
MOTODEV Studio vs. Android Google plugin

Does anybody have any advice, experience, suggestions? I'm pretty comfortable with Google plugin - what would make me change to MOTODEV? Needless to say - I will download and play with it but I'm also interested in fellow developer's feedback. ...

Language Syntax Comparison

I'm interested in learning a new language. Does anyone know of a website with the same program (maybe a Hello World) written in several different languages (maybe 10-15 or so), so that I can get an idea of how the syntaxes compare. ...

Comparing floating point values

I just read a statement about the floating point value comparison Floating point values shall not be compared using either the == or != operators. Most floating point values have no exact binary representation and have a limited precision. If so what is the best method for comparing two floating point values? ...

C# implementation of deep/recursive object comparison in .net 3.5

I am looking for a C# specific , open source (or source code available) implementation of recursive, or deep, object comparison. I currently have two graphs of live objects that I am looking to compare to each other, with the result of the comparison being a set of discrepancies in the graphs. The objects are instantiations of a set of ...

How can I compare md5 checksums in Perl?

I'm trying to compare the checksum value of a file. One variable $a has the checksum (output of md5sum command, only the hexadecimal part) and the same value is in variable $b. If I do ($a == $b), I am getting an error, but if I do ($a eq $b) it gives not equal. Thanks for your answers, it worked in string comparison after trimming th...

Comparing two List<string> for equality

Other than stepping through the elements one by one, how do I compare two lists of strings for equality (in .NET 3.0): This fails: // Expected result. List<string> expected = new List<string>(); expected.Add( "a" ); expected.Add( "b" ); expected.Add( "c" ); // Actual result a...

Web Services vs WCF , advantage and disadvantages .

Hi All, I want to clear my doubts about some questions related to web services and WCF. Following are my doubts.. What is the message format in Web Services , like in WCF every message is a SOAP message? Can we use TCP/IP protocol in Web Services if not then why not ? Why we use DataContractSerializer in WCF while we already had XMLSe...

Java: Always override equals?

When writing one's own classes, is it always necessary to override equals(Object o)? If I don't, will it automatically check that all the fields are the same? Or does it just check if the two variables point to the same object? ...

Compare array attributes

I would like to compare two array items with php, I think I should use array_intersect_key but I don't know how I can do that. Array 1 [1] =&gt; obj Object ( [idobj:protected] =&gt; 2 ) [2] =&gt; obj Object ( [idobj:protected] =&gt; 1 ) Array 2 [1] =&gt; obj Object ...

Typecasting based on a variable

How would I go about the following... I have a control that can be bound to different data types... String, Int, Int32, DateTime, etc... but generically the result is stored into a generic "object" data type. So, I use another field to identify the EXPECTED type such as.. String BoundDataType = "System.String" // or System.Int32 or ...

Make encoding uniform before comparing strings in PHP

I'm working on a feature which requires me to get the contents of a webpage, then check to see if certain text is present in that page. It's a backlink checking tool. The problem is this - the function runs perfectly most of the time, but occasionally, it flags a page for not having a link when the link is clearly there. I've tracked ...

Struts Versus Spring

Hi. Wanna ask which is better to use. Struts or spring. What are its edges over the other and the difference on their flow or how they work. ...

What is the rationale for all comparisons returning false for IEEE754 NaN values?

Why do comparisons of NaN values behave differently from all other values? That is, all comparisons with the operators ==, <=, >=, <, > where one or both values is NaN returns false, contrary to the behaviour of all other values. I suppose this simplifies numerical computations in some way, but I couldn't find an explicitly stated reaso...

language popularity figures (C++, C#, Java, PHP, flash script, etc.)

I need to find figures that show how many programmers world wide, has each of the following languages as their primary programming language. C C++ C# Object-C Java JavaScript VB.NET VB6 (or older) VBA PHP flash scripts Ruby Does anyone know of such comparison figures? If not. Do you know of a good way to research this? I could compare...

Build a compare list

I want to have a vehicle comparison view for my Django app where the user checks off several vehicles from the list then all the chosen vehicles are displayed on another page with their individual features alongside each other. How should I go about this? ...

Any particular advantage to using json over xml with Flash

Well is there? From everything I've read, it seems like the answer is no,but was wondering if anybody has a differing opinion. ...

High performance comparison of signed int arrays (using Intel IPP library)

We're trying to compare two equally sized native arrays of signed int values using inequality operations, <, <=, > and >=, in a high performance way. As many values are compared, the true/false results would be sotred in a char array of the same size of the input, where 0x00 means false and 0xff means true. To accomplish this, we're usi...

Can Silverlight do everything Flash can?

I don't know much about multimedia development and am having some trouble comparing Silverlight and Flash in terms of capability. In other words, is there anything that can be accomplished in Flash that cannot be accomplished in Silverlight (and vice-versa)? I'm talking more in terms of graphical ability, layout, etc. For example, coul...

Java and .NET. Software written using both technologies.

I'm trying to understand trends of the languages. This might be not a "real programming question", but i hope people will correct me promptly. Currently there are two languages/trends/technologies that i'm interested in: Java and .NET. These are two worlds. There's an opinion that: 1. Java is most often used in connection with Oracle...

Differences between Silverlight 2.0 and 3.0

I am migrating a graphics intensive Silverlight application from 2.0 to 3.0 and at the same time evaluating if there are new features in Silverlight it could expose. What features would you suggest are the most important new ones in Silverlight 3.0? I have gone over the Silverlight Wikipedia article which suggested the following are th...