
Comparing colors in Objective-C

Hi! I'm trying to determine if two colors are equivalent, using code written in Objective-C. I'm using this snippet of code to determine if the two colors are equivalent (currently for debugging purposes) NSLog(@"currentColor is %@", currentColor); NSLog(@"Adjacent Color is %@",[[buttonArray objectAtIndex:1] backgroundColor]); NSLo...

Difference Between QuickGraph from CodePlex and CodeProject

I'm wanting to use QuickGraph to draw some graphs in C# using GraphViz. I've had a look at the libraries available from CodePlex and CodeProject. They appear to be quite different. What are the major differences between the two? ...

Is C faster than C++?

I've heard many opinions on this subject, but never saw any good proofs that C is faster than C++. So, C faster than C++? EDIT: This is a Runtime comparison. ...

Validate Broken Up Time/Date jquery

Using this validation plugin I am trying to do a check to make sure start-date is before end-date The date is broken up into multiple drop downs. here is the start date html, the end is very similar I am using jquery to populate the fields with numbers and values, also using jquery to set the start date to a certain time and end date ...

Where can I find a list of COM libraries with no .NET equivalent?

Does a list exist that compares and contrasts Windows' COM components with their .NET equivalents, e.g. ADSI <-> System.Directory WMI <-> System.Management etc.? I am especially interested in a list of COM components that have no .NET equivalent. My Google-Fu failed me badly on this one... Thanks! ...

PHP syntax question

I found this line of code and I'm trying to comprehend what it's doing. The part I'm not familiar with is the question mark and the colon. What are these characters used for? $string = $array[1] . ($array[0] === 47 ? '' : ' word'); ...

IronPython to Original Python comparison. What can I expect from the first one?

I wish to learn Python but I'm working all day in .Net as a C# developer, so I decided to download and install IronPython and integrated IronPython studio. How different or similar from the original Python it is? As a .Net developer can I expect to run conventional Python script in .Net environment with no problem or this is just the sam...

How do I compare the fields/properties between POCOs?

Let's say I have a POCO: public class Person { public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } public IList<Person> Relatives { get; set; } } I want to compare two instances of Person to see if they're equal to each other. Naturally, I would compare Name, DateOfBirth, and the Relatives collection...

Do you use online or local help in Visual Studio / Are there downsides of one over the other?

Well I am sure that most people have seen the following: This time, I did not install the local MSDN so I do not have the option of Local help, however I usually always use the first option of look online anyway. I was wondering if there are any downsides to not installing MSDN? The only one I have found so far is that dynamic help ...

How best to handle time arithmetic for a scheduling app?

Im building a bus schedule app. In the mysql db I have a 'time' field that is static - let's say 15:23 which is the scheduled time for the bus and never changes from one day to the next - the bus always comes at 15:23. It's 3:20 PM and the user is running for the bus stop. How do I present the user with "The next bus is in 3 minutes" T...

Which Is The Major Differences Between Windows XP, Vista And 7 At The Development Side

Hello, Recently I installed Windows 7 in my development machine just to test, with it I installed Visual Studio 2010, but I was thinking in what are the major differences between the development for/under Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7?, how about .Net Framework 4? ...

How to perform an inexact compare in Java beans?

I have a large (more than 100K objects) collection of Java objects like below. public class User { //declared as public in this example for brevity... public String first_name; public String last_name; public String ssn; public String email; public String blog_url; ... } Now, I need to search this list for an obje...

String comparison - strA.ToLower()==strB.ToLower() or strA.Equals(strB,StringComparisonType)?

As per title, what practise for string comparisons do you use and why? ...

Generic suggestions for SQL 2005 Framework\Design and Implementation

I'm renovating an existing ASP.Net web-app which has a full-fledge functional SQL 2005 DB as its backend. By full--fledge functional I mean that there're many things (infact almost ALL the CRUD operations) that are being handled from within the DB using SP. So, my first question is that is an extensive usage of SP good based on paramete...

PHP - Which word is properly typed?

Hey, I'm looking for help on writing a script to check a list of phrases/words and compare them to one another and see which one is the properly typed phrase/word. $arr1 = array('fbook', 'yahoo msngr', 'text me later', 'how r u'); $arr2 = array('facebook', 'yahoo messenger', 'txt me l8r', 'how are you'); So, in comparing each index...

Is there a way to compare the appearance and/or source HTML of 2 browser tabs?

I'm working on a web based application, and in order to test my changes, I'd like to be able to compare the visual rendering (perhaps by way of overlaying) and the source HTML (diff style) of 2 browser tabs (development vs production). I'm happy to use any browser to do this. I've already got a couple of scripts that pull the HTML from...

Limitations of using VS2010 Professional with TFS 2010 Basic?

I'm currently in the process of investigating TFS 2010, as it's been agreed that we'll be getting VS2010 Professional when it's released and it comes with TFS Basic (we're currently stuck with VSS, and were considering moving to SubVersion prior to the TFS Basic announcement). I've downloaded an installed the Beta 2 of TFS 2010 and insta...

PHP - Find next available time slot

I'm looking for help in writing a script to find the next available time slot. Ex: Person A wants an appointment and the available time slots everyday is 9am, 12pm, 4pm, 6pm, 9pm So, I need to check existing data and compare the time slots booked for the other appointments and then find next available. $apts = array( 'Person ...

How is Java an 'imperative' programming language and not a 'declarative' one?

Specially in comparison to C/C++ (which are declarative), how is Java imperative? ...

Differences Between Hugs, Yhc and GHCi

There are differences between Hugs, Yhc and GHCi? If there are differences, What are they? ...