists of a fieldname a...

Comparing records in file and reporting stats - Scenario 1

The requirements are : Fact 1 : We have some data files produced by a legacy system Fact 2 : We have some data files produced by a new system that should eventually replace the legacy one Fact 3 : Both the files are text/ASCII files, with records being composed of multiple lines. Each line, within a record, consists of a fieldname a...

Looking for pros/cons of using GWT or JSF

I'm a long time Java developer who has been building UI with Adobe Flex for the past few years. I'm looking to broaden my repertoire with a RIA technology that runs in a plain-old browser, no plug-ins required. I've read a lot about GWT but don't know much about JSF, especially given the varying implementations. Below are some criteri...

PHP compare array

Is there anyway to compare arrays in php using an inbuilt function, short of doing some sort of loop? $a1 = array(1,2,3); $a2 = array(1,2,3); if (array_are_same($a1, $a2)) { // code here } Well you get the idea :D ...

sorting algorithm where pairwise-comparison can return more information than -1, 0, +1

Most sort algorithms rely on a pairwise-comparison the determines whether A < B, A = B or A > B. I'm looking for algorithms (and for bonus points, code in Python) that take advantage of a pairwise-comparison function that can distinguish a lot less from a little less or a lot more from a little more. So perhaps instead of returning {-1,...

How does Python OOP compare to PHP OOP?

I'm basically wondering if Python has any OOP shortcomings like PHP does. PHP has been developing their OOP practices for the last few versions. It's getting better in PHP but it's still not perfect. I'm new to Python and I'm just wondering if Python's OOP support is better or just comparable. If there are some issues in Python OOP wh...

ORM frameworks

I need to collect some information about existing ORM solutions. Please feel free to write about any programming language. Can you tell about the best ORM framework you ever use and why is it better then others? ...

IIS Webservice versus WCF Windows Service (.NET)

I have to fetch some data from a .NET application using another .NET application. I am wondering which are the pros and cons of each approach. In my case both solutions will work, but, as my service consumes much memory, I fear that IIS could multiply unnecessarly the instances increasing the memory load. Should I provide this service as...

searching unicode string

hi, I am working in a application that takes unicode string as a input. I successfully obtained the sets of words as a list. Now i need to search the input string in the given sets of string that are in the list. I tried to compare the given string with each string in the list but only gets the unrecognised characters as an output. I thi...

In AQTime 4, how can performance results be compared when they came from builds installed in different directories?

For example, if I profile: C:\Program Files\Application Build 1\MyApp.exe C:\Program Files\Application Build 2\MyApp.exe And I then import both sets of results into a single AQTime project and attempt to compare them, AQTime doesn't match up any of the corresponding functions in each. I'm assuming that while it's comparing, when it com...

Scanning a drive with drilldowns using C#?

Hey there I'm trying to create an application which scans a drive. The tricky part though, is that my drive contains a set of folders that have folders within folders and contain documents. I'm trying to scan the drive, take a "snapshot" of all documents & folders and dump into a .txt file. The first time i run this app, the output wi...

Comparing two matrices in Matlab

I have two matrices x and y, both are results from different algorithms/routines that are supposed to calculate the same result. While I know that the isequal() would check if x and y are the same matrix, the entries in those matrices would not be exactly the same (i.e. some entries may be with 5% off in worst case scenario). In this sce...

PhysX for massive performance via GPU ?

I recently compared some of the physics engine out there for simulation and game development. Some are free, some are opensource, some are commercial (1 is even very commercial $$$$). Havok, Ode, Newton (aka oxNewton), Bullet, PhysX and "raw" build-in physics in some 3D engines. At some stage I came to conclusion or question: Why should...

sequence ID for handling reliability

I'm trying to figure out a simple way to handle reliability for UDP messages. I figured I would just send each one with a sequencing ID and by comparing the ID to the one previously received, a loss can be detected. I would normally just use integers however the idea that it would just keep incrementing indefinitely did not sit right wit...

Fast Lightweight Image Comparisson Metric Algorithm

Hi All, I am developing an application for the Android platform which contains 1000+ image filters that have been 'evolved'. When a user selects a photo I want to present the most relevant filters first. This 'relevance' should be dependent on previous use cases. I have already developed tools that register when a filtered image is ...

xml comparison

I need to compare two xml chunks: They are semantically equivalent once we see that the "type" attribute is QName and not just a string. Is there a tool that can do such a comparison once I provide the schema? Also, is there such an api? ...

Java Large Files Disk IO Performance

I have two (2GB each) files on my harddisk and want to compare them with each other: Copying the original files with Windows explorer takes approx. 2-4 minutes (that is reading and writing - on the same physical and logical disk). Reading with twice and comparing the byte arrays on a byte per byte basis takes 20...

Retrieving MySQL records based on a variable set of points of comparison.

Let's say I have a MySQL table, people. Each record comprises a variety of properties, among these favourite_colour, country, and age_group. What I would like to do is retrieve records from this table by their similarity to a set of specific parameters. Given "Red", "United States", and "18-25", for example, the best results would be th...

Finding equality in items in two lists of differing types

I have two objects that are derived from same the base class. Lets say ObjA is the base class, and ClassB and ClassC inherits ObjA. If I have a dim lst1 as List(Of ClassB) dim list2 as List(Of ClassA) and and I want to check for the existence of something being in lst1 that it is in list2, now I am only interested in comparing ...