
Determine the differences between two nearly identical photographs

This is a fairly broad question; what tools/libraries exist to take two photographs that are not identical, but extremely similar, and identify the specific differences between them? An example would be to take a picture of my couch on Friday after my girlfriend is done cleaning and before a long weekend of having friends over, drinking...

Are there any reasons to use SGML instead of XML?

As I understand it, XML is a subset of SGML conceived to simplify it and encourage a more widespread usage. I guess most useful features was brought into XML, but are there any features in SGML powerful enough to motivate using it instead of XML (and accepting the overhead in complexity)? ...

Sql Un-Wizardry: Compare values from one list in another

I have a comparison I'd like to make more efficient in SQL. The input field (fldInputField) is a comma separated list of "1,3,4,5" The database has a field (fldRoleList) which contains "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" So, for the first occurrence of fldInputField within fldRoleList, tell us which value it was. Is there a way to achieve the followin...

Are merges in subversion more difficult than in Team Foundation System?

I'm used to using TFS, and my company is now switching to SVN for a new project (the main reason is to better incorporate our java & .Net codebase under the same source control). I am given to understand merges in subversion are hard (Jeff mentioned this in his latest podcast). What are the problems with subversion, when compared to ...

How different is Ext JS from others like jQuery and Mootools

When looking at Ext JS, I don't get the feeling that it's meant for the same things as jQuery and Mootools. Whilst jQuery and Mootools help with the general workings of a site, Ext JS seems to be focussed on tables and storing data, plus manipulating it. So, is this observation correct, or is Ext Js fit for the same work as jQuery and ...

Are there any issues or benefits I should be aware of from switching my Java development from Windows to Mac?

I have been given the option to either have a Windows laptop or a Mac laptop to do my Java development on. Before committing to one of these, I thought I would find out if there are any issues or benefits I should know about using a Mac laptop over a windows laptop? One thing I did hear was that the Java JDK releases are not always the ...

Advanced SQL Data Compare throught multiple tables

Hello, Consider the situation below. Two tables (A & B), in two environments (DEV & TEST), with records in those tables. If you look the content of the tables, you understand that functionnal data are identical. I mean except the PK and FK values, the name Roger is sill connected to Fruit & Vegetable. In DEV environment : Table A 1 Ro...

Industry benchmarks to assess data mining tools

Hi I'm looking for data mining tools for a project and in line with that I have put up another post in SO. I'm currently looking at different tools and am wondering whether any industry benchmark exists to asses different data mining tools so that I can refer it do a better evaluation of tools. Please let me know if any such benchmark ...

Version Comparision of User Generated and Modified Content

I'm working on a project constructing an online collaboration tool. Looking at Wikipedia, I noticed that user-generated itterations of a page can easily be compared to each other; the comparison highlights the differences. Conceptually, what would I need to implement to do pretty much exactly the same? ...

Degradable HTML layout for comparing two images

How to create web page for comparing two images, preferably using only (X)HTML and CSS, without JavaScript and DHTML / AJAX? The simplest solution would be to put two images side by side together, either touching or almost touching and centered both, or each centered in its own half of page. The problem in robust solution is with degrad...

Image comparison - fast algorithm

I'm looking to create a base table of images and then compare any new images against that to determine if the new image is an exact (or close) duplicate of the of the base. For example: if you want to reduce storage of the same image 100's of times, you could store one copy of it and provide reference links to it. When a new image is e...

compare string contents in haskell

I have a 2 lists of strings eg: listx = ["name","age","rank"] input = ["name","age"] How can I compare the two lists to check whether the listx contains "name" & "age" given in input? ...

Sorted list difference

Hello. I have the following problem. I have a set of elements that I can sort by a certain algorithm A . The sorting is good, but very expensive. There is also an algorithm B that can approximate the result of A. It is much faster, but the ordering will not be exactly the same. Taking the output of A as a 'golden standard' I need to ...

ImageMagick vs GraphicsMagick

Hello there, I've found myself evaluating both of these libs. Apart from what the GraphicsMagick comparison says, I see that ImageMagick still got updates and it seems that the two are almost identical. So, what should I use for standard image manipulation using C++? (i.e. image load, filters, display) Thank you! QbProg ...

What does === do in PHP.

I have been programming in PHP for a while but I still dont understand the difference between == and ===. I know that = is assignment. And == is equals to. So what is the purpose of ===? ...

Sharepoint Calculated column formula for date-time comparison

Hi, I have two columns C1 and C2, both of type date and time in a document library. Now i want to create a calculated column C3 using which i could know which column(C1 or C2) is having greater value. I tried following formula for calculated column IF(C1>C2, 1,0) it works perfectly fine, but if i replace C1 with 'Modified' column it doe...

MySQL Trigger based Audit logging with comparisons

In looking at similar questions like: I would like to take this one step further and compare the updated data to see if it actually has been updated... I'm not...

Boost bjam versus GNU make

I am a newbie to Boost C++ libraries. I was wondering if there are any advantages of Boost bjam over GNU make? And what are the cons if I use make for building C++ code utilizing Boost.Python libraries? ...

How best to compare to 0 in PHP?

In one bit of code I'm working on, I need to pull a value from the database and check if it is 0. Originally, I had written this as: if ($myVal == 0) { ... But when I looked at it again today, I realised a bug there: var_dump("foo" == 0); // bool(true) // and while we're here... var_dump(intval("foo")); // int(0) Since this value...

compare buffer with const char* in C++

What is the correct C++ way of comparing a memory buffer with a constant string - strcmp(buf, "sometext") ? I want to avoid unnecessary memory copying as the result of creating temporary std::string objects. Thanks. ...